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clean code edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>"Looking to change careers, should I pursue a job in tech?"
>"What should I study to get a job in tech?"
>"I'm a self-taught dev/went to a bootcamp and have no degree, how do I get a tech job?"
You're fucked. You're just so fucked. Learn a real marketable skill like woodturning or plumbing.

>I'm so lonely, all I have is my job, I'm a 32 year old virgin
Why do we get 20 posts like this in every thread? Shut the fuck up and photoshop some pictures for tinder

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
they're all grifters but here are some
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)

Previous sprint >>100105155
You guys got any good "Project Management" style apps? Maybe not really the right term but I'm trying to be more organized with my work and using onenote and just making a new page everytime I decide on something isn't really working for me. I'm looking for something that's like a calendar + todo list + notetaking that I can be like
>May 7th - May10th: Go Live Project
>Weekly 1:1 with Boss: Long Term Notes/Short Term Notes (Refreshes Weekly but I have a repository of what I wrote as reference)
>Long Term Projects
>Short Term Goals/Long Term Goals

Just something easier to me to micromanage myself and figure out how to do shit without getting overwhelmed and bouncing all over the place.

I was also wondering the legality of it. I don't want to start documenting something on a productivity app and show my boss during my 1:1 and he just goes "......dude what the fuck, you can't just put these details on some random site?" I'll probably ask him if I can but if he says no, I'm going to have troubles keeping track of everything.
Outlook + Onenote isn't exactly the best at linking information together. I have Jira too but I don't know if that's really great for this type of thing.
just make subpages in onenote, do you REALLY need more?
Covid students graduating this year really got fucked. Everyone is at home so none of them can make any meaningful connections.
Yes. Onenote sucks so much ass. Terrible for organization.
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>first interview in 100 applications
>website looks like AI generated slop to capitalize on the latest AI + Cybersec hype
>pre interview question form includes "if you were tasked to make (company's primary product) how would you do it, describe in detail using references
>CEO is a serial entrepreneur with no college education, only online certs
do I hang myself or do I triple backflip into hanging myself?
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Does open-source job-hunting software/website/etc. exist that I could contribute code or any kind of assistance to? Something that can cut through the crap of SEO spam, shitty or irrelevant job offers, manually putting in your resume details even after uploading your resume to the application page, all of the inefficiencies, humiliation rituals, so on and so forth.
Trello or notion
what type of mugs do you use at work?
lol imagine having loving parents and going to tech LOLOLOL
post tits
You didn't like ticket tracker? Is it because it uses INI for the database?
I read my dad's O'rielly books when I was little and that's what got me into tech.
I'd ask him for advice with my programs and he'd replace all my tabs with spaces before giving me advice.
>get faang job
>they contact the courthouse of the county i lived in ten years ago to see if I have a criminal record
I dont have anything to hide, but are they really doing this for h1bs? Are they contacting punjab city clerk?

i bought a human skull and cut it in half then superglued a handle to it
Yes they do this for everyone. It's one of the reasons there are so few blacks.
Also get the fuck out of my country you smelly Indian.
Use your loving parents to help get you a job.
im not indian, im straight white male american with a prior security clearance, so its easy to check on me. it just seems like they would just find lies for the h1bs
It's not like American courts are exactly well organized either. I know a former magistrate, it's all hacks all the way down.
Does the tranny porn i torrented when i was 19 and got a letter from the isp for show up on a background check
Only the kinds where they interview your neighbors.
'fraid so
it's over
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>got job last year
>absolutely dogshit pay
>but boss is a good guy and puts up with my bullshit
>i really need money now so I start looking for better paying jobs
>few interviews lined up, positive it will work out
I don't want to disappoint the bossman, since he's a decent guy, but fuck, I need cash. I know some people I can recommend to replace me fairly fast, that won't make him too upset
>get tech adjacent job
>have manager who flounders with smaller level technical details
>have PM who can't manage project efficiently
>current project is a slog that was handed off to me after the stakeholders realized PM didn't have the technical chops to pull it off
>other project is a handoff from someone who couldn't handle the nebulous problem case and build a longer lasting solution that is more robust and actually fits the client's use case
>required to report to PM by manager
>also required to report to manager
>decide fuck it, if PM can manage to get promotions by being a technosycophant I can keep my job with the bare minimum
>do bare minimum and still run circles on a day of work a week

the fuck is this shit?
any blockers, anon?
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>tfw will graduate from CS uni when 30 years
How hard will it be for me to get a job when taking into consideration that i did do 2 internships of half a year?
How did you get this bad? If new grad, did you not do internships? If not, what the fuck is wrong with your resume?

I do it for them.

Tell me about this, I have a security clearance, I want to go to a large city anywhere in the US for the next job to engage in degeneracy. Would a security clearance help with that?
I think your trying to say that your 30 years old. I am 21 and I have 3 internships. You are competing with people 100x more competent than you and have connections. Its over for you. Go into trades.
Based. I'm also considering minimummaxxing. The lowest performing team member and the highest performing team member are getting the same recognition. Why try?
I really fucking hate the job market right now. Everyone expects you to be grinding since birth.
ask him for a raise, even if he cant pay you if you care about him you should talk to the guy
I fucking hate it. Just asked HR for the promotion schedule and title progression for my position so I can be fully incentivized by material gain because the social relationships here fucking blow hard shit
>doro in /twg/
my god, what have we done
>you don't spin your wheels all the time?
>you don't over think the simplest issues?
>you don't bring lofty unrealistic proposals so our nepotism hires can circlejerk about how smart they are?
>you actually solve problems that improve quality of life?
>you actually engineer novel solutions to business problems?
>you don't have a severe amount of insecurity and displacement fear?
>you don't have issues with authority?
>you can advocate for yourself?

>That's fine, we have 70 niggers, 600 pajeets, and 220 women in line who do that will be more manipulable and controllable than you, while not stealing our thunder as LeAdErS. Have a nice day

It's a fucking joke lad
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But if I can get internship doesnt that also mean i can get job? I also dont have to mention my age when applying for job.
You are exiting into a horrible job market. If you are asked your age and it is irrelevant to the job start paltering like a politician. You cant lie outright since it is easily verified. They arent allowed to discriminate on age but its very difficult to prove they are yet they are allowed to ask. You could have it worse. 30 isnt that bad especially if you look young.
I'm tired of the WebDev. I'm going to job hop to a SWE position and write macros and automate office work for boomers.
>But if I can get internship doesnt that also mean i can get job?
Being honest at the moment, getting internships is harder than getting a job. None of the people I know in my Uni have gotten one. You can get a job but it won't be a good one and you will have to put in disproponately more effort than worth for someone your age. IDK how you got those internships but if they are good enough, a job guarenteed for your in the months after you graduate.

