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I hate when this happens when flying.
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based and simple
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How come the feet are facing towards you when everyone is seated to face the front?
the pic is sideways
>the flight was 90% barefoot Indians
How was the smell?

I want to plan a trip to Britanny & Normandy and camp around megalithic structure like Dolmens and Minirs. Is there any good spots to do this where I won’t be bothered? I would like to explore around too, but I need to experience a night or two doing this.

I haven't been to the Carnac but the Bretons told me it really isn't that impressive - there's a story recently that the government approved moving one of the stones to make room for a hardware store. There are less dense formations everywhere else that aren't really impressive.

There's a single tall structure in Dol-de-Bretagne around some emptyish fields with St. Malo and Mont St Michel nearby. For a formation of smaller rocks that is more secluded, there's Camaret-sur-Mer with a nice marina and some historical forts/bunkers nearby.

I'd reccomend the Cairn de Barnenez (yeah, not the same) near Morlaix; it has a ok view of the Morlaix bay but theres some refugee panels that ruin the message. If you are public transportation, email the tourism office with your time to double check if you need to reserve a shuttle/bus van and remember that the drop off/return stop are NOT the same place.
>Cairn de Barnenez
Thank you, I’ll give it a look. How does camping in France go? I read that open air camping it isn’t allowed. Not sure how true is this or if it’s one of these things where they’ll just give it a pass and look the other way if you cause no problems.
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I'm not the first guy but I went camping from Granville up to Mont Saint-Michel and was able to find some nice and quiet spots without being bothered. As long as you're respectful and gone early in the morning, nobody should bat an eye. In my experience, people there are pretty lay back. Once, I asked a lady if I could put my tent in her garden because I was out of options and she easily agreed. I think you'll be fine.

Let's talk about Eastern Europe travel here.

Give me your favorite Eastern European spots/suggestions.
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You're not lying. Inflation in Poland has flatlined recently, but just a year ago the annualized rate was approaching 20%. Insane. I'd expect the same economic factors driving prices higher would apply to other Eastern European countries. Hungary reportedly got hit even worse with inflation.
It's even worse for things that'd interest your usual tourist like eating out. Restaurants are stupidly fucking expensive compared to pre-Covid, the cheapest food easily doubled in price.
if u wanna see cool shit go to minsk -- what an awful stalinist nightmare. western ukraine is very beautiful and worth visiting and v safe atm. lvyv has lots of old bunkers as bars. i climbed a few towers in the carpathians out in those mountain villages. no one gives a shit except some concerned sheep and cows

i spent 2 months doing balkans. serbia was underwhelming but bosnia was absolutely full of this kind of stuff (sadly). sarajevo, mostar, and tusla especially are just wartorn cities that are unbelievably beautiful in the summer.

prepare to eat lots of cevappiK4VT
Estonian here, AMA if you're curious.
How often do you shit?

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I've been sent to Korea for a month for work and even in my off time I haven't been able to enjoy this country at all...

The nature is very nice, the gardens especially, but why is there litter absolute everywhere?
I could be walking through a trellis of the most beautiful Wisteria and find a pile of coffee cups at the bottom.
There's litter on the street, garbage bags dumped in front of buildings... It's disgusting.

The food is just... Not good.
Anything "savory" is salted to hell and covered in sauces to the point you can't taste it
Anything meant to be slightly sweet is stuffed to the brim with sugar and cream.

Convenience stores in Asian countries tend to be a little joy for me but even here it's just not as good as Japan or Singapore. No bottled cheap tea in ANY of them, snacks suck, items are just thrown about into the fridge racks...

I've got tomorrow off so I'm going on a short walk on a trail. The nature right now is really the best thing here.
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Literally the first line of the OP bro read
As someone who's been to Korea a few times
>Cafès, barfood, restaurants, and chain just aren't up to par.
What do you mean by this? That's a pretty big generalization here.
>No not Seoul. One of the smaller cities. There's quite a bit more nature, gardens, and trees here
This doesn't narrow anything down, not sure of many companies who will send you specifically to a small town for work only a month that isn't butted near a main city.
>There's no kpop qts here. I doubt anyone here exists between the ages 18-40.
Who might want to at least mention what town you're in, this is exceedingly rare outside some fishing villages I can 100% guarantee there is no reason a company would move someone to for a month
>There's no kpop qts here.
Literally no reason to go then.
I don't really know how to respond because my experience of Korea is pretty much the exact opposite of this post.

