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Do you think people have certain fates in life? Or is it all on the person and their choices? I have a hard time understanding how things have turned out for myself.
Your circumstances only define you to the extent that you let them. Sometimes things happen that are out of your comtrol, that's ok, you can take control of your response to things and which actions you take.
Free will doesn't exist, choice is an illusion.
I've just had shit luck in life with just about everything. I have no idea why, I pretty much tried to do everything I could to get on my feet towards a better life but it never worked out. Other people, they seem to do better, like they can just do something and get ahead in life, barely any struggles,everything seems to go easy, and if there's a problem, set back, etc., it's fixed almost suddenly. I don't want to think that I was meant have a fate/life where I've had nothing and no one, and success in any way was always just out of my reach, but that's what I've had. Just a kind of meaningless, pointless existence, always fighting to get somewhere or be a better person but not being there.

Was I just chosen by the universe at some point like "Fuck him", was it bad luck, or was it a mixture of a lot of things, issues, and problems that put me where I am in life?
>I have a hard time understanding how things have turned out for myself.
Luckily they made a song years ago just for retards like you, OP

No one liked Simple Plan. Not even me, but I'm asking a legitimate question and if you had nothing to say but pathetically talk shit, why are you here?
What'd you do, decide to ignore the wisdom of the entire history of the human race? If you're idea of successful is just making a bunch of money and having a hot gf, then yeah.. expect misery
>No one liked Simple Plan
Hah, oh I know that. The point was that you're a homosexual, anon
Yeah, things are going to happen, it just seems like people have good lives and some have bad. What circumstances and "fate" dictate that? I certainly have done nothing really wrong, or didn't try or anything, but nothing never really worked out that much in my favor. Then there's other people who just seem to get everything so easy, and their lives are better, you look at them and what they've done and you tried to do everything the right way but nothing ever came of it.
It all depends on the time of parents you have, how money your parents have and the country you are born into.
Everything in life is chain reactions upon chain reactions. The cause and effect of your current life is based on so many variables that played out people too overwhelmed by possibility take comfort in fate and genetic determinism hand waving the element of further possibility (and more importantly, responsibility). You could waste time trying to trace back the reactions (of which no doubt number in hundreds of thousands, if not millions of causes), or you can simply just do your best with what you got and try to plan ahead for bad futures, adjusting as the future shifts to your present and illuminates you with new knowledge.
There's a Buddhist teaching story of a man who is randomly shot by an arrow. Immediately, he demands to know who shot the arrow and swears revenge etc, instead of taking out the arrow and tending to his injuries. This act is the second arrow, self-inflicted suffering.
If you subscribe to karma, it's just cause and effect coming into action, you're where you are based on your past choices and the choices of your predecessors (literal or figurative) or other environmental factors, you'll be headed somewhere based on your choices in the present. What you can effectively control is that small window in the present moment, improve your mindset and you can generate better causes for yourself.
More practical and action-oriented than believing in fate/determinism or astrological memes or heavenly entities fucking with you for no apparent reason.
Then again, leaving things up to fate or chance is appropriate once you have taken the necessary steps on your end to the best of your knowledge/abilities. Good luck in your endeavours, wherever they may lead you.
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There was a guy I saw on Instagram, one of those loud self help guys. He was talking about how people waste their lives worrying about one person, group, and/or community and not moving on. How it destroys people and takes their lives away from them by not being strong enough to pull themselves out of the obsession it comes with making things "right". Well, sometimes things will never be right, sometimes people don't change, and sometimes you have to walk away from situations and people that have held you down and along with yourself. That people can be their own worst enemy and how hurt is one of the most intense feelings that we have, and that walking away will always have that "what if" feeling, but why waste your life, why set everything else aside like the time and chances you had to chase something, people, and even places that you wanted to be. That fucking kills people, literally and figuratively. So, despite bad luck, shitty times, and everything, could part of this be because I never walked away? And I was doing the same exact fucking thing that this was talking about? Maybe.
Reading that back, that's actually really fucking solid advice. I wish I got that a lot sooner, maybe have but probably ignored it because I'm stubborn as a god damn mule.
I like that, I've always wanted to look into Buddism, but I don't want to end up like those tools that make it their whole personality. Seems to have good teachings, and the "arrow" represents a lot of things in my life. Always getting pissed and wanting revenge, but dude, the arrows the fucking problem here. Neat
Yeah bro you got it
We have no free will. If there’s a god who knows all, anything we choose is already written. If there’s not, we are the product of what came before us, nonetheless. What you decide to have for dinner is the result microorganisms, the direction of the wind, and things that happened before we were born. If you think you have free will, it is because you have no choice. Submission is the way of nature, or what some call god. Free will is the dream of Prometheus. The will to rebel against nature and all odds, that old satan, the creator of good and evil.
Gay.. sometimes you gotta go kill that faggot that keeps shooting you with fucking arrows, you know?