Also, what were you doing for the past 10 years?
It’s over.
fucking finally
USA went to shit after they committed acts of terrorism on their own economy to cover up internal corruption. Only thing impressive about it is the level of organization it was carried out with.

Fall of the industry when
Would you prefer being raised by a single mother or only having one arm? I have to go with the latter to be honest.
explain your reasoning anon
would you rather being born in a "poor" but supportive family or "rich" but psychotic family
>tfw have a poor and psychotic family
i left the house as soon as i was able to
Most of the interships are backend related stuff, there's also a high chance to get hired after completing the internship here because at least they dont have to train someone again.
When applying for internships I did manage to get interviews at a few large companies but im not sure if ai will have replaced those jobs by the time i graduate.
>Also, what were you doing for the past 10 years?
Busy having depression and traveling around the world.
nigga just use paper
It doesn't really work that way in reality for the obvious reason that a supportive family with good mental health has intrinsic internal wealth that they can extract and trade for money (and so that would obviously be the optimal choice.)
bruh thats helldesk work not swe
What a weird heuristic
>internal "resources" are exchangeable for external ones
>psychotic people aren't rich

Counter examples:
It's generally well accepted that emotional development and intellectual development do not proceed hand in hand, unlike moral development. Thus, in tech, business, finance, and other highly technical fields, there are a statistically high concentration of psychos and abusers.

You're confusing the reality that moral development is not often selected for regarding gainful employment. This is unfortunately closer to reality. Thankfully, the average person is quite conformist. Unfortunately again, that causes its own set of issues.
i was watching techlead hes right about coding wont make you rich maintaining legacy code
I have no tech experience other than fooling around with ComfyUI but I'm thinking of learning pytorch. What are some use cases/personal projects I can make to teach myself pytorch?
fuckoff go to mumbai
It's just kinda sad that this is the most optimal way of getting a job these days.
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i have become so bitter and disillusioned that i stopped listening to people altogether. there is a senior recruiter in my neighborhood and my mom introduced me to her since i'm a freshgrad, and this lady keeps yapping about golang, vue, and node.js while i just want to be a QA, devops, or gamedev shitter. she keeps selling me to be a product manager or business analyst and learn python after i turn 28 or 30, i just cut off her words over and over again and she finally excused herself out after 5 minutes.

i told her i'm not interested in coding part of tech anymore, i rather be a certfag since the market is awful here and companies hires more IT support than coders. For me, coding is so much more bearable when it's for my own, like making games or fucking around with p5.js. if i really want to get far in tech or climbing up a career i would learn about being a sociopath than learn another meme framework or springboot.
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>Make a project
>Fucking easy 100 hours
>No one, literally no one, gives a flying fuck at all
>I already have the job so that's not an excuse for why this isn't wasted time
I am retarded
>derp derp im gonna insult indians to fit in on /g/ because thats what we do here to be cool right anons?
Should I go into SDET/QA or data analyst?
I already did early this year, he told me to wait until July lmao
>employee of the month consistent
>longed nosed bearish employee gains recognition
>pepe indicted on fraud charges
Oy vey, smells like the same cause of 9/11 is in the air
How do I get a remote job if I'm not from the US/CA/UK? Even pajeets that can barely do what I do seem to be getting jobs. I've had some places really interested in me after reviewing my resume and first rounds but they get pissed off once they find out that I'm outside of the country even though the job is fully remote.
If he's really a good guy, he would recognize you and up your pay. You're being exploited under the guise of kindness.
Baded or crinfe?
fully remote doesn't mean the companies don't have to pay taxes on you or do legal paperwork to hire someone who doesn't reside in those countries. obviously they get pissed because you are witholding that you are not authorized to work for them
Many of these are fine with anywhere remote, but some only disclose after the fact that the prefer hiring people that are from specific countries. Don't try to make it sound like I'm the one withholding information
we get it bro you're so different and cool
bros how important is dressing for success? I recently found out that months ago my office had a budget shortfall and needed to lay off some people. So management created a work performance list, and the bottom was exactly who I expected to be there, except supposedly I was near the top of the performance list, but I don't actually do anything at work. This knowledge only got passed down to us recently so it couldn't have been my coworkers covering for me because they liked me. The only thing I can think of is that the office dress code is business casual, and most people ignore it and show up in sweatpants and shit, whereas I wear a collared shirt and nice pants (well they're not dress pants, but I consider them nice) every day. I know management doesn't know what the fuck they're doing, so is it possible they just looked at me, thought "Yeah he looks professional, he's probably a hard worker" and just gave me a good performance report?

Ironically of the bottom three people, one got fired and two quit so we didn't have to lay anyone off anyway lol
I can’t think of anything to say.

i know what you did, todd. she has a nice cock tho.
you sound like an insufferable faggot
My taxes pay for at least 3 individual people on SSI and I get entirely too little head considering this fact
How do I make friends as a 28 year old male tech worker general?
And you're a cockmuncher!
If you’re a CEO you SHOULDN’T expect your employees to be working as much as you.


The CEO at a former company, used to tell me he was frustrated no one worked as hard as him.

He complained that he worked every weekend (and he sent us all emails all weekend too).

He worked late at night (and called often when I was at 7pm baseball games, in mom mode).

He talked about how he started work at 5am every day (and often made his leaders get on calls at 6:30am).

He couldn’t understand why “these younger generations” didn’t have the same work ethic.

What he failed to realize is “younger people” aren’t lazy.

They aren’t less dedicated.

They aren’t different than any generation before them.

They simply know what’s important to them, as every generation does.

He is the leader of the company and as such makes far more money than anyone else.

You can’t expect someone making 60k to have the same responsibilities as someone making 350k+.

We all should take personal pride in our work

We should give it our best, whatever that is day to day.

But how you choose to work as an executive should NOT be how you expect your team to.

