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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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File: scenic (14).jpg (2.78 MB, 1988x1406)
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Scenic wallpapers, especially towns/villages/cities.
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Size limit is kicking my ass. Will post more later
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wow kino
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Space Girl 88
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Space Girl 88 02
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Space Girl 88 03
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Space Girl 88 04
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Space Girl 88 05
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Space Girl 88 06
Here is a higher resolution version with the jpeg artifacts mostly removed
more gits scenery pls

Doesn't seem like GitS. Seems like that area in Cyberpunk 2077 where the invisible cyberpsychosis person appears.
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I want to make wallpapers using assets from unreal engine, is there some sort of way to AI enhance or anime filter these to look a bit more anime?
> jpeg artefacts mostly removed
> posts .jpg
Its concept art looks like of the GitS live action movie, you can see WETA on the bottom right.
File: Fe1a39GXgAEfnNt.jpg (655 KB, 2048x1156)
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Bruh that bit in Cyberpunk 2077 is literally a direct reference to the water fight scene from the 1995 GitS movie.
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kids these days
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That's a depressing AF scene
what's this from?
A great short anime by studio 4C° called (genius party beyond 6)
The whole genius party and genius party beyond series are soo good but this one is my favourite the 6th and the last one
BTW you can watch it on YouTube the uploaded the whole series for a limited time only so Don't miss it it's here's the link:

>> 2244679 #
do you have a ver of it in "something x 2000" have a dual 4k monitor fuck
Genius Party Beyond. An anime music video.
Thanks anon
File: backiee-185332-landscape.jpg (1.11 MB, 1920x1080)
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imagine making art and putting a phone in it
File: comfy1.png (3.97 MB, 1920x1174)
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File: Kanon.full.376808.jpg (1.63 MB, 2000x1345)
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man i love vashperados stuff
File: colorful-fantasy-city-tt.jpg (1.18 MB, 2747x1545)
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just nutted to this. thanks
It's depressing, but also kind of endearing. I'm not sure how to explain it, but there's some beauty in it. It's probably because of the art style and colors used.
But if that was something in real life, it'd be extremely depressing.
File: vgxw63.jpg (1.49 MB, 3556x1988)
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1.49 MB JPG

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