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CNN Analysts now Cast Doubt on Cohen and the Prosecution's entire case, and say conviction of Trump is "unlikely"


President Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen was grilled by defense attorneys on May 16 about a key phone call that Mr. Cohen had previously testified about.

Considered the key witness in President Trump’s Manhattan case, Mr. Cohen previously alleged that President Trump approved of reimbursements to him to pay an adult film performer Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, during the 2016 election. Now, President Trump’s lawyers are asking him numerous questions about previous statements he has made, attempting to undermine his credibility and previous testimony.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche grilled Mr. Cohen about a pivotal phone call that had connected President Trump to the allegations at the center of the case. He accused Mr. Cohen of calling the former president’s bodyguard Keith Schiller to complain about harassing phone calls—not to disclose an update on a plan to purchase the silence of Ms. Clifford.

Mr. Cohen said that the prank calls were a part of the conversation with Mr. Schiller.

“Now your memory is that you were testifying truthfully on Tuesday, and you had enough time to update Mr. Schiller about all the problems you were having with these harassing calls?” Mr. Blanche asked him.

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But what did Trump and Cohen talk about on their phone calls between the 24th and 26th. They day the payment was made?
Correct. Trump gets people to do shit on his behalf. This case is littered with examples supporting it.
What kind of lawyer records his client without their knowledge, and since when is that admissable evidence in court?
>"Yes I did it, but I did it for the sake of Trump, so it's technically not my fault."
Replace the name "Trump" with any convicted mob boss, and that's the testimony that was used to take that mob boss down.
>What kind of lawyer records his client without their knowledge,
When the lawyer is hired to be a "Fixer" for one of the most notoriously corrupt real estate bullies of the 20th century and works 9 years in that position knowing where the bodies are buried.
>and since when is that admissable evidence in court?


More than a year after a Travis County jury convicted Daniel Perry of murdering a protester in Austin, Gov. Greg Abbott pardoned the former U.S. Army sergeant on Thursday shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended a full pardon.

A Texas state district court judge sentenced Perry in May 2023 to 25 years in prison for shooting and killing U.S. Air Force veteran Garrett Foster during a 2020 demonstration protesting police brutality against people of color.

One day after a jury convicted Perry, Abbott directed the parole board to review the former U.S. Army sergeant’s case.

“Among the voluminous files reviewed by the Board, they considered information provided by the Travis County District Attorney, the full investigative report on Daniel Perry, plus a review of all the testimony provided at trial,” Abbott said in a statement announcing the proclamation that absolved Perry. “Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney.”

Abbott approved the board’s recommendation, which included restoration of Perry’s firearm rights.

“The members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles delved into the intricacies of Perry’s case. The investigative efforts encompassed a meticulous review of pertinent documents, from police reports to court records, witness statements, and interviews with individuals linked to the case,” the pardon board wrote in a Thursday statement.

Perry was driving for Uber at the time he encountered protesters a few blocks from the Capitol in downtown Austin. He stopped his car and honked at protesters as they walked through the street. Seconds later, he drove his car into the crowd, Austin police said.
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That is some good news. Anybody who is part of the BLM terrorist group deserves to be executed with a bullet in the head.
All commies are vermin, you piece of shit.
Because they suck zionist cock you dumb bitch, that is why they want to exterminate all the Palestinian people.
>Why is bigotry used to justify genocide bad?
You tell me.
Your second reply is no different than a black dude bragging about cucking white dudes with his BBC. Your above "muh dick" rhetoric, aren't you?

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Far-right Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's property was flying an upside-down American flag — a known MAGA "Stop the Steal" symbol — right around the same time that the Supreme Court was deciding whether to take up a challenge to the 2020 election brought by the Republican Party of Pennsylvania.

According to The New York Times, "The upside-down flag was aloft on Jan. 17, 2021, the images showed. President Donald J. Trump’s supporters, including some brandishing the same symbol, had rioted at the Capitol a little over a week before. Mr. Biden’s inauguration was three days away. Alarmed neighbors snapped photographs, some of which were recently obtained by The New York Times. Word of the flag filtered back to the court, people who worked there said in interviews. While the flag was up, the court was still contending with whether to hear a 2020 election case, with Justice Alito on the losing end of that decision."