I guess the shithole you're in just sucks so bad?
South Korea outside of the major cities is kind of a shithole desu.
Safer than America sure but it has a distinctly third world vibe.
Also all the young people go to Seoul so you only see old people and children in the towns.

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>24yr old
>go to japan for 2nd time
>first time solo, this time with 2 good friends
>start off in tokyo
>roadtrip to nagano nature
>adventures ensues
>sleep in a tent for the first time
>laugh hysterically with friends during trip, never laughed this much in a week
>never had this much fun in a holiday
>roadtrip to kyoto and osaka
>osaka nightclub, close to pulling 9/10 japanese girl but cockblocked by her friend
>flow state ensues, effortlessly making genuine connections everywhere i go
>fuark ... time is going too fast
>9 days are up
>fly back to amsterdam

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You wouldn’t last a day in my hood
your insecurity is showing
>walk around in osaka minami
>american couple
>the very large guy goes HEY WHERE'S GALA GALA??
>no idea sry
be happy you got to have those memories op, it's only going to get downhill from here with the amounts of tourists coming in, especially from the land of the free
When you see such sights, you're unable to ignore the world that is out there. We all get into such a routine that we hardly give a second though to what's across the ocean, much less what's down the street from us. And life is finite - I think traveling, in some ways, reminds us of our mortality, especially when trips are coming to an end. Everyone would love to spend life seeing these wonders and meeting new people, but nothing pushes the hard realities of life in your face more than vacation being over. You have to work. You have to maintain your responsibilities. And that's ok too - but it's tough to ignore the world waiting to be explored.

And as you get older, it's more difficult to break away from those responsibilities. I had a real opportunity to go live in another country for 3-4 years, but ultimately my family and I decided against it because the logistics were just going to be a nightmare when it came to uprooting our current life.
that is awesome anon, glad you had a good time during your travels, yes, post travel sadness is real because you realize how much fun you had on your trip and look back on it fondly, the good news is you did it and have those memories always, the best advice I can offer is start planning your next trip so you can have another great experience.

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Have you ever been to another country? Where was it and how was it?
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There used to be a guy who posted on here that said he'd been to one, but I didn't believe him.
>have you ever been to another country?
>Where was it and how was it?
its a mixed bag
Varied by city. I personally really enjoyed NYC, Chicago, Boston, L.A., Gulf Coast of Mississippi and some pockets of the Florida coastline. Was not a fan of New Orleans, Las Vegas, West Virginia, Virginia, D.C.
Never had a bad experience but holy fuck can it get expensive. West Coast of Scotland is definitely a highlight for me.
Paris is overpriced to hell and back, but not as bad as /pol/ would make you think. Amazing nightlife and bar scene. The South is great for comfy views, weather, more laid back shit, topless beaches.
The weirdest mix of SOUL and gross degeneracy I've ever seen. Amazingly upkept architecture yet some cities had loud annoying nafris everywhere. Countryside was insanely chill and underrated.
France costs x100 but with better natural sights and outdoors shit.
how is it true when my travel budget is less than the cost of an apartment rental most anywhere in the USA?
chances are you're the kind of person dumb enough to sign a lease and then decide you want to see the world
I traveled extensively throughout my 20s and grudgingly came to the realization my home country of America is by far the best country on earth. Always romanticized everywhere else, but no other countries can hold a candle to the USA sadly. I still travel for weekend getaways or 5-7 day trips abroad, won’t do month long stays anymore cuz I just want to get home after a week
Did foreign countries when I was younger, and then in my later twenties and thirties started to travel almost exclusively inside the USA. You take it for granted when you grow up here, but the country has so much shit to see. Beautiful beaches, mountains, well maintained and not-litter-filled national parks, historic cities, etc. I suppose the only thing you really can't find here are Asian metropolises with their awesome malls, but there really is so much to see in the USA.