Hustle away, just don’t create hustle culture for others.

Be a good human. Lead well.
I've been working as a frontend webshitter for a month now. I belong here.
Still? It’s been 2 years at least since they eased up, right?
The problem with such a platform isn’t lack of technical expertise but rather the problem of Linkedin and Indeed’s natural duopoly on the market.
Fuck off back to linkedin with that gay ass blogposting

do you pay millions in taxes, anon?
No you don't. This general is for C++ chads only.
>recruiter approaches me on linkedin
>ask if im doing to have a chat with him over phone
>say sure
>decide on a time and day
>day comes around
>dms deleted
He's edging you.
Rajesh just stole your spot. Better luck next time.
dunno havent made a new friend since age 15 or so
SSI maxes out at ~$1000 per month, so to pay 3 pwoplw he'd need to be paying at least $36k in taxes per year, which is pretty reasonable if he's on a decent salary.
Clean code is bullshit
who in their right mind takes a shit at work? the bathroom where I am doesn’t even have a fan so it stinks for hours after someone shits.
My office actually has quite nice bathrooms.
>his work toilet don't have AC
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Start by joining techy groups online where you share projects with one another.
Some of those groups also have irl meetups. Use meetup.com as they have techy groups in every major city it seems.
Check if your city has a makerspace. There are search engines for finding them. Not only do makerspaces have group projects, they also have general hangout nights
Look for networking events that are scheduled at local hangout places. After the scheduled "talk" lots of the people there stick around to make friends or they make plans to visit some bar
Look for when bars have trivia night and just show up and ask a group if you can join them. If you're afraid to approach the group directly then ask the people organizing it to help you find a group
It really depends. IMO, if you're not in a client-facing role or a role where you're interacting with C-suites, you just need to look well-kempt and appropriately dressed. Nice, well-fitting jeans and a lint-free, light-colored company hoodie more than meets the bar at most companies. Going the extra mile will get you noticed, which can be a plus, but doesn't make the difference to people you would regularly work with. The main goal is to make sure that your physical appearance doesn't inspire any feelings of revulsion or disdain.
Get them to buy a glade plugin to put in there. Or a bottle of fabuloso and tell everyone to just pour some in the bowl when they're done. Now you're office smells like lilacs for hours afterwards
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don't feel like it
Probably won't help in your case since tech generally has a casual dress code, but it won't hurt to try.
good morning sirs
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I’ve been hiring people for over 10 years, and I can tell you that:

1. Personality is the most important trait in an employee. If that’s dialed in, they figure out almost anything else.

2. Everything else is less important. Unless the role is extremely technical and needs high skill immediately, hiring for personality wins.

If you’re in a hiring role, take a chance on someone who has the right attitude but is lacking in experience.

You won’t regret it.
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Or just go for a plain paper notebook. The only thing it can't do is pop up notifications on your screen. When I note down tasks, I put a big mark on the side of the notebook (sort of like a tilted A) so I can easily see where there is a task and tick it off once it's done.

Also, it will look more attentive and professional if you take notes on paper during a meeting as opposed to just typing on your laptop.
Can someone please tell that to my company's management. They're constantly hiring people who are fucking impossible to work with. Even the hiring managers have admitted that they probably shouldn't have been hired
Kek. Why'd they hire them then? Because they don't want to train (invest) in their employees?
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>receive email with stakeholder and user asking for a fix
>too busy to bother, forget about email
>3 weeks later stakeholder replies to email and asks the user if this was fixed
>user replies it was fixed and thanks me
>mfw I did nothing
Some tickets/requests solve themselves.
>Bombed the interview, as expected
Now what?
The big company I'm in put a massive emphasis on personality, many people I've known there were fired cause some people didn't like them for whatever reason. Many people weren't hired either because others didn't like their personality, regardless of their skills. I get along very well with my coworkers and I have good soft skills but damn, I had no idea it was THIS important until then.
honestly that sounds like it will (if it hasn't) devolve into social cliques (primarily roasties) dominating the workplace
>Why'd they hire them then?
I have no fucking idea, and it seems like no one else has either
>I’ve been hiring people for over 10 years
/hrwg/ is down the hall
Live and learn.
It really depends who's making the decisions about what personalities to hire. If it's HR, then yeah that's going to be an issue, but if it the team that they'll be working in then I don't see it being much of an issue.

Plus, if the decisions are consistent then everyone should get along anyway so there's not really much of an issue
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disgusting to think i ever tried at all
yep it's teams making decisions, not HR (they have their opinions and might not like you but they will let team leaders make the final decision)
>founder @<tiny meme startup>
>CEO of <tiny meme startup>
fuck off
this guy is a good example even, can't even find his "company" online, he calls himself an "entrepreneur" and "has started 5 companies". This last statement should be a red flag but somehow in current day ENTREPRENOOOOR economics it's somehow seen as a positive to imply that you've created 4 failed companies and are now on your 5th.
UK People, share your salary, yoe and languages etc., I want to find out if I'm underpaid.

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dunno my tummy hurts
Did you learn something while making the project? Improve your programming skills? Used a new technology? Come up with a new way to solve a problem? Gain anything at all in those 100 hours spent?
If yes, congrats, you didn't waste your time
Ae you in London? If so, you're badly underpaid £35k is practically poverty money, if not, you're still underpaid, just not on such a level.

>£70k base + ~£25k bonus and stock
>C++ dev
>In the north
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My projects have interested recruiters and landed me job offers so maybe stop making retarded shit no one cares about and do what >>100127170 said.