Alito denies having put up the flag himself, saying that, “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.” His wife was involved in a dispute with a neighbor over an anti-Trump sign in their yard.

Nonetheless, "Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot" — including upcoming rulings from the Supreme Court on whether January 6 defendants can be charged with obstruction of Congress, and whether Trump himself has presidential immunity from prosecution for his role in the election plot.
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Nah Alito was already caught lying.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is under fire after the flag outside of his home was flown upside down, a symbol adopted by the Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rallygoers.

The U.S. Flag Code outlines: "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."

>Alito blamed his wife for the move, saying she was upset at lawn signs with swear words. Several signs popped up around the election, reading, "f--- Trump." She complained that children waiting for the bus saw the vulgar word.

>It has now been revealed that there were no students at the bus stops because school was virtual due to the pandemic.

"If you want to connect the image that you saw, you don’t have to look far," said former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann. "If you look at what Alito said in the immunity argument — the argument was should a president be subject to the criminal laws. And it was unbelievable. Somebody who is a U.S. attorney, now sitting in the Supreme Court of the United States, took the position, we cannot trust DOJ, we cannot trust a grand jury of citizens, we cannot trust the criminal justice system, which by the way, he oversees the constitutional limits on what the government can do, we can’t trust that and that’s why a president should be immune."
He said that there is a "direct line" to the oral arguments in that case

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She later noted that Chief Justice John Roberts has the power to hold the justices to the same standards as other judges, but he has been unwilling to do so.

She counted off rules such as "employees of the Supreme Court may not engage in partisan political activity, partisan political activity related to elections contested by political parties. For example, employees may not publicly support or oppose a partisan political organization or candidate."

Another is that "employees may not engage in nonpartisan activity if it could reflect adversely on the dignity or impartiality of the court or interferes with the duties."

Wallace said that the "upside-down flag is associated with one of the two parties, Trump supporters, at the Capitol that day and absolutely makes it impossible for that body to be dignified."

Weissmann agreed and pointed out the absurdity of Alito's excuse, blaming it on his wife.

"Can we consider for a moment what Justice Alito's defense is here?" he said. "Understanding that because of the photo, he can't just say it didn't happen. Let's even assume his wife put it up, and take that as a given. Even though we just have the statement, there's lots of reasons to think — it's his lawn. But he didn't see it?"

Wallace noted that Alito never said in the statement that he didn't see it, only that his wife did it.

> "It's up for days. He never saw that? I mean, he didn't talk to his wife? He didn't see the flag? He didn't think, maybe I should take this down? Remember the environment we were in. Let's go back to Jan. 6th. What was going on in Washington? I mean, I keep saying this about the judges who have these cases; everyone who was in Washington lived it. It was happening there around them."

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"And he didn't think, maybe I should take this down?" asked Weissmann. "I mean, and then the response, I'm doing this in response to what? How is putting a 'Stop the Steal' flag that you know about, you are not taking down, how is that somehow justified by a neighbor?"

"My neighbor is mean; I'll side with the treason party," Wallace quipped.

Weissmann wondered what would happen if the neighbor promoted Joe Biden.

"That means you put up this flag as a sitting Supreme Court Justice? It is so much, 'Might makes right.' It is such a denigration of what should be a court that people revere."

So Alito is either guilty and unqualified to sit on the court or stunningly incompetent and unqualified to sit on the court.
You don't pay much attention to what you quote.
Read your green text again.
That would all still be on his wife, you dumb fuck.

Where I work we have three flag poles.
One for the US, one for the state and the third for whatever. They are visible for over a mile away from the direction I approach and I pass by them going in the gate.
I cannot tell you for a fact whether or not ANY flag has actually been flying for the least several weeks.
You would be stupefied learning how much visual information people simply don't register unless someone points it out or they make a conscious effort to notice it.
>That would all still be on his wife
Considering he lied about that, he can't be trusted.

>Where I work we have three flag poles.
And how often do they fly them upside down? Anecdotal evidence on your part that can be thrown out.

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Without whoring out his son to the highest bidding, corrupt Ukrainian oligarch or Chinese party member, Biden is struggling financially and no one is buying his books.

Joe Biden is carrying debt of up to $815,000, financial records show, as it's revealed he and First Lady Jill also failed to net royalties from three of their book titles due to lackluster sales

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are carrying a personal debt of up to $815,000, their financial records show, and no one is buying the president's books.

