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Are we looking forward to Senshi's backstory next week? He is arguably the most mysterious characters in the show. Really curious of how his food autism began
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>falin (PAWG) with pants
Don't act like the collage I posted wasn't the most repugnant shit you've ever seen because it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach when I look at it. It's horrendously ugly.
I'm not your butler, go look for yourself.
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>Namari, Paddol, Chilchuck, Hien [...] Kabru
>excessively ugly

What the fuck are you smoking? I'll grant you there's some overly caricatured characters around, particularly some of the dwarves, but calling Kabru or Chilchuck ugly is just nutty.

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Zwijo of the Dark episode soon! And then we get a Damamu episode next, at last! Say something nice about these two.
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>Even Rovian is in the OP
Yuna? irrelevant
her character is great for foreshadowing the ending of the anime.
>Yuudias Vs Dark Meister
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How would you feel if the next MC uses HEROS again?
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Subs in 5

This is peak woman body.
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The tag conflates a lot of different things: little girls whose breasts started budding early, Zankuro-style characters, shuz-style little girls with massive breasts, and characters like Chiho from Hataraku Maou-sama who are short JKs with baby faces and huge tits.
God, I love it when tits are big enough that bikinis dig into them.
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I like the idea of turning shortflats into shortstacks.
She's clearly talking to Araragi who's gotten a taste for loli kyonyuu

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new episode today!
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That is unironically how the best stories are written, authors go experience shit and then turn their own memories into stories.

Notice how the good VN's are all written by authors that have experienced love, while the shitty ones are written by perma virgins that have never spoken to a woman in their life.
will he ever find out?
The scientist
3. The first episode is the only one that I truly liked, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not still having fun. It'd have to shit the bed REALLY hard for me to drop it 8 eps in.
5. I'm genuinely enjoying it, I like the mc.

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I meant requesting a specific scenario, getting delivered it, and not even waiting one week to request it again. Of course "wife in bikini" doesn't count
It comes off incredibly rude imo
Cute Sakuya.
Hello WWD I'd like to request a pov of my waifu Pitou being proposed to (by me) with her happily accepting the ring.
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this with waifu
Cute Bikki

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Break week in manga, new episode tonight for anime
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Probably takes a while to learn but Robin SHOULD just write the translation for each one and send it to the news printing press to tell everyone.
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>then why cant robin just teach others how to read them?
Because the othere aren't interested
It was alright
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Bring Robin's bangs back
When will kid die in anime

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Cell welcomes you.
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He just wins ok.
Cell vs Gohan if Gohan locked tf in
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this edit is made by a sonicfag get out of my halls
What did cell ever do to you?

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You give low ratings to shows you don't watch just to bolster your favorite anime's rank don't you? Just admit it.
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I love updating my MAL daily and even engaging with the natives there. /a/ is gay and gets shoved in lockers by the shitposters from the other boards all day, so I don't care what they think.
Go back, malniggers.
I don't MAL but I don't even rate the shows I do watch.
Shitty OVAs deserve a higher ranking by default because the quality of even a fairly shitty 80s ova is usually leagues above modern stuff.
I’m going to be completely honest, I think MAL has a good top 100 manga rankings

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Can you yearly call yourself a true anime fan if you’ve never been to Japan?
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Can you really call yourself a true heterosexual if you've never been inside a woman?
Please tell me how it's "shonenslop", anon. Unless you seriously think an entire demographic is bad. I implicitly assumed you meant battle shonen by that. You also listed seinen, though were more specific about what kind of seinen but are probably writing off that whole demographic too, so there's two of the four demographics you're writing off in whole. Would you accept some josei?
>pseud has goyslop reading comprehension
go slurp more video essays goy

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For those who haven't read this series, these mangas are not a direct adaptation of the games. It severely enhances and builds upon the story.
358/2 DAYS
>Left alone to ponder the purpose of her existence and desperate for answers, Xion journeys alone to find out who--or what--she really is. But little do she, Roxas, and Axel know that her quest will lead to the close of one tale and the continuation of another...

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NTA but these threads are my first experience with kingdom heart
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kingdom farts lol
>the oranges that never were

You know, this third(?) time with Peter Pan world really made Hook and Smee shine. You give that

Kurenai actually did well.
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You’re a bit mistaken. You’re talking about Hinata specifically.
Nagato was controlling pain so yes Naruto had to fight him as he did everyone that he attempted to TNJ. What a dumb point to make
Neji too.
Hanabi will have monkey babies.
Hanabi always had an edge to her

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>Deku wants to save Tenko
>People hate it and call him a cuck
>Deku kills both Shigaraki and AFO and the TnJ did not work on Shigaraki
>People hate it and call him a far Hero
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Sorry, a panel is all you will got
was FMA the only long running shonen with a decent ending?
OP is bound to have one too
>Kouchi gets two (2) amazing girls
>Dequirk gets a downie that only became a hero to gold dig
I keel
I squeal
I can't say Vigilantes isn't real

I cope
I mope
Someone had me the rope

I sin
I never win
I belong in the trash bin

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We keep things wholesome here

ITT: Girls who deserved better
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She deserves something better than a simpcvck psychopath.
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her tits aren't this big
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I wonder if we'll see Kyouko and Mami's witch forms in the new movie. And if so i wonder if they'll get redesigns like Homulilly did in Rebellion
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One day it will but until then there will be fun. Three years, four years and then another mobage.

Certainly there will be fun here. Am I denying I am a fun dude?
>Servers closed, all progress lost
Probably i would cope in your situation too.
All that matters is that you have fun.
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Good for you.
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>page 10
Come here thread, the law of cycles will take you.

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Horseman manga!... and Reze?
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Very nice Reze. Cute outfit.
>threads dead cause everyone is fapping to erp
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>bejita out of nowhere
why are gokubros like this?
Classic Bejitabro

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