do you think all his tax money goes to ssi?
I just got hired to maintain so open source software in C. I was only unemployed from my last job (maintaining some closed code in C++) for a few months.
git gud.
I'm seriously thinking about filing a religious exemption from SSI tax. It really sounds like people my age won't get anything so it might be better to just bail now.
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>company announced a salary freeze ahead of salary reviews
Fuck, I'm starting to fear being on the chopping block if there are layoffs ahead. Any signs to watch for in order to know if this is coming?
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One day, your faang interviewer decides to remove any technical problems / questions on the day of your interview without informing you first. You have to solve a rubiks cube in under 10 minutes. If you can get it done, you can start working next month. Will you fumble it or crush it?
Just start sending out applications.
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I received an interview this morning and they want to continue with the process. Honestly I just wanted to side hustle so it's a contractor position paying meh rates, and they also want 2 references if I get an offer so I was about to ghost them. Now I'm not so sure. Should I continue even if the pay is low? I don't like giving references unless the pay is awesome but in this case maybe it's wise to lock a side hustle in case I'm laid off. What would you do, anons?
>I'd ask him for advice with my programs and he'd replace all my tabs with spaces before giving me advice.
can you tell your dad that he has a great taste for me
>tester is running a regression test
>doesn't find any bugs
>qa runs through the app by hand
>doesn't find any bugs
>press two buttons
>app instantly breaks
I'm never helping them test ever again
fuck off rajesh
>25k bonus and stock
how's this working out for you? i think i might be offered some bonus and stock package too and was considering asking for just extra base instead
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Our self-taught "AI expert" broke everything after pushing a "quick fix" directly into prod, how's your day going?
Honestly pretty well. The company is doing well so stock prices are good. I've held on to it, but some guys just sell as soon as they get them, really is depends if you want the money now or are willing to bet that it's going to go up.

I got fucked on taxes last year because of a price jump when I sold a load and got hit with capital gains.
when will I get my standard issue patagonia vest
>How do I make friends as a 28 year old male tech worker general?
Go to meetup.com and find something you are interested in.

I recommend you join a couple dance group/school/club. It is a great way to have fun and meet new people. Then also join one of the local coding meetups.
Why were there no reviews?
Were there no precommit tests?
Why the fuck was it allowed to push to prod?

A setup like that is just asking for problems, they got what they deserved.
Dude, fucking exactly. I've been asking these questions for months and I never had any answer so I'm glad this happened.
>I've been asking these questions for months
Hope you had these in writing
big ass company here and i push directly to prod
we have hundreds of customers that rely on us to do shit with their servers
what are they gonna do, fire me? we once had an assassin pajeet that completely messed up the database data and didnt tell anyone and he got off scot free. you'd probably need to fucking physically fly to the datacenter and smash all the equipment there to suffer any real consequences
also yeah, guess who had to clean up after the poo
>big ass company here and i push directly to prod
I mean at least they know you know what you're doing, and at least need someone else to sign off before pushing.

The issue isn't that the AI could push to prod, just that it could do it with no oversight whatsoever.
i thought that by an "AI expert" he meant a human being, not a language model
It is a real human being going around calling himself an AI expert.
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Is cybersecurity a good branch to get into to avoid being automated by AI?
>AI experts
I have never met a competent AI/ML focused developer. They all seem to create the worst shit possible for some reason.
I mean that's slightly better, but it's their own fault for giving a retard rights to push directly to prod.
Is it worth bothering with websites that force you to create an account and fill out thousands of fields nowadays to fill out an application?
>Is cybersecurity a good branch
> to avoid being automated by AI
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>I've been asking these questions for months
Never question your AI overlords, you peasant
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>It's one of the reasons there are so few blacks.
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What should I do instead then?
I have met very competent ones, this one doesn't even have a CS degree though so that's how it is. Kek.
Such is life. I hold out hope that some day I will be well-paid and also like my work environment (without it imploding due to poor higher management). I've experienced such bliss before, it IS possible desu
I'm trying to learn this now. It's not like I want to be a slacker, but when being good at your job only gets your more work, higher expectations and no safeword when you want a break, needs must...
My experience is the more education system hey have the worse they do. But self taught devs are really hit or miss. One of the best ones at my company is self taught, but also the worst are self taught, well except for the AI guy.
Is it actually possible to enjoy your job? I like my coworkers, our office, but the job is extremely boring. I loved studying computer science and building projects for uni and as a hobby, but this job has been soul crushing. Please tell me it's possible to enjoy working.
I push things to prod when I shouldn't but our company has such a strict prod policy that it makes it impossible sometimes
Sorry anon, my last job wasn't tech but healthcare so I got to, like, do my job and no I wasn't just soullessly creating value for shareholders. But I liked the people I worked with and my manager was upbeat and kept it light so that was tits. It definitely comes down to who you interact with. I think that having a boring job is a good time to take up a sort of mindfulness/meditation routine and, if you really don't like it, start low-key putting in applications to organizations you feel you'd be a better fit at. Send out some feelers to some people who you think won't bullshit you about what its like to work there. I don't have a lot of evidence but I think it's a bit rare to work somewhere where you actually *like* you coworkers though, instead of just don't dislike them.
Single mom
>I think it's a bit rare to work somewhere where you actually *like* you coworkers
Oh great, so I found a rare case of it and I want to leave it. Man.
The whole concept of capitalism and commerce is at least half antithetical to true happiness, I think. *shrug* However, situational awareness and rational application of mind is beneficial and, generally, very conducive to happiness. Just be so for real and you'll probably land on your feet one way or another.
This. I was interviewed and hired by the head of infrastructure. Not some hr woman.

If I had been put through hr I think I would have been filtered out by lack of a degree.
In this age of internet where even a poor man can have tons of beneficial info at his fingertips assuming he has at least a phone (and hopefully a laptop)? Poor but supportive for sure. Especially if they aren't a burden to themselves (i.e. they pursue good habits, keep good friends, are earnest).

I've read that a sage can make one forget their poverty. It's good, I think, to be in proximity to good people. I grew up poor-ish with a narcissist single parent. 0/10 wouldn't recommend.
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Sirs do your company uses bitbucket data center? Can you access rest api from it or not?