Overseas is fine, but I always tell young people with wonder lust to not sleep on their own country.

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I'm in a hostel right now. I'll be traveling until the 6th. my mom just called me to tell me that my grandma had died.
no fucking clue why she thought I needed to know right now.
fucking silently crying like a bitch in my little cubbie hole.
how am I supposed to enjoy shit tomorrow?
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The funeral industry can go to hell.
>calling the US embassy in a panic because you've gotta get back to work in 3 days and Alcoholics Anonymous cancelled your flight
the absolute state of wagecucks
Honestly this is one of my biggest fears of traveling: having a loved one die while you are abroad and having to cancel your fun to go to a shitty funeral. And yes, I said funerals suck and I hate them. If I died, I wouldn't want people canceling their plans to come mourn me. I'm dead. I want them to live their lives. Maybe it's because I'm American and taking work off for vacation is a big deal.
I'm sorry for your loss. Next time tho don't ask retards on 4chan for advice for something serious like this, try to return home sooner to support your family, do something to honour your grandmother in the meantime, go visit a church or temple or whatever
I had a long-time (years) girlfriend break up while me while I was in Asia. I still had a good trip, but it messed me up so much at the time I couldn't preform with a cute Chinese girl I ended up getting close to in the hostel. I still think back on that and get embarrassed; if it was today I would have beat the breaks off her. But instead I was just a cry baby bitch.

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Semi nomad. How would one go about getting real work (not like WWOOFing) without the rigamarole of applications, fake interviews, and penis inspections. If anything I would prefer real interviews.
My ideal is showing up to a farm in Amish country and then working until the sun goes down.
I don’t want to take up something where the first few months i’m just “putting my time in” before i’m allowed to do something.
How did you find or build your employment that works well for you.
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Farmworkers are lazy. LMFAO. What a load of crock.
Beet harvest in North Dakota is a major moneymaker every fall for all sorts of traveling folk. You work twelve hour shifts, either day shift or night shift, 7 days a week until the harvest is complete. Harvest work is definitely in my radar to top up my travel fund for another six plus months in Asia next winter. My van's gotta last the summer though...
>put down address you grew up in/friends place
>put shipping address as PO box
>"hey anon why are these different?"
>Oh I've moved here and a friend offered me his place till I got a feel for the area so I just have a PO box for most things right now till I get my apartment settled."

Wow... so fucking hard
get remote work
Is that the kind of back-breaking work that turns you into a cripple at 40?
Better to go paperless and avoid getting mail in the first place. A PO Box does NOT legally qualify as a domicile in any jurisdiction. So knock it off with the USPS shilling.
Getting an ID requires verification of your physical address in virtually every state nowadays. South Dakota is the only exception, I think. You can spend one night in a campground there and have it listed as your official domicile on your driver's license.

>arrive at the hostel you booked
>everyone there is French or Israeli
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>this post
Mega basé.

>If you have more than one french person, they will immediately form a zygote, forget every other language they speak as they begin to merge DNA and chain smoke for 16 hours without actually going anywhere
Weirdly enough it seems very accurate, as a frenchie I don't spend much time with other compatriotes.

>Israelis are the worst people on the planet in every conceivable way
This, despite being less than 1% of the customers, they represent 90% of troubles/incivilities happening.

>That's why when i know that there are other french i just don't say what i am
This desu, but tbf frencharabs are worse.

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I have never had a scandi go that route, it's always the Dutch or English
French Canadians. They manage to fuse canuckistani culture, with the French, while being a bunch of Arab hood rats
words to live by
i hate brown guys for this exact reason, they behave like catty women when girls are around.