Fucking retarded. Yeah, if you change the definition of free will to suit your needs, then it can be whatever the fuck you want. But if you go by the definition the rest of the planet uses, then yes, we have free will and there is no way you can argue otherwise
There’s no way I can change your mind because you cannot change your mind. I am a retard in good company.
Well he's a fucking dick for what he wrote me, this shit sucks.
Yeah, but sometimes it won't fix anything if damage has already been done. You can kill the guy, but you still got shot with an arrow. Which would probably hurt like a motherfucker, got my ass over here looking like a god damn pin cushion.
Yes and yes. You meet your fate based on your choices. Good choices, good fate, etc. Random catastrophic life choices don't net a steady decent outcome, but enough small random acts of kindness can topple dictator regimes.
Kind of a childish mindset about things, sometimes revenge isn't going to fix anything and usually will cause more problems. It's what I said in my other posts and how someone put it flat out that if you're just going to be doing the same things over and over, that might be the source of most if not all of your problems. That you have to move on, and look at everything you're going for and think about if it's really for you, it's worth chasing and spending time worrying about. You have to think about where you're at in the moment, if you're living a shit life, something went wrong, maybe you just have bad luck, maybe you had parents that took advantage of your problems, maybe you cared about things,people and places that you didn't need to care about anymore. There's always something, and there's always something to look at and ask "Is this helping me?", and if it's not, nothing has improved, nothing has changed, it has you stuck in your past, your regrets, your failures, your fuck ups, then it's time to move on. Yeah, getting back at someone who fucked you over is a great feeling, but at the same time, was all the time and everything really worth it? Shit, while you're trying to get back at someone, a chance that could have changed your whole life went passed you, you never know.
>Yeah, but sometimes it won't fix anything if damage has already been done. You can kill the guy, but you still got shot with an arrow
It'll fix somethin if the same motherfucker keeps shooting you with arrows, that's for sure

>sometimes revenge isn't going to fix anything and usually will cause more problems
Who said anything about revenge?
It is religiously and scientifically sound. I’m not interested in revenge and have nothing but minor problems. Why do I get the bully? These people may differ in detail but all seem to be in the same camp.

Maybe a couple others are coming around to it. I still think we should act as if we believe in free will. If there is a way to defeat god, we should do it, and take control of our own futures. Buddhism, seems to me, to skip the question all together and cuts straight to selflessly not giving a fuck.
People who believe in autonomous agency over one's life believe by necessity in Cartesian dualism or having agency over reality from within the metaphysical. There's no other way it can make sense. I think agency over our life is a powerful illusion that we lack the real perspective to see beyond. Everything else in this physics universe is affected by laws and states and everything that happened before it, BUT NOT US RIGHT? This perspective frustrates me because I feel like it causes people undue suffering by blaming the individual for the problems of the system. There's a reason people aren't magically transcending social and income classes, but no let's just call them lazy and weak and pat ourselves on the back for the multitude of good fortune we've enjoyed that go unnoticed and unmentioned, further deluding others when we talk about how great we are and how far we've come. I've been both downtrodden and successful at multiple points in my life in multiple ways and it feels like I had very little control over all of it. If I really want to count all the things outside myself that contributed I can easily find a wealth of factors. So then I guess that would imply even this post I'm writing they're is no "I" to take credit for, and in the same way there's nobody to blame. Sometimes I tell myself it's best to still operate under the illusion of free will to guide your life, but this is also probably an echo.
> think people have certain fates in life?
At most there are tendencies.
>is it all on the person and their choices?
Yes. But most people don't think much about the consequences of the decisions they make.
Literally everything can be boiled down to luck.
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Yeah sisters of fate weave your destiny. Sure you can change some aspects, but ultimately its all in their plan.
>You decide you had enough and become gigachad
It was written
>You become fatty and sit around all day gooning
It was written
Simple as
I got one interesting answer you might like, OP.
hello, fellow stoic
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I am 40.