My company uses bitbucket data center, that is a private bitbucket server. I know theres this docs

But my server uses this basepath for a repo:

tried changing the url as the docs suggest

but that doesnt work

Do you know if bitbucket server has a standard rest api url path that i can check? Im blindly trying combinations like /mycompany/rest/api/... mycompany/api/... and so on since theres no internal company docs about the api.
Learn to weld.
I think I'm doing it wrong, I just get more work for being the retard who's leaving last
>and she finally excused herself out after 5 minutes.
If you find yourself staring at the prospect of being poor and unhappy, consider that it's because of conduct like this. If you don't want to meet someone, don't. Treat people respectfully.
What projects did you make? I'm a sophmore here who hasn't made a project yet but looking to have some done before fall so I can apply to internships (and jobs). I'm really not interested in web development or game design. I'm very interested in backend stuff.
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Is 30 too old to start learning to weld?
so much this. i'm a retired head of hr at a big company, and in my day when i interviewed people i always opened with
>tell me the funniest joke you know
and i pretty much hired based on their delivery and effort. if they were awkward about it, that was an immediate red flag
i don't need pussy ass virgins in my company, i need men that can face any situation with confidence. it's our job to teach you the technical skills, not do the job of your parents and raise you to be a confident, functioning member of society
At this point I can't tell if this is genuine or another bait.
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I hate having technical discussions with ESL people so much it's unreal
Definitely don't be the last one to leave unless you really really like it there and have good savings. Seriously, when the rats start jumping ship, you should at least be planning your escape as well
Nah. Lots of old people learn trades. I'm 32 and going to trucking school as sorta safety net (the more good I get at coding the less I think I'll actually need it but oh well I already paid for the class ($500 at community college, 10 week class)
Bro I was having a discussion with a guy over the last couple days that if his classmates are all saying that his pronunciation is shit and *that's* the reason he's bombing his multiple interviews then he should take it to heart and work on his english with the same energy he worked on his technical skills.
>who in their right mind takes a shit at work?
People who work at places with regular sequestration of shit smells and work areas and/or psychopaths
That sounds like too far in the opposite direction. Hopefully you guys don't have any bad actors though. If you have none of those, seems pretty based.
What did you bomb?
the interview
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If you just don't want to talk about it at a granular level, then that's fine. But if you really don't have granular personal insights then confirmed for never gonna make it (not really but jeez)
>got rejected at recruiter stage from a literally who startup because I only had some typescript experience that wasn't from a previous job because it was just regular javascript and I forgot to lie
Damn, this market is rough.
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I'm new at a company and being mentored by a 10YoE senior.
How can I cause him as little asspain as possible through this process?
Some startups are run by morons who don't understand how little buying power they have. My company has had a senior dev position open for nearly a year because nobody will ever be good enough for our CEO
Ask questions.

Be honest and say when you don't understand and if he can rephrase what he just said.

Take notes.

Be humble, don't try to act like you know everything or know shit better. Keep an open mind.

Good luck, you got this lil nigga
Think before asking questions. What is it you don't understand? Narrow it down as much as possible. State your assumptions in case they are wrong.
In addition:

Whenever you run into issues, try to resolve it first. But don't spend hours or days stumbling along. Ask questions early, but only after you've tried yourself. And explain to your senior what you think the problem is and what you've already tried.
Take note of when your shortcomings are named areas and going out of your way to educate yourself with reference to those areas on your own time.
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Half my team is ESL and the amount of typos they have in our code. Variable names like "videoLinerarity" instead of "videoLinearity". No code review at my company so this shit gets into production all the time. People at my company don't know the difference between an operator and an operand, so we have fields in our database like "queryOperand" set to "AND" or "OR"

I see people online asking why they're not getting any callbacks for interviews, and when they post their resume, it's always

>Kamaljit Mohammed Kandraskigar
>University of Lahore
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Every time I get a ticket where a printer is involved I already know it's about to be some bullshit
>I see people online asking why they're not getting any callbacks for interviews, and when they post their resume, it's always
>>Kamaljit Mohammed Kandraskigar
>>University of Lahore
Maybe I don't have enough regard for how lucky I am to live in America. I've never looked at another country with overwhelming envy. I've got 50 states to consider home turf and most of them are actually pretty great.
Honestly I used to be one of those guys that hated it here until I really sat down and looked at the state of other countries. We really are spoiled
>Really really need to get work done today
>Watch porn on my phone for hours
I am fucked
how old are you?
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>have some integration testing for our applications
>had been failing for all of our applications, recently got the tests all passing
>one fails while we're actively doing development work adding a new feature
>Manager starts yelling at us "why are we not in compliance??? This needs to be fixed ASAP"
>other developer explains it can happen while developing new functionality and will get resolved while work is being done
>Manager replies and says he doesn't understand, and keeps telling at us to fix it immediately
>tfw one of two developers on 20 person team that's already saddled with a bunch of bullshit that now has to fix this
Genuinely hate this job and my boss with a burning passion, he has no technical understanding of any kind, only "red on dashboard mean bad"
Man I've gained 4 pounds since the start of this year. Feels fucking bad but sitting at a desk all day + new stressful projects makes it hard to curb what I am eating. At least the weather is finally getting nice enough that I can go for runs outside again, but I feel like a slob. How do you other tech workers deal with this? When I was in my 20s I could eat anything and stay in great shape, now in my 30s it's catching up to me.
What's really fucked is that India has all the components to get into manufacturing and they're just not
I would rather be an IT janny as a backup plan. Even if it has to be desktop support
go to the gym fatty
Set your wallpaper to "do your work, don't be stupid"
Put in resume elsewhere? That's what I'd do tbphdesu
concept 2 rowing machine in the living room
Original poster here.
Well basically, I bombed the language barrier. I knew what I wanted to say but when the interview took a turn into the more in depth technical questions, I just couldn't find enough words in my head to make coherent sentences in Japanese.
But at least I have better insight on where I should focus on with my vocabulary practice
You're me except
>Don't get enough work to keep me occupied
>Spend downtime genning AI porn from a remote instance of stable diffusion
just modify the test to always return green
Clock in, take a dump. Boss pays you for something you would've done anyways.