Most of the couple's debt is the mortgage on their Delaware home and an equity loan on that home. Additionally their debt consists of a term loan of about $15,000 and a loan against a mutual fund for about $50,000.

In total, the Bidens reported assets between roughly $1 million and $2.6 million and liabilities between roughly $350,000 and $850,000, according to an Office of Government Ethics form that lists ranges rather than precise figures.

The Bidens' financial records, along with those of Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff, are required to be made public annually under the Ethics in Government Act, which was introduced to prevent any conflicts of interest.

In his form, President Biden reveals he has had no royalties from his two books: 'Promises to Keep' and 'Promise Me, Dad' this year.
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so Putin is now Biden's bitch? You russians sure are silly.
Where do you people get this shit from?
That debt nonsense is retarded shit to get sympathy from idiots like you, and evade taxes. That White House squatter has more than enough money to live like a king.
Very simple logic indicates the post YOU were replying to.
you know, >>1295950 from >>1295963

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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed Friday that the GOP-led House Oversight Committee abdicated normal procedures after the panel devolved into mudslinging, sparked by a characteristically bizarre outburst by Marjorie Taylor Greene. In fact, AOC explained, the chaotic House hearing was part of a “structured GOP outcome.”

The committee was holding a markup meeting regarding Republican efforts to advance contempt proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland for refusing to produce confidential recordings between President Biden and special counsel Robert Hur.

During the Thursday night meeting, MTG spontaneously launched into a bizarre line of questioning at her Democratic colleagues, asking if any of them employ the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, a favored attack from Trump that landed him a gag order that conservative politicians have been intentionally circumventing during his hush-money trial.

Democratic Representative Jasmine Crockett asked Greene, whose comments had derailed the hearing, “Do you know what we’re here for?” In response, Greene insulted Crockett’s appearance, saying “I don’t think you know what you’re here for. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Greene’s attack prompted a response from Ocasio-Cortez, who admonished the far-right loudmouth and unsuccessfully moved to have Greene’s comments struck, calling Greene’s rhetoric “absolutely unacceptable.”

The following day, Ocasio-Cortez took to X (formerly Twitter) to break down how Greene’s outburst overshadowed—and aided—what Ocasio-Cortez describes as a “microcosm of what authoritarians do on a larger scale.”

Thanks to MTG’s meltdown, the vote to initiate contempt proceedings against Garland was successful.

“AFTER the Republican Chair and GOP members broke official House protocol to allow MTG’s horrific opening silo of rhetoric, they THEN made another change to dispense with the legislative process,” Ocasio-Cortez said on X (formerly Twitter). “THAT part is not getting enough attention.”

In a move Ocasio-Cortez described as “highly unusual and still unclear to me how legitimate it was,” the GOP-led committee vacated both the typical amendment process and legislative debate that follows, moving directly to vote on their own text without allowing for amendments or objections to be heard.

“That’s why this stuff isn’t just all-sides chaos, or mere distraction, or a pox on everyone’s house,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “They WANT you to think this was some random devolution of conduct instead of a structured GOP outcome. We must understand who and what actions created the situation. It matters.”

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Fox News host's parody music video 'Keeps Fallin' about Joe Biden goes viral

A parody music video of President Joe Biden created by comedian and host of FOX News Saturday Night Jimmy Failla is now going viral online as more fans share it.

The video is a parody of rock artist Tom Petty's famous tune 'Free Fallin' and features clips of Biden wandering around, falling down on stage and on the stairs of Air Force One, as the lyrics point out that Biden 'Keeps fallin.'

Biden, 81, frequently trips and stumbles in public and his gait has become stiffer as he gets older, prompting his staff to try and reduce the chances of taking embarrassing falls.

In March 2021, Biden tripped and fell three times as he struggled up the stairs boarding Air Force One. In June 2022, Biden fell sprawling off his bicycle as he stopped to take to reporters.

In June 2023, Biden tripped and fell on the stage at a U.S. Air Force Academy graduation ceremony. In October 2023, he tripped up the stairs ahead of a speech in Pennsylvania before catching himself.

Failla told DailyMail.com that he wrote the lyrics for the parody song himself and that his production team created the video.

