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First edition of the Paper Cutting General

Post your tips, ressources, tricks, and inspiration for your papercutting creations !
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This would be sick to figure out on my cricut
I feel pain in my hand just looking at this but it's really pretty.
Can I ask about cricut from here? My brother has one and I can use it too, been thinking about making one of these panorama things. Is there a wiki or library of cricut files somewhere just like there is papercrafts wiki? I found some websites already but even the paid files are very "love live laugh" or "jesus is life" style of crafts. I want to make something that´s not targeted towards moms.
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It's not hard to do by hand and much more satisfying than using cricut. Print your design, tape it to cardstock and cut through both layers with an exacto knife. It's pretty relaxing.

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