I have no woman, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will it be my turn to be on top bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
Yeah, but I've had shit luck. In just about every facet of my life and I hate looking at others lives and being confronted with the abnormal amount that I've had. I don't know why I've been so downtrodden and consumed with problems that no one else seems to have. But that comes down to me more than anything, and how I've tried but still didn't get any where but yearning for normalcy and healthiness that I don't have.
It's hard to say. Some people seem destined for great things until they get into a freak accident/are diagnosed with cancer, some people drift through life until they luckshit their way to success. Some people are always successful (through hard work and/or luck), some people never get a break and suffer all the way to their deathbed.
>some people never get a break and suffer all the way to their deathbed.
That's sadly where I feel I'm at, I've had nothing, and I've had no one. People seem to really fucking enjoy treating me like shit or giving me a hard time, but no one thought it was wrong. Shit, it would be encouraged to treat me like shit, slander me, manipulate me and others opinions about me, no one let me around anyone, I was never involved in anything like I wanted to be or anything. I can't even just have a job, work, and go home without any problems, and the last job was the worst fucking experience I ever had at work, they did everything they could to get me to get fired and they won. Just like anyone else in life that's against me, or has been, they always won. Standing up for myself, my name, reputation, etc, always bring more ridicule and caused more of a spread socially that always ended up damaging me and being isolated and alienated from people. And even people that like the same things but there' always a problem, and no one can stand seeing, or hearing any positive things about me. I was always looked at in a bad light, always accused of something(usually something socially damaging), I was always brutally judged and brought down, I've had people go after me for years over a situation I had nothing to do with because they find entertainment in my suffering, they enjoy hurting me and seeing me be hurt, and that's with everyone. There's no light in my life and I feel like I wasn't allowed to have that.
Dudes, I moved to a city I wanted to move to, and found out that people had been going around the city for years slandering me to anyone that would listen. I got there stoked and was ready to take everything the city offered and everything, nope. I couldn't walk down the street in fucking Richmond,VA without someone knowing who I was and talking shit or getting dirty looks. And I did nothing wrong to anyone, just people went after me that hard and I was already outcasted and isolated in a city I wanted to be in for no reason, well, there is one, over a situation I had nothing to do with and having an extremely mentally and emotionally ill man ruin it for me, along with getting me booted out of the moped community, and the moped community there. I had strangers know my name, know who I was, wanting to beat my ass, telling me to go home, things like that and I did nothing to anyone.