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Unfortunately it's now a Republican core principle. Make a doo-doo for Donnie!
Anon you'd fall a lot too if you've had 2 aneuryms and cancer
fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: re: HILARIOUS VIDEO IN LINK!!!
Please keep this shit on Facebook where it belongs, boomers.
Walk up a single step without falling and pooping your pants Joe Biden edition challenge level: Impossible

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According to Spectrum News Reporter Brett Shipp, Miles started three Third Future Schools in Colorado after leaving Dallas ISD in 2015, and then the charter network expanded to Texas with more schools starting in 2020.

Shipp stated that internal school records and a nationally recognized school rating agency indicate that the three Colorado schools have struggled with performance, enrollment, and finances. Shipp's report further stated that one of the Colorado schools was forced to close last summer, leaving the school with $5 million in unpaid bond debt.
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Ever consider that you might be wrong about everything?
It's a shame you dumb fucks are so easily exploited by rich people
But enough about democrats
Yes I agree, more attention on the racist traitor criminals aka the republicans
You misspelled democrats

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Criticism of a member's "fake eyelashes" and another's intelligence. A question about discussing a member's "bleach blond, bad-built butch body."

A House Oversight Committee meeting Thursday night devolved into chaos amid personal attacks and partisan bickering in a rare evening session that was supposed to center on a resolution recommending Attorney General Merrick Garland be held in contempt of Congress.

The already tense hearing was derailed when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., responded to a question from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, by saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Democrats, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, immediately moved to strike Greene's words from the record and make her apologize to Crockett.

"That is absolutely unacceptable," Ocasio-Cortez said over cross talk. "How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person?"

Greene taunted Ocasio-Cortez, asking, "Are your feelings hurt?"

"Oh, girl? Baby girl," Ocasio-Cortez shot back. "Don't even play."

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Gen Z and millenials aren't going to support a system that priced them out of homeownership and being able to start a family.
Who cares what the Ohio rizz skibidi toilet generation thinks?
You must be at least 80 years old to be this out of touch with reality.
He makes a good point
But you didn't make a point at all. You just regurgitating more retarded propaganda that no sane person gives credence to.
>I'm a twinky little queer without muh guns
Tell us more


If you’ve seen former New York City Mayor and one time Donald Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani, you may want call authorities in Arizona. Giuliani has seemingly vanished after his indictment in Arizona for election interference. He owns a condo in Palm Beach County.
Authorities say they’ve been trying to serve Giuliani with the indictment for several weeks, but have yet to find him. He is required to appear in court, in Arizona, within the next several days. An arrest warrant could be issued if he does not appear.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, according to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, owns a condo at 315 South Lake Drive in West Palm Beach. It was purchased in February of 2010 for $1.4M. He was apparently last seen in that area before disappearing.

If you see Rudy Giuliani, the Arizona Attorney General’s office can be reached at 602-542-5025. There’s also a tip submission area on their website which is AZAG.gov.
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Swing and a miss. OP here and you're the giant faggot ITT instead of me.
Giuliani about to be found in an alley with a different kind of leaky head.
or he'll get the captain queenan treatment
If only Papa Trump would wave his magic small hands and make all of Rudy's troubles go away.
I've noticed an uptick in schizo chud behavior like this since the poster counter went away. Anyone know what's causing it?


California university president put on leave for ‘insubordination’ after meeting Gaza protesters’ demands
Mike Lee had agreed to move toward divesting from Israel and giving a pro-Palestinian group more sway over campus decisions.


California State University placed Sonoma State campus President Mike Lee on leave Wednesday after he agreed to protesters’ demands to involve them in university decision-making and pursue divestment from Israel.

Lee sent a campus-wide memo Tuesday indicating that he had made several concessions to occupants of a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. The memo was sent “without the appropriate approvals,” CSU Chancellor Mildred García said in a statement, adding that she and the 23-campus CSU system’s board are “actively reviewing the matter.”

"For now, because of this insubordination and the consequences it has brought upon the system, President Lee has been placed on administrative leave,” García said.