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how bad is frontier airlines? I know it's at the bottom of the barrel but honestly I don't really need much when I travel.
They are the worst budget airline I've ever flown on globally. Be prepared for them to cancel flights, blame it on the weather when it's clear skies, not comp shit because of that, and then rebook you a week later.
You can only find shittier airlines in Africa and I'm not joking. ULCC's in SWA and Inida have higher standards and are more precise than Frontier.
For fucks sake why do I post when I'm drunk
It's essentially a flying bus, the seats are basic, the space limited, you're nickle and dimed for extras.

If you just have a backpack with a few items and need to get from A->B they are fine.

When did it become such a dump? I remember visiting a lot in the 2000s and early 2010s and while it wasn't in it glory days it wasn't the total shithole it is now. Attracted a lot more people too.
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It's hasn't really gotten better but a couple better casinos have opened. There's also more concerts there than in the past. Not saying the city has gotten better but you'll see more people going down for the weekend than in the decades prior
AC has always been a shithole, it's one of the only beaches covered in drug syringes and cig butts. it's garbage because the overflow from trenton and camden, IE the portals to hell, moves there and infests it. It's not a city so much as a boardwalk adjoined to a slum, at best it's a den of vice offering smoke-clogged entertainment for a weekend to tour buses full of retirement home boomers looking for a dopamine hit on the slot machine floor. it's vegas for people too poor to travel to vegas. no one with decent intentions would ever set foot there and at best it's a novelty to christen your passage to adulthood. for a more specific answer, it's always been shit in the same way vegas has always been shit, but the demographics are let's say on the decline with the black plague, and when trump's casinos went bankrupt it put the final nail in the coffin.

new jersey is a weird place, some parts of it are so wealthy you can't even buy a sandwich if you aren't a millionaire, and just a few miles down the highway it's a nigeria-tier slum. the nice places are highly gatekept to keep the growing refuse out, so the trash accumulates and putrefies in the low barrier to entry areas. some parts of the state the minimum house price is $2m, other parts you can buy a house for $20,000 even today. there's a reason for that. AC is just camden with casinos.
Yeah as a Jersey fag I find myself and other zillenials going there moreso then from I gather people would 10 years ago. They’ve done a decent job with their concert venues and I see a lot more people in my age demographic than I would ten years ago when I was in high school visiting with my parents
North Jersey cities like Paterson and Newark are grossly exaggerated in terms of their blight, many companies and unis are headuartered in Newark and unless you are going way into inner city it’s not bad. Paterson is just beaner tier poverty and unless you venture out main and crooks street into the more melanin enriched areas you will be fine, some of the best sand food in the country is there and many adult oriented things that travel janitors don’t like can be found there too. Meanwhile places like Trenton, Camden, and AC are ireedeble hellscapes with the added misfortune of having filthynogia influence that region. The whites are on par with the joggers in certain areas of south jersey in terms of trashiness
>They’ve done a decent job with their concert venues and I see a lot more people in my age demographic than I would ten years ago when I was in high school visiting with my parents
Yeah a big thing is the price of venue fees have skyrocketed in Recent years and Casinos will straight up pay you to perform their. A lot of Concerts that would be somewhere in New Jersey and Philadelphia end up in Atlantic City.
It's New Jersey
New Jersey is a dump

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Planning to go to Australia with a working holiday visa. My goal is to work there and make some money to see the country and then use it as a jumping off point to go see south east asia. Am I delusional for thinking I'll make money to travel while in Australia? Any thoughts on what work i'll be able to do or where I should stay?
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Basically this in a nutshell, you can earn good money easily but Australia is the sort of place where you can spend it all so quickly too, a night out sets me back $200, drinking with the boys adds up quick
Takes discipline if you want to do the right thing and to be honest your social life will suffer badly saving up.
Farmers dont employ aussies
Thats why they force foreigners into it, they dont get award wages. They make them sleep on site in sheds, charge them huge rent, charge them water and electric and charge for wifi. At the end of the week they end up with a hundred dollars or so for backbreaking hard work in the hot sun
you can make more money labouring in the city than you can on fifo these days
unless you have good qualifications that is
>And if you stop working, you must leave Australia within 28 days
not true
nobody's making $2k a week fruit picking
>min wage is $30 an hour for a picker
not true I was on $27/hr when i did fruit picking, others on different farms were on less
yeah OP keep in mind that despite the high wages in Aus, everything is a lot more expensive than wherever you live
you can save up money but you have to be strict with your spending
that doesn't mean your time there has to be boring
you can get drunk very cheaply on box wine, $10-15 for 4 litres of the stuff at most bottleshops
if you stay in hostels this is what most people do when they drink so you'll be in good company and make lots of friends