Who in his right mind doesn't take a shit at work?
It's standup time. You have done absolutely nothing all day. What do you say?
>ive been working on one of the 10 tasks assigned to me
>thats it
Oh that's completely understandable. I hope you do better in the future anon :)
>still working on the last task, currently running into some issues with [insert plausible excuse, preferably some non-reliably reproducible bug]
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>be me, trying to change jobs because old company tries to keep my pay low despite (verbal) promise of significant raise incoming
>apply at local company, heard a lot bad about them beforehand
>application and interview process unusually pleasant and professional
>get offered 3 different positions at the company, two software engineering and one for software architect
>software architect it is as i have been preparing for such an opportunity
>position is advertised as senior but i acknowledge im not senior enough so i agree to get an offer for it as a non-senior software architect while getting assured that i am promising enough for them to consider me senior in 1 or 2 years time
>fast forward to today
>just got the offer
>neither includes the title architect nor any promise of becoming one in the near future (nevermind the senior aspect of it)
>got offered 60k€/year MAX (asserted twice during the phone call by recruiter) because id only be software engineer for now but "you will be working with the architecture team and youll learn so much anon :^)"
>mfw they just baited me, expect me to work as software architect will all responsibilities and such for "above average software engineer pay"
>mfw i already earn 59k/year without the mental hoops and the shittiest austrian collective contract ("kollektivvertrag handel")
fuck bros give it to me straight this is a scam and they dont really want me to become software architect, they just want one for lower pay, isnt it?
Help me out please, this probably isn't a big deal but I'm autistic af so I don't know
>starting new job next week
>want to make a good impression
>younger brother is in college and he's moving out his dorm in 2 weeks
>parents need me to help him move
>would require me to take a day off on my 2nd week of the job since the college is kind of far away
What do? I don't know how to ask for a day off so early... and I haven't even started my job, it'd be asking for a day off before I even start.
ESL here working in a German-French company where 100% of all communication is broken English. It's hilarious how much inefficiency is created and how much is lost in translation.
It would probably be cheaper for the company to just let the German and French team do their thing individually and then just choose the better solution instead of letting us "cooperate"
Current IT janny here, what direction should I be aiming myself in career wise if I'd like to end up in Japan one day?
you are a grown ass man, why are your parents telling you what to do?
just call your manager or whoever your tard wrangler is and say the exact same thing to him, then ask if it would be okay to take a day off due to these circumstances
if he doesn't want you to he will say no
he probably lives with them
They don't have enough people skilled enough to do silicon chip mfg, but low end mfg they do I'm sure.
>but i acknowledge im not senior enough so i agree to get an offer for it as a non-senior software architect
This is where you fucked up.
HR and recruiting are like sharks. They smell blood in the water and close in. In your case they smelled weakness and knew they could exploit you
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I actually don't live with them but I live nearby. And I'm not some kind of ungrateful neet who's not willing to help out his parents.
Anyways I'll probably just shoot him an email and he seemed like a chill person during the interview, I think he would agree. I'm just more worried about how he's going to perceive me.
what was i supposed to do? i just finished my masters degree and have 5 years of part-time software dev experience next to it, i couldnt possibly pretend like im a senior software architect with that experience, could I?
>HR and recruiting are like sharks
fuck i hate HR so much i cant tell you. HR is now only one place above journalists in my social rankingRAGE
>I'm just more worried about how he's going to perceive me
he's going to hate your guts and will put you in a headlock next time he sees you
better hope that moving furniture will give you enough gains to fend him off
I hate EU companies so much. I unironically just want to work. This is my third job where I got bait and switched that there would be a "product" but instead I am just filling a warm seat for my manager so he can stroke his ego and have more people working under him.
On the one hand it's nice to not really have anything to do on the other hand it sucks major dick because I am losing all my skills and I am still expected to "work" even though I have no work, no goals, no requirements, no products, so I am constantly anxious of having to make up shit.
Also if anyone is wondering why we get paid so little in comparison to Americans it's literally that. What am I even doing
>be me
>need a new job
>answer some inmails, apply for some
>get 1-2 offers after 2 weeks of interviews
>this happened the last 4 times I've job hopped
>cov*d, peak economy, current market, doesn't matter
I've stopped thinking it's a coincidence/luck because the more I live, the more I interact with normies, the more I interview people myself, the more responsibility I take on - the more I realize just how incompetent the average normie is.
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>in Japanese
Not surprised. The days when the IT/tech/coder guy was a very rare commodity, and so you had to put up with his autistic anti-social ways because you needed his tech skills so badly are long gone. That died in the 90s/early 2000s.

Tech guys are a dime a dozen these days, and so you can put a higher premium on personality.
>no one is ever on time let alone early
>no one is prepared, no anticipation, no will to proactively prevent problems
>no one knows their shit, people mostly try to wing it
>most normies despite being supposedly normal and social barely get social cues, don't feel the room, take too much liberties, are lippy, and in general act really unprofessional
It's so fucking rare to meet adults that act like adults and not like perpetual teenagers
Ever heard of over-employment? Find 2 or 3 of those easy EU jobs and hold them all at the same time. 3x salary multiplier
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Just had a meeting today with a new hire that i will be managing. Very autistic guy who's eyes were looking to the side while his face was facing me as we were talking. It seems that every young person i meet in IT these days have some form of Autism, ADHD or some other shit going on lmao
I've heard about it 3 years ago. Not possible because I literally have to ask my current employer for permission like the little cuck I am.
I am not remote anyway, so it's a moot point.
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Make sure to frequently walk up to him from behind and then strongly pat him on the shoulder or back while loudly saying "HEY BUDDY, EVERYTHING GOOD?"
Been in your position with someone with 30 yoe, just be likeable and be honest. It'll be fine. Also do take a lot of notes.
Overemployment is a terrible meme because it has the potential to ruin your relationship with the "primary" employer; you lose the chance to ever get good referrals, get fired from one or both jobs, fuck your reputation up etc.
If it's against the job contract and you still do it IS fraud even without legal consequences. If you think you can juggle 2 or more jobs just start a business
make him troon out to attract some DEI funds for your department
Where do I get personality?

Also, degree, contacts and past employment are probably easier tested than personality...
In my 30s too, you have to cook. I also go on walks with my coworkers after lunch since they also want to get healthier as we're all collectively fucking tired of sitting on a chair all day long.
Me today, I just make shit up and make it sound complicated so POs don't pick up on it (the other engineers have my back cause they like me)
seriously go to the gym. lurk /fit/. read the /fit/ sticky. google 'reddit ppl', follow that routine. i dont know anyone who looks good after 35 who isn't routinely in the gym. fat fucks will do anything but just go to the gym.
I had to take an afternoon off the first week of work due to my mother needing me for an important appointment, i just explained it to my boss, asked if they were ok and I then made up for it. That's it.
Get an interview from somewhere I applied to
>AI video interview
kill me now.
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>work hard at company's major product, worth millions
>constantly adding feature/fixing bugs/increasing performance
>boss asks me to work on new project (his idea)
>project is absolutely retarded, but agree anyway because it's way less work
>get promoted 6 months later
>project fails miserably losing hundreds of thousands for the company
>get reassigned to different, equally retarded project that has clout
>get promoted yet again
so it's really just luck isn't it?
people still slaving away at our major revenue-providing product and don't get shit yet all these useless parasites (including me apparently now) are getting promoted for actively losing the company tons of money lol
I was raised by a single mom. she's poor and narcissistic. beat that, faggots
>AI video interview
What does that mean? Like, your whole interview is handled by Siri, or something?
>nooo you can't have a machine in your living room you need to go to the gym and use the same machine
also if you really read the sticky you would know that >>100130782 really is just talking about counting calories in a norm way, which is how you lose weight
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What to do if my manager delay my requests?