The punishment marks perhaps the harshest disciplinary action against a campus chancellor or president in California over the handling of protests of the war in Gaza. It also underscores an unwillingness to divest from Israeli weapons manufacturers — as pro-Palestinian protesters across the country have increasingly demanded the last few months — among leaders of the CSU system and its sister University of California system.
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Why are white people like this?
Unironically a Christian apocalypse cult.
>to where?
Just pick a fucking direction and walk. If you reach water just turn left or right. Once you get through Israel, you are guaranteed to reach a muslim country.
Man it sucks that two groups that hate White people are fighting, guess I'll just have to put my feet up, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the show. I wouldn't want to be a White Savior and steal agency from those poor, inbred parasites after all.
They don't want them, Palestinians are notoriously ungrateful and tried a terrorist coup in Jordan when Jordan tried to shelter them.

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Michael Cohen, the star witness in Donald Trump's hush money case, appears to have made an impact on some members of the jury, according to CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen. Eisen, an attorney who has been attending trial proceedings, observed "six jurors who were nodding or smiling, or agreeing with Cohen at one point in his testimony."

Cohen's testimony, considered a key part of the prosecution's case, could persuade jurors that Trump was directly connected to the falsified business records used to cover up the money he paid for the silence of Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress he allegedly had sex with. And while he was expected to fall easy prey to cross-examination by Todd Blanche, a seasoned lawyer on Trump's defense team, Cohen appears to have exceed the low expectations.

Prosecutors "very skillfully played the expectation game throughout the trial," said Eisen, comparing the dynamics to that of a presidential debate. "They elicited criticism of Cohen from every witness. The jury is the ultimate audience for the expectation, and they surpassed the jury and the judge's expectations."

The testimony's effectiveness might have also been helped by a subpar performance from Blanche, who tried to pin Trump's former fixer as a man driven by financial profit and petty grudges but instead came across as meandering and off-topic. Cohen, who spent three years in a federal prison after he pleaded guilty to his involvement in the same hush money scheme at the heart of the Manhattan trial, simply acknowledged questions about whether or not he said or posted certain things about Trump with "that sounds like something I would say."

Several jurors reportedly found such exchanges amusing.

"You could see the judge berating Blanche," said Eisen. "And then he ordered the questions struck from the record, and the jury did hear that."

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OMG if I still had my penis I'd have a "Trump's going to jail!!" boner right now, sisters
Good performance post.
Ha this guy has no weiner
And I'm wearing a dress.
IT'S "MAIMED"!!! You fucking transphobe!

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Biden demands Texas reopens it's border after the state reduced illegal border crossings by nearly 60%
The 18-inch deep river would only be federal jurisdiction if they could prove it's a commercial waterway, so Biden's lawyers argue that the rio grande is in fact a commercial waterway because they could "imagine a lot of border streams and creeks where you could have friends ferrying Girl Scout cookies in a small rowboat"
Biden administration, Texas duel in US appeals court over floating migrant barrier

May 15 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Wednesday urged a U.S. appeals court to rule that Texas cannot keep a 1,000-foot-long floating barrier in the Rio Grande, one in a series of measures taken by the Republican-led state to deter illegal border crossings.

The full New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments for about an hour in an appeal by Texas of a judge's ruling that said the state needed the federal government's permission before installing the buoys last July.

The case is part of a larger battle between the administration of President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Republican officials in Texas and other states who say the federal government has failed to address a recent increase in illegal border crossings from Mexico.

Wednesday's arguments focused on whether the area of the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas where the barrier was placed is under state or federal control. Under a U.S. environmental law called the Rivers and Harbors Act, the federal government would have the authority if the area were navigable for commercial purposes.

Lanora Pettit, a lawyer for Texas, said the U.S. border with Mexico, is as little as 18 inches deep in that area and there is no history of commercial use of the waterway.

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The judges will do what Abbott wants just because a judge's power comes from the law being respected and if they don't go with the flow (and just get overruled by force) it erodes their own position. Also because Abbott is objectively correct, but there are multiple reasons why this is a done deal. Shame, really, I looked forward to seeing feddies get humiliated by cowboys.
>If it's not shot down by judges
Why would any judge rule that a river which has never been used for commerce is a commercial waterway?
>immigration law was exclusively the power of the executive branch
Low IQ. Stop posting.
Because it can be. Cope, seethe, dilate, etc.
Are you implying the president decides immigration law, retard?


The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the funding structure for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, rescuing the consumer finance agency from another effort by its critics to weaken it.

