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I've been to known to fap 18-24 times a week on non-consecutive days and this brings people on 4chan great disgust, I've been told to kys many times because of it.
I mostly do it because of boredom but also because I've noticed it's really really easy for me to lose all my libedo if I just stop fapping for a few days, if I go a week without fapping, my libedo goes to zero and getting in the mood can take a long time, I'm afraid I could get stuck like that forever if I don't fap regularly, thanks for reading my blog.
Thats literally your autism kicking ain.
>I've been told to kys many times because of it.
that's not surprising, people will tell you to kill yourself for literally anything here.

My 3 passes expire in a few days, finally. I bought them at a low point in life, you have to be at a really low point in life when you're paying to post on this site of all places. I wasn't sure I was going to live to see them expire but I promised to myself that if I did, I'd quit this damn site at least for a while. That time has come, it's nothing personal against you guys or even the jannies that oppress me. I just need some time away especially with yet another US election coming up. It's going to be absolute hell in here for the next year or so, I know that for sure.

I'd suggest you all run away with me but I know most of you won't. If you do stay, I just have a favor to ask. Try to keep this thread alive for as long as you can. Use it for whatever, doesn't matter. I just think it'd be sweet to see it still up whenever I come back as a reminder of the old times. If it's not, I can at least view the archive and see the slow, painful descent into cancer that will occur over the next few years.
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this was the last thread in the catalog until i made this post
tim jim

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Wha... but... I have a pass?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Pretty sure that's a CloudFlare network-level block, note the 2015 copyright date, all 4chan-skinned CloudFlare pages have that.
I wish they banned Indians from accessing 4chan.
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prove it

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Why does this site go out of their way to be secretive and mysterious. I can’t think of a reason they would do this. To run a website with supposedly millions of monthly users and just be a black box with no information coming in or going out just makes no sense. This site might aswell be a church with all of us praying with no confirmation if our prayers are heard or not. The little we know about how the site works comes rarely and updates are few and far between. Why can’t the administrators give us updates? Tell us why they do things? Respond to feature requests?
I’m just looking for communication.
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This isn't reddit. There aren't 'silly ebin company comms XDD' messages posted.
Because newfags ruin everything.
It's the exact reason that this website has been going downhill since like 2006
I'd like to see hiro post more. Elon Musk posts on X every day. isn't it weird that hiro owns a social media website but doesn't care about it enough to use it?
last time the mods were open about their moderation, it lead to mass exoduses and massive damage control during the days of goobergate, I'm sure it's still wordfiltered.
Staying invisible also keeps the austitstic userbase from going on crusades against specific mods too hard.
>isn't it weird that hiro owns a social media website but doesn't care about it enough to use it?
He can still post as anon just like we post. the site and the culture is made not to have reputation. You can post whatever and nobody will care since everyone is just "anon" anyways, that is what makes the site great. Sometimes there are exceptions such as general threads or tripfags

>not one black person
>somehow manages to still promote interracial marriage
Americans are just stupid and can't telling people apart unless it is literally colour coded.

Racism has nothing to do with colour, this is why African tribes kill each other to this day. And of course how the entire Asia doesn't get along with each other.

If only the world is that simple that you can tell who is on your side by melanin concentration.

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Threads on /vip/ last for years! Post a goal in here that you want accomplished this time next year. If the thread is still active a year later, let us know how it went!

I'll start: I am gonna lose 20 pounds!
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I am going to commit to excersizing and get a girlfriend.
please update
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Retire within a year
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I'm gonna get back together with my boyfriend!

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if u read this ur gay lol
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this was the eighth last thread in the catalog until i made this post
this was the fifth last thread in the catalog until i made this post
thanks for noticing.

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I miss the poop blog :(
I analysed it and am in the process of writing a 3000 word essay on OP's defecation habits.
Please post it when you're done, thank you
thanks for liking it unfortunately i have no plans to make another one
thank you i am looking forward to it

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The fuck word.

its time to gas the blockchain -> der ticker ist $hidler
TG : @ AdulphHidler

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Eat this weiner
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the niggers
Crunch munch crunch crunch
corndogs are beef wellingtons
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Needs some carbs to go with it

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this board is /vip/
Satan can.
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you guys ever go off 4chan to see how other weebs live?
i went on reddit and found r/waifuism, they're pretty cringe, they'll make commissioned framed pics of their waifu and ban you if you get a 3DPD gf cus they consider that cheating on your waifu, actually they have two rules against this, having a waifu be your shining light during a period of darkness is what they consider "casual/hugblanketing" and they'll ban you too, they'll also ban you for cooking up "headcanon" of your waifu, or generally having your waifu experience any kind of character growth in your head is banned, if it's not canon, you're not allowed to think it or express it!
This rule also leads to such strange and irrational fears like "what if my waifu gets popular enough and gets a canon boyfriend in-universe??? id be so devastated", yes people really do write stuff like this on there.
also they moralfag out the ass, no daughterwifes, i wonder how they feel about all their waifus being below the age of majority in most of the developed world.
also of course they have a d*scord where you have to dox yourself to talk to them, what a bunch of spergs
I have a twitter account with an anime avatar that I use to promote my anime art style game and also occasionally just draw. I also retweet other anime pics. However I only post on there in Japanese and don't interact with or follow English-speaking anime fans. I think English-speaking anime communities are unfortunately quite a bit different from Japanese ones and not in a good way. Don't really want to get into it but basically I find weebs and ironic weebs to be annoying. I know this is pot calling the kettle black but you know what I mean.

I used to have a Facebook account- Around 2017 I converted my "real person" account that I made in 2010 to a weeb account and added a bunch of random people who had anime avatars, and basically shitposted that account to death until I just gave up and deleted it because I kept getting banned for innocuous things. Facebook is "no fun allowed" zone.
forgot I made this post so long ago, up you go!

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126 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
As panties, probably not, but you can still try rolling them following steps 1 to 6 and don't forget to let the front accent show.

Only 6 shopping days left to pick up rolled panties for Christmas.
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pot pot lel running to page 10
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pige pige lel dancing to page 10
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not so fast there, bucko
Not happening
You can keep your tea pots bitch ass.
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