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File: origami.png (1.33 MB, 598x894)
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1.33 MB PNG
alguien me puede colaborar cargando este libro por favor
gleðileg jól og nýtt ár til hamingju
Are you trying to share it, or are you requesting it?
veo que la pagina se llenó de gente que habla español solicitando libros, ¿la recomendaron en un grupo o algo así?
Where did this image come from?
Is this even a real publication?
If so, who's the author or publisher?
Cierto, no sé qué pasa, son todos latinoamericanos curiosamente, a saber la de hilos que se estarán cargando jajaja.
English chicano
What difference does it make what language is spoken?
>English chicano
I use google translate.
>What difference does it make what language is spoken?
Yeah, I absolutely concur.
¿Acaso está mal que hablen español? Llevo en este foro aproximadamente 8 años, hay gente del todo el mundo, no veo razón para extrañarse de si son latinoamericano o hablan español.
Ṣe o jẹ aṣiṣe pe wọn sọ Spani? Bẹẹni, ni otitọ o jẹ. Aṣiṣe pupọ ni iyẹn. Ìdí ni pé èdè Sípáníìṣì jẹ́ èdè tí kò gbóná janjan, bẹ́ẹ̀ náà làwọn èèyàn sì ń sọ ọ́
Dude, you really need to get a life and move on from this forum.
ޑޫޑް، ޔޫ ރިއަލީ ނީޑް ޓު ގެޓް އަ ލައިފް އެންޑް މޫވް އޮން ފްރޮމް ދިސް ފޯރަމް.
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"Ṣe o jẹ aṣiṣe pe wọn sọ Spani? Bẹẹni, ni otitọ o jẹ. Aṣiṣe pupọ ni iyẹn. Ìdí ni pé èdè Sípáníìṣì jẹ́ èdè tí kò gbóná janjan, bẹ́ẹ̀ náà làwọn èèyàn sì ń sọ ọ́"
"Er það rangt að þeir tali spænsku? Já, í raun og veru. Það er mjög rangt. Vegna þess að spænska er veikt tungumál og þannig talar fólk það."
They really need to check all your posts and ban you for life. You apparently just live for insults.
Baza vraiment na besoin ya ko vérifier ba posts na yo nionso pe kopekisa yo vie mobimba. Apparemment o vivre kaka pona ba insultes.
Cute and childish.
Tseeb tiag, tij laug, nws yuav. Tom qab ntawd ib zaug ntxiv, kuv tsis tau thov nws, xav tau nws tom qab ua ib qho ntawm kuv tus kheej uas tau txais kev tshoov siab los ntawm nws tus qauv tsim, lossis, rau kuv qhov kev paub, tshuav koj dab tsi.
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304 KB PNG
me encantan por que son pocas las figuras y muy sncillas, mil gracias, si tienes el volúmen nro. 01 te lo agradecería
I love them because the figures are few and very simple, thank you very much, if you have volume no. 01 I would appreciate it
It would be great if the link worked.
Or, the entire collection.
Aqui esta mi amigo
Wooh, thank you very much. You are very kind.
Thank you.
Would you happen to have No. 19?
It was shared in a neighboring post, download it there
No it wasn't.
Thank you for this anon.
thanks dude excited to make maestro yoda
This space is for everything that has to do with origami, sharing, explaining a lesson when someone doesn't understand, not to talk shit, if you have nothing to share Like, books, magazines, ORIGAMI diagrams, RATHER DON'T SAY ANYTHING or delete all these threads if no one is going to share anything about ORIGAMI
Welcome to 4chan newby. That's all that gets talked in here is shit.
yo entre a buscar por pura curiosidad a ver si había alguien que trabajara la cartonería por aquí, no se si se permita ese tipo de artesanía en este tablón. me gustaría abrir un hilo al respecto
Does anyone have any more of these cool little booklets they can share or trade? They have some really nice models in them.
translator doesnt work for 8 different languages at the same time and hs a word limmit :(
Me gustaría ver tu trabajo, desconozco el concepto, y estoy seguro que muchos por acá también lo apreciarían...
if you speak spanish (from spain), most latinamericans will understand you, if you speak some latinamerican spanish dialect, only the people from your country (and a few more people) will fully understand you

mis amigos hipano-hablantes, este foro es un foro muricano, lo que quiere decir que el idioma predominante es el inglés. si quereis hablar español, id a >>>/int/. allá hay varios hilos dependiendo de la nacionalidad (aunque siempre puedes abordar cualquier otro ;) )
Tú no me mandas. Es más, jó-dete
I already told you once that any language is welcome in here. Learn to use Google translate.
Thats not really true. If you speak latinamerican spanish, people from Spain and other countries can understand you, unless you make the effort to use every local word you can think of, or the other persone doesnt "want" to understand you,
no comprende
"Piñata art" Using newspapers and cardboard as a base, colored paper on the outside.

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