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File: papouch (3).jpg (7 KB, 240x320)
7 KB
does anyone have and can share the diagram of this parrot, I think it's in NOA magazine 5, but I can't find that book anywhere.
It's not in NOA 5.
It doesn't appear to be diagrammed in any publications.
Ok thanks
strange, because I talked to someone on Instagram, who also folds this, and he said that the diagram was in some NOA magazine
If this someone folded it, then this someone should know exactly which NOA it is in (not just
"some NOA magazine").
the person may have folded a long time ago.
File: noa 005.jpg (47 KB, 383x393)
47 KB
It is not so difficult to understand.
Indicates that it is not in NOA 5
The parrot in NOA 5 is very different
FPH předmět be like
>ZT z domova 50 bodů
>Docházka 50 bodů

FMV předmět be like
>PT I 10 bodů
>PT II 10 bodů
>ZT 20 bodů
>Skuponová seminární práce 5 bodů (min. 12 stran)
>Indivuální seminární práce 7 bodů (min. 5 stran)
>Dobrovolný essay (povin.)
>Docházkové kvízy 5 bodů
>Case study 12 bodů
>Prezentace 7 bodů
>DÚ 5 bodů
>Minitesty z cvičení 13 bodů
>Průběžné úkoly ze cvíčení 6
>Povinná návštěva 4 přednášek externistů mimo vyuky
Cute it’s a parrot <3
what species of parrots is that
twoji mamu
People with this hobby are usually mentally ill and have memory problems.
Imo, don't look for specific model. Just fold what you found and like.

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