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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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I make small Origami to the point that when I gift people Origami they toss it in the Trash because it's too small to be recognised.
Either that or I'm just too bad at Origami lol
I mean it has your sweat, oil, and who knows what.
make the crane. it looks like something. this one is too abstrant for normies i guess. worked for me.

>I mean it has your sweat, oil, and who knows what.
also this. if tom cruise would give you a trash tier crappy origami, you would keep it. tl dr: self improvement.
Looks more like a seahorse than a goose. I'm inpressed you managed to make anything with XXXL finger like that. Maybe use bigger paper and make a bigger model.
It's not a Seahorse?
It is a seahorse. /OP/'s name is Goose. The dude above your post just thinks he's funny.
looks llike shit to me and i even like seahorses
try this one. it's cooler.

from the book 'One Water One World'
It’s the thought that counts
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Skill issue. I just made this tiny goat and i will gift it to a girl I know, and she will immediately fall in love with me.
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just because some autistic people are into origami, doesn't mean everyone into origami is autistic.
Everyone is into cute origami just like everyone likes cute cats, now from liking cats to accepting one and taking care of it is a long way, same from liking cool origamis to actually making it a hobbie
this sentence is unitelligble. also how can it be a hobby?
use more elegant models
the smaller it is, the more immediately recognizable it has to be
no I don't know any such models but I wish I did because I also like small origami

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