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Another truly shitty and dull issue in which nothing happens
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Sure is Spider-man up in here.
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Holy shit who knew clones are so fucking gulliable.
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Two shit Spider-Man books where nothing happens the same week.
Peter Parker is in a creative dead end.
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why the fuck is everything spoilered
>female please help me!
Ben Reilly, ladies and gentlemen!
The only way Chasm works is for Ben to be as gullible and stupid as possible
i think its a spiderschizo storytime
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it's the schizo, he does this for reasons only his retarded brain can comprehend
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gwenschizos way of trying to troll
>notJason being in any way, shape, or form a threat to spider-man
This is bullshit amongst bullshit.
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A year ago, I'd be angry that yet another character is forgetting how Maxine is to blame for all of this and directing their hatred towards the wrong people. Now I'm too tired to get mad.
God part of me wants to storytime this correctly but this book doesn't deserve it
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>Norman living rent free in Otto's head
Harder, daddy!
This is what masochists say, right? Since I'm here reading this slop, I may actually try acting like one.
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This was being storytimed just fine until some faggot started posting the pages out of order.
>boohoo everything is spoilered
Who cares, just click expand all images and then none of them are spoilered.
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man fuck its so hard to read wit the random pages
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please someone storytime this correctly
and ban all the schizos
You’re fucking with the flow of the story time my man
Imagine being malicious about someone story timing a comic you don't like. I swear this website has gotten far more petty in recent years than it ever used to be. It's all so low effort too. Is it zoomers?
Look I’m not happy about the run either but it’s poor form to fuck with story time, dickhead
So to actually talk about the issue. Where does this leave Ben and Janine? Apparently they don't care about Peter's memories anymore. What's their purpose now? To fuck off into limbo?
Giving the entire population Internet access was a mistake. We need to reopen the mental institutes.
I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion but Ben moving on from memories that weren’t even his is probably healthy
Bad idea anon at least right now mods would likely see it a as duplicate thead/spamming and flooding /co/ thread would most likely get deleted as result.
Nah that's dumb. Literally the whole premise is that he's Spider-Man's clone. Taking away the shared memories just leaves you with nothing.
>I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion
I totally agree anon
But the mods never actually delete threads or ban posters these days.
I know this because of how your vaguely irritating yet constant shitposting/trolling/spamming in Spider-Man threads for the last two years has barely ever been banned
And that’s exactly the problem; he’s a clone. His identity should be based on real experiences he himself had. Thats not saying he can’t learn from Peter’s example or try to live by a similar set of morals
Taking away the memories makes the point of him being a clone moot. Without them he's just yet another guy with Spider-Man's powers, with them he's a man who knows that half of his life is a lie trying to make something real out of what he has left
Piss off Gwen wanted this
this shizo did the same thing with Shadow of the Green Goblin, an actual good book.
That doesn’t lessen Ben, I’m not sure why you seem to think so. A person is formed based off experiences and the choices they make. Making him 1:1 Peter is lame to begin with
at least he mostly fucked off from that thread after his shitty storytime and us Goblinfags could have nice discussions
>Making him 1:1 Peter
He's a clone. That's the point.
The intrigue comes from the fork in the road that occurred after the 70s Clone Saga. Ben went on to live a completely different life than Peter during his lost years and it made him a different person.
The point is that by the time he returns to Peter's life they are no longer the same person, they've had wildly different experiences and it has shaped them in different ways. Removing the context of that does actually lessen him as a character
I cannot agree with this. This is wanting your cake and eating it too, I’m sorry
>trying to make something real out of what he has left
And that still stands in his current situation
Which is funny because half the point of creating him at all was that he was technically a Peter Parker that was so busy traveling over the US forming his own identity that he missed out on most of the bullshit that was dumped onto the original Spidey since the first clone saga, meaning he was basically a far more self-assured and stable Peter Parker that wasn't burdened by the level of cynicism and burnout the original had. His whole gimmick was that he was technically Bronze Age Spider-Man with blonde hair, teaming up with and occasionally bickering with a more adult and pissy Dark Age Spider-Man. And now it's like the opposite way, where Ben is the one stuck wallowing in his misery while Peter is the one being forced to keep himself going despite having all reason to just stop giving a fuck about all the stupid shit editorial throws at him.
This, if all of his formative memories gained from Peter are gone, he's JUST a weird drifter who has Spider-Powers and amnesia.
>This is wanting your cake and eating it too
How? In fact what your saying is wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
You want to have Ben Reilly around without anything that makes him Ben Reilly. You want to chop off his whole origin story and pretend it's fine
He has all his memories from Lost Years
does he? he barely has memories from his time in Beyond.
He doesn't have any of the emotion behind them. They were his lost years because he lost his old life (in his eyes)
Shadow of the Green Goblin, was not a good book.
His origin is being a clone and dealing with that reality that he’s not Peter Parker. Peter’s memories are not required for that after the realization
That's stupid. That's like saying you can retcon Uncle Ben's death once Peter learns about responsibility
>he learned it already there's no reason for Uncle Ben to be dead
Wanna risk getting the thread deleted and maybe getting warned by the mods? then go ahead take the chance and make the thread.
There's no risk. They obviously don't do their jobs any more, since you're still here every day
That’s a false equivalence and you know it
Well if you are sure so about that then make the thread then retard.
How? These stories are about cause and effect and you think that now that the effect is in place the cause no longer matters. And you are wrong
You’re comparing a life changing significant moment to Ben’s revelation that he’s not Peter. Do you even hear yourself?
>And you’re wrong
No, we just disagree. Misguided certainty leads to you not listening or being open for conversation.
>You’re comparing a life changing significant moment to Ben’s revelation that he’s not Peter
That was a life changing moment for Ben. That revelation is what informed the rest of his life. That revelation holds no weight if the memories associated with it no longer exist.
By your logic, Uncle Ben doesn't need to stay dead for Peter to function as a character
No, that’s not what I’m saying, nor is it even comparable. Stop putting words in my mouth. Ben’s existence isn’t defined by copy memories
why is everything spoilered?
They are both the origin stories to their respective characters, and you are saying that Ben's origin story does not matter to his character. That is what you are saying.
Because this storytime was made by the resident troll of Spider-Man threads
He's not actually that good a troll, so the best he can do is just be mildly annoying and incredibly pathetic. But it's still effective, because the jannies never ban him """for some reason"""
You're right, they're defined by his memories
and peter's memories are his memories because they're the same person until a specific branching point
No that is not what I’m saying. This isn’t hard; Ben’s existence is the realization that he’s not Peter and dealing with that, remembering or forgetting his copied memories is irrelevant
If I woke up one day and realized my memories were fake, that I was a copied person, I would severely reevaluate my life and question what relevance they have to me now
>You don't watch too many movies do you?
Wasn't there a whole issue that went on about Peter and Betty's friendship being that they always made time to watch movies together? Why am I even bothering asking, of course they don't remember or give a shit. It's all so fucking tiring man
I find it funny everyone's bitching about the butchery of Ben and not this weak plot device.
Yes, that was one of Slott’s only good issues too
>I would severely reevaluate my life and question what relevance they have to me now
It’s one thing to say that, and another entirely to actually do it. Thats kind of the point of Lost Years, and a big part of why that story wouldn’t work without them.
I’m still mad about Kafka getting butchered too, and Janine. Ben’s just getting the bulk of my attention because of the guy who doesn’t know how origin stories work
So now you’re resorting to insults because we disagree? I didn’t do that to you
>Ben’s existence is the realization that he’s not Peter and dealing with that, remembering or forgetting his copied memories is irrelevant

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