I try to do my job as fast as possible then the bottleneck before i can move to next step is some approval from manager. He seems to purposely slow down everything by taking too long to review my work.

Is this because he wanna control the project at a pace that is better for everyone and just do the minimun to not get fired?

I dont know what do to in this situation. Of course i cant go to him and ask hey, are you purposely delaying everything so he dont overwork ourselves?
I finish my job asap then spend days with nothing to do. He never complained to me about anything so i also avoid remembering him 5 times a day to review my work because i cant progress before that.

I dont mind the boredom so i ask him 1 or 2 times and if he still dont do my review then i assume he know deadlines better and just wait for him. Am i acting right in this situation or not?
Always heard histories about that but never knew anyone irl who did it. Myself i never tried to get a 2nd job even if i could exaclty because >>100130732

i believe this thing is a meme but assuming it is true, the law of diminishing returns... IMO too risky. Assume you get 3 jobs at once and can keep it for 18 months before someone discover what youve been doing. Now you made a bad name for yourself because of just 18*2 pays
Its probably only feasible if you combine it with gig work like food delivery or something. Two full time jobs is a time bomb waiting to happen when someone finds out or one of the jobs overloads you with work
Another week on the grind wageslavebros only 40 more years to go
imagine being this fucking retarded

thanks for gatekeeping, anon

Literally checked rn and found an event I'm interested in, thanks anon.
also speed dating is pretty aight if your not an absolute spreg.
Basically it's a video based interview where chatgpt asks you stuff about the position. Retarded AF
>only 40
i like your optimism
If I don't have kids I'm retiring at 40. Even if that means emigrating.
You are not a woman
you can have kids past the age of 40
I'm not sure I want to have kids past the age of 40.
dont ask the same questions over and over again. its my number one issue with shitters. its fine to ask a clarifying question if you don't understand, but dont ask how to login to a server for the 5th time. if you're going to ask a senior something, make sure you take notes so you dont ask it again. better yet, if you want to go above and beyond, document it in a wiki or something to help the next guy joining.
What are you going to do in your retirement?
...work on my open source projects.
This. 75 will be the new 65. Get to work, goy
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I despise linkedin and everyone who likes it
your mom is an open source project
Worked with academic types in my last job and it was a pain since they kept bogging productivity down with nonsense that had zero benefit at any point in the projects we were on. As of recently, I think I really just hate working with anyone that comes straight out of academia with zero industry experience - recent bachelor holders excluded at least they're willing to learn and adapt.
you arent building muscle in your full body retard

more muscle burns more calories. you sound like a faggot. stay fat
>nooooo you can't do cardio you need to be a fat powershitter like me eating 10k kcal a day and doing 1/25 ROM reps
>still doesn't post body
other anon is right, increase muscle to increase baseline caloric needs, then count calories.
this is a good example to other people in the thread that being fat starts in the brain
HR had a slack channel open for filling a new position that they left public so I had a peek. What I learned
>typos in the resume disqualify you
>1/3 of applicants are nepotism referrals across the entire company with no correct experience for the job
>still doesn't post body
you aren't going to build muscle without proper diet you chili ape, which unsurprisingly includes counting calories
now go back to /fit/ and stop shitting here
>>typos in the resume disqualify you
as they should
>>1/3 of applicants are nepotism referrals across the entire company with no correct experience for the job
tale as old as time
>Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.
Why not? What happens if you do?
when you are asking question make it a yes or no question. it's very simple.

instead of
>hi, how do i do this ticket?
>is this ticket about creating new migrations and add fields into the entity in these repositories? then I just need to update the query to include new parameters right?
>waahh im fat and my body feels like shit, what can i do?
>gets told to exercise
>reveals himself to be an unlikeable weasel who thinks "going on walks" with his equally pathetic coworkers should be enough

a true /fit/ classic, shame this is on /g/

done replying, have a nice day incel fatty
>go to the gym
>go to the gym
this anon >>100130164 needs to eat less. the gym won't magically stop him from eating like a fucking pig lmao
just shut your mouth fatty
So are you italian? What color are you? Some type of black or spanish?
is the spacing supposed to represent your fat folds or something? even your posts are fucking fat lmao
>still doesn't post body
Why is /twg/ always so angry?
>the more I realize just how incompetent the average normie is.
This honestly keeps me going. Realizing that just by applying myself as best I can and not being a sperg makes me someone employers actually want to hire.
>just shut your mouth fatty
Haha I'm probably still in better shape than you and run marathons every year, just up 4 pounds from my target bodyweight.
What kind of work is it anon? I am also in the north and the cap I've found for C++ jobs (any really) up here tends to be around 50k, 60k+ if you're some unicorn with insane amounts of experience with one specific technology - but anyone with this much experience is getting vastly underpaid
One time my BigBrainMegaCorpoShit™ job decided to make a project where People in Germany, India, the US and Mexico had to work on one project.
Shit was a Nightmare, not only the broken English and lost communication but everyone was groggy/tired because of the time difference.
People keep blaming the economy but I'm pretty sure the company is doing a good job of sinking itself.
>ye haha im so fit i have a 6pack and run marathon every day and do 2/3/4/5 for reps
>doesn't post body
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onboarding to a new place and my coworker is a sperg who messages me about random shit all fucking day. we are the same rank. these are not actionable requests, or links to important materials, etc. it's just random commentary on the design or "good morning! have you [X thing he could easily check himself in 2 minutes]?"

