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I just spent 4 hours and 14 consecutive minutes on Instagram. My daily usage was 2 hours and 3 minutes this last week.
>consooming the 30 second video format
You're rotting your brain.
Port your number to jmp.chat, throw your smartphone out the window of a moving car, and add instagram to your hosts database.
Sounds like you need a dumb phone since you have no self control.
stop doing that
Simple trick that works wonders:
move the offending app's icon to a different location. on another page or something. You will instinctively click to the old spot to doomscroll but it will not be there, and you will think "oh yeah I moved it because I don't want to doomscroll. Thank you past me I love you, I will make sure your efforts were not in vain" and then you will choose not to doomscroll.
I dont understand how you could stand that shit let alone be addicted to it
based and mindhacky
Don't be so quick to brush it off or blame the user. Creating and perfecting these algorithms for maximizing screen time and addiction has been the sole focus of tens of thousands of programmers for the past decade.

Kill social media software engineers. Behead social media software engineers. Roundhouse kick a social media software engineer into the concrete. Slam dunk a social media software engineer's child into the trashcan while they watch in horror. Crucify greedy social media software engineers. Defecate in a social media software engineer's food. Launch social media software engineers into the sun. Stir fry social media software engineers in a wok. Toss social media software engineers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a social media software engineers gas tank. Judo throw social media software engineers into a wood chipper. Twist social media software engineers heads off. Report social media software engineers to the IRS. Karate chop social media software engineers in half. Curb stomp pregnant social media software engineers. Trap social media software engineers in quicksand. Crush social media software engineers in the trash compactor. Liquefy social media software engineers in a vat of acid. Eat social media software engineers. Dissect social media software engineers. Exterminate social media software engineers in the gas chamber. Stomp social media software engineers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate social media software engineers in the oven. Lobotomize social media software engineers. Mandatory abortions for social media software engineers. Grind social media software engineers' fingers in the garbage disposal. Drown social media software engineers in boiling hot battery acid. Vaporize social media software engineers with a ray gun. Kick old social media software engineers down the stairs. Feed social media software engineers to alligators. Slice social media software engineers with a katana.
I have ADHD so the key for me is to simply put roadblocks infront of hyperfixation points. You would be surprised by how unattractive the internet actually looks when there's no convenience to it. Here's a few things that I've done that work exceptionally well in conjunction with each other.

1. I setup a password manager but only configured access to it on my laptop. Then I went through the majority of my logins and reset them to randomly generated passwords, keeping the ones I'd like to keep access to and deleting the password manager entries for the ones I don't want to keep access to. Fun fact, reddit allows at least up to 32 byte passwords.

2. Configured my browser to remove all cookies after each browsing session. A cookie is just an identifier, so when they can't identify you via login or cookie they can't serve you custom content.

3. Use a firewall to blackhole any sites you don't want access to on your phone.

Vaultwarden for password manager. Brave for laptop browser. Firefox for phone browser. I haven't tried setting up cookie remove on end of session on the phone but not being able to login to anything and removing cookies periodically is generally enough.
This is a great mindset to have. Cleaning the grease off the slide. Increase friction.
Yeah, the only thing that I ever really access on my phone anymore is YouTube and /g/. YouTube forgets who I am when I clear my cookies so the content suggested to me typically is just related to the most recent thing I searched on there, which is usually meal prep and fitness related, so hardly anything to binge over. And then there's /g/, while I love technology itself, /g/ is pretty slow to generate interesting content for me because most of the stuff here is gaymer or coomer shit which doesnt interest me, only stuff I really interact with when I see it is /hsg/ and sometimes stuff like this. Hardly a big enough time sink to want to blackhole it.

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