The court said in a 7-2 decision that the agency's funding structure complies with the Constitution's Appropriations Clause. Justice Clarence Thomas authored the majority opinion. Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented.

"Under the Appropriations Clause, an appropriation is simply a law that authorizes expenditures from a specified source of public money for designated purposes," Thomas wrote. "The statute that provides the bureau's funding meets these requirements. We therefore conclude that the bureau's funding mechanism does not violate the Appropriations Clause."

The decision reverses a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit that concluded the mechanism for funding the consumer agency was unconstitutional.

Thomas wrote that the statute laying out how the CFPB gets its funding — from the Federal Reserve — fits with the appropriations practices dating back to the First Congress and is similar to schemes used to fund the Post Office and Customs Service, which were established in the late 1700s.

In a dissenting opinion, Alito said the ruling in favor of the CFPB "turns the Appropriations Clause into a minor vestige." He said that under the funding scheme upheld by the court, the consumer watchdog can "bankroll its own agenda without any congressional control or oversight."

"There is apparently nothing wrong with a law that empowers the executive to draw as much money as it wants from any identified source for any permissible purpose until the end of time," Alito wrote. "That is not what the Appropriations Clause was understood to mean when it was adopted."

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They can, but they have to pass a law to change it instead of the normal "whoops, we forgot to gave you money this year" method
Whoever is president still has to sign it. Being of the same party as the majority in Congress is no guarantee.
Show me some proof, retard.
Proof of what?
That your previous statement is accurate.

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Sorry then. My bad
Clicked the link. A part of it turned blue. What now?
>Breed of dog mysteriously not mentioned

I read about this on another forum (because OP is too stupid to post the article) and Angie Harmon said it was a mix-breed beagle but part of the problem seems to be that she ordered from some grocery delivery service and was expecting an older woman to drop off her food (the service includes a pic of the delivery driver) and it ended up being a guy and I'm guessing a Black guy, as Blacks are unreasonably terrified of even little yappy dogs.
"CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Actor Angie Harmon has filed a lawsuit against Instacart and one of its former shoppers who fatally shot her dog in March while delivering groceries at her North Carolina home.

The lawsuit filed late last week in Mecklenburg County seeks to hold the shopper and Instacart liable for accusations of trespassing, gross negligence, emotional distress and invasion of privacy, among other allegations. It accuses Instacart of engaging in negligent hiring, supervision, retention and misrepresentation. The suit seeks monetary damages, to be determined at trial.

Instacart says the shopper has since been permanently banned from its platform.

Harmon is known for her work on TV shows including “Law & Order” and “Rizolli & Isles.” She told ABC News that it was “so unfathomable to think that there is somebody in your front driveway that just fired a gun.”

“I think Instacart is beyond responsible for all of this. This didn’t have to happen,” Harmon said in the interview that aired Wednesday on “Good Morning America.” ABC News described the dog as a “beagle mix.”

According to the complaint, Harmon ordered an Instacart groceries delivery from a Charlotte store on March 30. The Instacart app showed a shopper named Merle with a profile photo of an older woman, with whom Harmon believed she was exchanging text messages about her order, the lawsuit says.
Later that day, Harmon was upstairs filling her squirrel feeders when a “tall and intimidating younger man,” not an older woman, showed up to deliver the groceries, the lawsuit says.

Harmon said she heard a gunshot sound and rushed outside. She found her dog, Oliver, had been shot, and saw the delivery person putting a gun into the front of his pants, according to the suit. Her teenage daughters, who had already been outside, were “in distress,” it says. The dog died at the veterinarian’s office."
"The shopper told police that he shot the dog after it attacked him, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department told news outlets, adding that they did not pursue criminal charges.

In an Instagram post last month about the encounter, Harmon wrote that the shopper “did not have a scratch or bite on him nor were his pants torn.”

Instacart says it immediately suspended the shopper after receiving the report about the shooting, then later removed him permanently. The company says it runs comprehensive background checks on shoppers, prohibits them from carrying weapons and has anti-fraud measures that include periodically requiring them to take a photo of themselves to ensure the person shopping matches their photo on file.

“Our hearts continue to be with Ms. Harmon and her family following this disturbing incident,” Instacart said in a statement. “While we cannot comment on pending litigation, we have no tolerance for violence of any kind, and the shopper account has been permanently deactivated from our platform.” "

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