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That's the wage in meme dollars...
$18 USD per hour is all right for unskilled labor that any migrant worker is capable of doing.
Since you are living in a shack and eating communally cooked slop, or else living in some bumfuck nowhere outback station, you'll save 90% of your net pay if you can avoid the booze and the ciggies.
Who gives a fuck what other wagies think of you. You'll be off to Southeast Asia to live a life of leisure for the next six months, while they're stuck working to pay the rent.

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Hello /trv/. I'm planning to visit India sometime in the near future.
My purpose in going is to discover the history of the subcontinent and learn about the Hindu religion.
I've heard Varanasi is good for this, any other recommendations regarding India?
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yeah rishikesh is nice. Just avoid crowded areas and Rajaji National Park is also good for Leopard sightings
>e best. Also better if you explore nature and wildlife more than culture and history.
>t. Indian

I want to try top tier Indian pussy too, but they're all in Canada and have an undeserved sense of smugness of not being one of the 99k/100k ugly ones.
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Nothing you can do to prepare or avoid. Maybe you get nothing more than wet shit, not everyone has bad experiences.
I'm sure some can be nice partners but FUCK Indians are genuinely the ugliest race on the planet, I'd rather have no gf at all than be with a filthy hairy unibrow curry muncher eww yuck
genuine advice don't go in with stereotypical views.
respect others and you'll be treated the same way.
please don't expect everyone to be nice. retards exist everywhere.
hope you have a good time cheers

Are any of the pacific islands worth a visit? Are they pretty much all the same as each other or are the Melanesians, Micronesians and Polynesians noticeably different? It's a rare part of the world I don't know much about
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Vanautu doesnt look that shitholeish. At least jot as much as i expected. Are they as bad as "scholars and doctors" in other countries? But the population is so small i am sure you will bored within a week

Tell us more anon
Holy shit get the fuck out of here you pedo boomer.
i've been to vanuatu and it was great
very picturesque islands
locals very friendly, especially on the smaller islands where you might be the first foreigner they've seen in a long time
very unique cultures
a very simple way of life but actually far more like ours that it would appear at first, you'll get what i mean if you go there
The beaches/islands in Vanuatu are delightful, but the cities are pretty run-down. Also the cities in the French colonies are full of dickhead Frenchmen.

Keep in mind this is from the perspective of an 11 year old, were I to go there as an adult I would likely find interesting things to do.

Isle of Pines in New Caledonia is GOAT in terms of tropical beaches and snorkling/diving (to an 11 year old at least)
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Fijian Indians are noticeably cuter than normal Indians though, I guess it's the blood mixing over the years
For instance miaz
I've only ever been to Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga, definitely preferred Vanuatu, the others were cool too though I guess.

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Yeah, it's that thread again, motherfuckers.

I used to be a weaboo, but now Japan kind of disgusts me. Too westernized.
Last time i was there was 2016 and I have postponed my comeback because i can't figure how to avoid Stacy and Dylan doing a selfie at Senso-Ji and whatnot.

What are the places in Japan that are not ruined yet?
And i don't mean some random farm in the Niigata prefecture. I mean actual places with people like Nagoya or Sapporo maybe...
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Ok it seems that I will properly skip the festival this years
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Just been to Akita last week. Hardly any white people there, locals were asking me in very poor English why I came there.
Same goes for all north Honshu.
>go to the tourist spots
you will never be Japanese.
Japanese cringe at the sight of you.
That guy in the photo is literally a 6 at best. They are looks matched.

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