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File: József Zsebe.png (130 KB, 174x255)
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Favor compartir los libros de József Zsebe, iniciando con este.
File: mok_2008_3.pdf (5.01 MB, PDF)
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5.01 MB PDF
Ask Santa to get you a English book so you can learn to write the propper way, dipshit taco
ask Santa to give you enough intelligence to translate the shit page instead of forcing the other person to change their own language, dumbass.
>>609785, ok sorry and thanks
aka Satna giving you a brain as well, because ever heard a person speaking another language that isn't your mother tounge aka people speaking 10 languages etc? Dumb 'murican shit madafaka
>Dumb 'murican shit madafaka
Watch what you say, asshole.
so sorry 'murican asshole
fuck you, wetback bitch.
https://boards.4channel.org/po/thread/609763#p609814; hey I started this thread to share origami books, not to insult anyone, if you don't want to share anything, then don't write profanity and insults.
I apologize for mine, but the idiot >>609783 started this mess, and I wanted to let him know that I didn't like it. And them he starts this >>609793
>Dumb 'murican shit madafaka, and this >>609809, and I won't tolerate it.
I understand your reasonings but put it this way : you wouldn't bark at a dog if it bark at you, would you ?
Maybe, it all would depend on how big the other dog is. :-)
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dubm fuck 'murikastan being dumb, can't help it, it's in their shit inbred genes
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faltaría este de zsebe
kaypiqa faltanmi umaykilla
I don’t speak Spanish
These all look really nice! Thanks for sharing, anons.
>it's in their shit inbred genes
I was wondering what that smell was, you must have shit in your jeans.

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