you guys ever dealt with this? if i hear the notification, i already know it's him. i don't work to make friends, i love tech but hate techbro culture actually. my actual manager rarely contacts me outside of meetings. how do i make it clear i don't want him messaging me 24/7 without making him an adversary? i'm at the point where i just don't reply unless it's convenient for me

it's monday
mute him and don't respond, say you're busy
>>tell me the funniest joke you know
Do people still tell jokes to each other?
All I know is racist and dark humor, would I pass your interview?
am gymanon, assumed sedentary nerd based on post, marathons are helpful context. don't bother replying to skinnyfat chud who rows once biweekly in his living room. his negativity/mental illness should be apparent to others lurking. just work out more often bro, 4 lbs in 4 months is nothing. lift weights if you don't already. increased muscle mass will increase BMR which should help, and improve overall aesthetics. you aren't going to get too big on accident. you probably don't need us to tell you this if you're already a runner, you're probably just eating like it's marathon season when it's not, and don't have the muscle-to-fat ratio to cover it in the off-season. good luck king
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Was about to throw my application to a recruiting agency job post only to realize after reading through it and find that it's for a company that already rejected me. I was an 80% match, too.
>asked to review PR
>open it up
>4000+ lines of code
>its just unit tests for a software
>instead of making functions they just copy and pasted code over and over with slight alterations
>its not a junior
>doesn't post body
stfu dyel
>>1/3 of applicants are nepotism referrals across the entire company with no correct experience for the job
5/8 is the more accurate number
>4 pounds
that's just 1 month of eating healthy
pretty much what i'm doing already. he lacks awareness of social cues, my concern is that he will (1) throw me under the bus to management or (2) begin to consider me an adversary as a consequence of social rejection he doesn't understand. was wondering if anyone had similar stories. i imagine basically every job in tech has a guy like this. i've never enjoyed the company of the manchildren it attracts, i'm here for the engineering and the money
Technically, that 1/3 is more like 90%+. Recruiters do not like doing work and would rather just go through the referrals since the stack is shorter and it'll just get pushed through.
thanks sir, appreciate the advice. I've always focused on cardio training but I think it's time for some more focus on weights as well (was focused on getting fast times in the past but as I'm older who gives a fuck). I don't care about aesthetics that much. I definitely have a bad habit of eating too much in the off season so that is on point, kek
is this one of those reddit posts where you imply there is literally nothing to do after retiring that does not involve children somehow?
> new stressful projects makes it hard to curb what I am eating
What the fuck is wrong with you manchildren who eat nothing but goyslop? I work 70-hour weeks, I live alone, I do nothing but codemonkeying all day, I barely even go outside unless it's for grocery shopping, and I still cook healthy food for myself. Boiling pasta is the dumbest shit ever, rice cookers pretty much work by themselves, cooking meat literally takes 2 minutes, and slicing a tomato and some spinach takes less than 1.
Do you have the palate of a 7yo, or what the fuck are you stuffing your odious mouth with?

This is the most basic shit, holy fuck.
you're welcome, my friend. reddit ppl (yes reddit is gay everyone knows it, whatever) is a good routine to start. nsuns is another good routine i've run that was enjoyable, but more intense. i use the "boostcamp" app to track, there may be better out there. /fit/ sticky is a great top-to-bottom overview of nutrition, cardio, weights, etc.

anecdotally, all the elderly people that look healthy & strong i see in the gym lift, and the ones that look like they're just now getting in the gym for lifespan purposes are stuck to the cardio machines. it's a good indicator of what's to come based on habits. the fittest 50+ person i know runs multiple marathons a year, but also eats super clean does weight training at least 3x a week. they're also one of the fittest people i know in general kek
Funny enough, I was in the exact opposite situation minus rank. Me and the guy didn't get along because we had communication problems the whole time. I didn't constantly ask for his help or asked him every single question under the sun, and he would "forget" to give me critical information all the time and flip out about it. It wasn't until another guy that he was friends? with in the office left that he tried getting chummy. The bridge was already burnt on that side so I wasn't really going along with him on that.

Ultimately, I got on the layoff list since the guy was a senior and probably said whatever to get me out of there. What I'm saying is be careful because these guys are petty and will do anything to remove you.
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>tfw anon accepted my connection request
yep, exactly my concern here >>100132526, thanks for the validation that I'm not just being paranoid/anti-social. sorry that happened to you, funny how little the tech work actually matters in the average tech job in terms of securing a paycheck
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Why can't I just work and not do stupid mandatory SAFe courses
Why are most software devs outside the US paid like shit? Being an actual problem solver in this field deserves money (aka not being a code monkey)
at the moment i have 6 completely inconsequential messages spread across 5 hours from this guy, starting at 8 AM. i have only replied twice. don't be this guy anons
Every tech company with market share is from the us or rich asia (china, south korea, japan). Europe has no tech industry so everyone with cs skills is fighting over scraps or fighting to get into the us.
You are just being paid the real uninflated wage. Even that's not desirable and thats why poland and romania are turning into tech hubs where slavs will work to the bone for peanuts
No idea about China, but pay is even worse in Korea and Japan (especially japan because of their recent taxes and currency tanking)
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my company keeps sending me these autism awareness mails and I'm not sure if they do this for all employees
It really is that simple
How is that any different that a live interview? It's not like you can make a good impression by shear force of will and sustained eye contact.
>he found a cheatcode
Why are you complaining? You are winning...?
>40 more years to go
Not if God is merciful, desu
>mfw I'm gonna be a 33 year old Jr. Dev

I guess if I live frugally, I can still retire early
>the government website says I must work for 37 more years to retire
This is some of the cruelest things they've came up with
Some people are adept at finding the silver lining in situations like this (job security, easy work, etc.) and some people are, I guess, you..?
I have an interview for a backend position in 15 minutes, wish me luck bros
based people-brained redditard troon with no hobbies
i've been fat since 5th grade i don't care
just thought it was funny
sorry you're a neet and are mad because I have a job I guess
I'm not mad. You seemed mad.
Good luck anon

Don't let your dreams be dreams, anon
glad to hear you're not actually mad because you seemed pretty mad
have a nice day sir
lmao cu in 10 years kid
You've stopped playing video games before saying this, right? And your hobbies do aren't movies or books as well, correct?
Just open a textbook and list the broad categories
Reference the textbook
The details cost money

Ex. Use 'social media platforms ' instead of 'i would perform these five tasks on platform x'

Because one he can steal, one he cannot
>good morning! have you [X thing
Indian detected.

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