Who the fuck can say "I got slandered so bad in a city I never lived in to the point I couldn't walk down the street"? No one but me, and you tell people that and they look at you like you have completely gone god damn bonkers and not knowing how fucked up is that it's the truth.
I also was bullied really bad in my teens and it fucked me up bad. Seeing the world let people hurt you and join in on it was the most painful thing that I ever experienced. It got to the point where I was legitimately getting scared that someone was going to kill me. All started because some guy in class didn't like me, he was liked and popular, and wrote me a social death sentence that still follows me today in my 30's.
Both are true.
We can react to the currents around us, but some of them might be too strong to overcome.
I once thought of it as a poker game.
Imagine you are one of the greatest poker players on Earth and you enter a massive poker tournament. You really want to win and you are super invested in the game. You get to the finals and every single hand you get is the absolute worst possible.
How do you get over the anger that bad luck brought to you in this situation?
>just stop caring and go do something else
You can’t. You ARE invested in the poker game you can’t “just leave” or “just stop caring”. That isn’t a solution to the problem.
The only solution I could think of after pondering over it for a while was that you had to win. Winning the game is the only way to overcome the unbelievable rage that horrific luck causes you in this scenario.
Now because of your bad luck the game will be incredibly difficult to win. But that is irrelevant. Your only option is to win. Not try. Win.
If you lose the game due to just plain bad luck you will be absolutely livid. All of your hard work flushed down the toilet due to something that you have no control over. The sheer unfairness of it all will drive you mad and make you miserable.
It doesn’t matter how hard you try or fight. That is completely irrelevant. If you do not win the game in the end, you’ll be devastated.
If you do manage to win though, you’ll be happy. You may still find your luck completely ridiculous, but you won. So all the feelings of unfairness are washed away.
Unfortunately, most people can’t win in such a situation and some luck is so bad that you will never win. For example, imagine that on the way to the tournament you got hit by a car and died instantly. Now you have a zero percent chance of winning.
Bad luck can ruin your life. The only way to overcome it is to beat the odds. In other words, get lucky.
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Just stop playing my brother.
The top isn't based on turns.
You'll "make it" when you wake up set a goal you pursue, and start putting effort into it. Stop wasting time waiting for it.
There is lots of randomness in life. Some people call it luck, but I remain unconvinced.

Look at all of the people who have been lifted up by money and family power, only to fail. Meanwhile, someone else works the least, is lazy, and doesn’t care, was born broke, and makes it somewhat far.

It’s all RNG. Some people get the screws thrown to them.
If it gives you any peace, I am 100% certain, he will rot in the Great Lake of fire and will cook and scream and knash his teeth for eternity. Fuck that guy!
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Not any of my worries right now, it's the other shit in the past 10+ years.
>unbelievable rage
>something that you have no control over.
Uhh, why would you get mad about something that you have no control over? Knowing that I have no control over something actually makes me not feel so bad usually lol

>Bad luck can ruin your life. The only way to overcome it is to beat the odds.
It doesn't matter if I lose every single time, that still doesn't "ruin my life"

>If it gives you any peace, I am 100% certain, he will rot in the Great Lake of fire and will cook and scream and knash his teeth for eternity. Fuck that guy!
Unless he apologizes

Choice is an illusion.
You can clearly see people making the same choice over and over, and where it ends up over time. They don't even begin to address the "things beyond thier "control" ".
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I don't think it's all fate per se', but I do think that it's also on the person. I guess I just got he worst of both. It so brutal to see people you cared about torn the fuck away from you over nothing that you did wrong.
Maybe I need to admit that I need some help over it, it for sure fucked me up bad and at this point I don't think anyone would disagree.

I didn't do anything wrong, it wasnt my fault.
Stop thinking of fate as magical.
Even if they can't escape the inevitable, theres no author reaching some story goal.

Shit happens.
>Shit happens
Yeah, but a lot to me
Allah gives everyone what they ask for. The way things turned out for you is exactly what you sought. You either made a mistake and sought the wrong thing, or you're just seeing the negative aspects and are blind to the positive aspects because your vision is clouded.
This isn't what I asked for, at all. I have nothing, no one, and I'm living a life that I despise. There's no reason for me to have the life that I have, but the thing is, there was always someone in the way, or setting up barriers that I couldn't get over to keep me away from any improvement or normalcy.
>why would you get mad about something that you have no control over?
If someone close to you got diagnosed with terminal cancer that would be something you have no control over. You would obviously care about that.
>It doesn't matter if I lose every single time, that still doesn't "ruin my life"
It depends what you think of as "losing". I used the poker game as an example, but that might not be relatable enough. Let's say you get hit by a drunk driver and are permanently hospitalised and can barely move. I would say that your life is ruined at that point. And if being alive is enough for you to keep going strong then imagine it killed you.
The idea that luck can't do anything to you if you don't care is incredibly stupid.
Yep fate is real, it's called context. If you're skilled with divination you can even reliably predict it, which really leaves an impression. With that said, free will is also real. There's a bit of push and pull.

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