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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

#502- “Hands Off My Soft Plastics!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I admit you got me on the GPTchat bot thing I don't have a clue what you're talking about so at this point I feel like a newfag.
it's good logic considering some people probably have so much that it goes to waste(bucket boys) but they can't really enforce it.
The forest jannies can search your freezer without a warrant in Canada and most US states. They have way more power than a regular cop.
She has a man ass.
Those are seasonal and species specific dont worry about eggs unless you're doing trout in fall or winter , and you only dead drift them under bobbers ("strike indicators")
I'd run a heavier leader personally 2x or 3x for stripping buggers like that
Rebuilding mid sections is hard to describe, it's mostly feel so you kinda just gotta take a scientific wild ass guess and send it as a beginner
I understand anon
It's hard but that frustration makes a catch pay off better. Good luck, take care, and no amount of googling or video watching can replace time on the water. I strongly suggest dink fishing until you get more confidence.
>fish were here in fall but not now
Fish like different waters different times of year.

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monetarily it's probably cheaper to replace the knife altogether. if the knife has sentimental value you should send it to Victorinox and have them reblade it. obviously you can't just patch that up
Reblade with the manufacturer, contact them first and ask how to handle it. Or donate the knife to Salvation Army and offset the full cost of the new knife by 100%, the government won't bother you for a tool replacement.
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Are you niggers retarded? You just reprofile the blade with a belt sander.
or you could replace the blade yourself. Getting the cheapest tinker model and using the scales and blade

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Omg the Loch Ness monster!!!
Obviously they're fucking dumb if they're from Canada and actually moved to the British Isles. Wtf.
>muh tourist trap lake
>please visit scotland we are poor
Understandable but retarded. Picture is a nothingburger.
Low brow well poisoning. Vaccines were an experimental money grab for pharma companies who benefited from a hysteria.

However, flat earth, loch Ness monster are retard tier. It's like you picked the most retarded things you could think of and hamfistedly tried to tie them to legitimate things like vaccine skepticism. At least have some art about what you're doing kek.
Some of it is antiskepticism. These people tie reasonable skepticism to crazy shit in order to discredit it. Other people who believe crazy things try to legitimize their position by tying their crazy beliefs to reasonable but unpopular ones. And then there's the shitheads who are just in it to pick fights or cause arguments. Some of these are foreigners running demoralization campaigns (several in /k/ have been caught out by accidentally control-V-ing their foreign language instructions in addition to their English language campaign material), others are useful idiots for foreigners who perpetuate these demoralization campaigns for free like a nega-jannie.

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McCandlessbros.. our response?
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Shut up nerd
shhh, we will get you into a secure bughouse as soon as we can, the pendulum back swing is going to make this inevitable.
Clean it up jannies.
Kiddy diddlers get to avoid going to the chipper as long as religious communities are around to shelter them.
No. The ONE thing he did right was go out in the woods. Weird, crazy, maladjusted people are better off if they go out into the frontier. Unfortunately those are getting harder and harder to find. That way, they either don't make it (problem solved) or they do make it and live far away from everyone else. Better for all involved.

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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>Wanted to buy a .22lr for hunting season now but all the clubs nearby won't pick up the phone or answer emails, they might be inactive, dunno, but need to be a part of a club to shoot regularly here.
R u sure? FoV must be awful
/k/ is unbearably ignorant and retarded. The youngest zoomers getting into guns are impossible to teach or inform of anything. They have truly been bred to be cannon fodder in whatever upcoming wars.
/k/ is just gay
most dont own guns and are just retarded war tourists from r*ddit screeching about how much they love ukraine
Ok, that's terrible then

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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Because pipe smoking has been part of /out/ culture for centuries. If there can be a thread about boots, there can be a thread about pipes. Now fuck off.
Fucking crybaby
>t. assmad his gay hookup thread got pruned
You have a whole board for your degeneracy
>are there 80 and 90 year old dudes secretly smoking this stuff in their house
Literally yes

At least here in the US if you hang out near retirement homes you'll see old men on benches outside smoking pipes sometimes
Anyone tried adding cloves to a smoking bend--pipe or cigarette? I heard about clove cigarettes from a friend who was mad that they had been banned during the Obama administration. I rolled one--nothing fancy, just some RYO cig tobacco and some cloves--and it was really good. You could both smell and taste the flavor which is not true of most aromatics. Might add some to a pipe at some point.

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I have only ever hiked in Europe but I'm interested in experiences other places when I take a sabbatical next year. Pic rel is the type of environments I have hiked.
Pictures please!
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I go /out/ during hunting season and once I get more than 100 feet into the trees I'm completely alone; the boomers don't want to stray far from their vehicles, kek
We hike in miles, you hike in kilometers.
If sweet tea was an image. Got I need to visit carolina when I get out of this hellstate of a nation.
West coast, outside of a few hotspots, is the same dozen or so (mostly) conifer trees over and over again.

I mean don't get me wrong the views are great and it is much less developed but if you love forests and plants then it is pretty underwhelming out there in most places besides maybe the coastal PNW.
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This is more what I think of when I think of sweet tea

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Seriously why tf are people like this on the LT and AT. I tell people my legitimate name and they always surprised when it’s my real name.
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I've met plenty of people on the trail pre Internet that had embarrassing trail names. It's more so a hippie anti government thing desu
For all the Tyrones on the trail
Clean it up jannies.
Hey now, Tyrone is a traditional Irish name with a long history.

Negros laid claim to it in the 1940s because of a half-black jazz singer.
Sure. My trail name is Coon. Some nice people on the WV stretch of the AT gave it to me.

Do they make bird traps that kill a bird like a mouse trap would?

This stupid bird comes knocking on my windows at 6am every day for at least 3 hours a day for 10 days now with no signs it'll stop and it needs to die.

I need something I can put on the window sill
Why would you want to kill an oriole? Tbh that's nigger behavior.
You should instead kill yourself. Food for thought.
shouldn't you be out on campus rallying for Palestine now libtard?
Your mother is a libtard you fatherless nigger

Man I liked his stuff but he really comes off as a prick
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Yeah he confirmed it personally in the Island tresspass when he pointed his cam at a CCTV cam and said "Just shooting a video". Also see hands in >>2691443
There were also articles about SCM before vagrant holiday. He was pretty overt and not trying to hide is my take on it.
Dancer just dropped Forbidden Island Pt. 2
>it has now become a right of passage for some americans to paddle to nonce island and evade the nonce police
You type like a romanian trying desperately to copy the english.
He's kinda a pussy though, having a couple parasocial simps isn't that bad, just be a little courteous to them, it's easy, it's like breathing. The schizo ones are a little spooky but overall harmless.

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In America is it legal to start a makeshift mine in the woods? My city owns the land but they don’t do anything with it.
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Please do it and keep us updated
Arrowheads are generally surface pick only; digging for artifacts requires an archeological permit. Agates would require a mineral claim either way (but I don't think a claim holder would really mind you picking up surface stuff if you happened to get caught; worst case they just ask you to leave).
>>2722653if it’s federally owned land you can file a tunnel claim and dig a tunnel up 3000ft in length to explore for minerals underground. Proper tunnel applications are approved all the time, I think that there is one within the Aspen city limits from like 2018 or something like that, properly located and applied for means the government can not deny it.

Town owned property does not count, and you have to be in one of the 26 western states or Florida (and I think one other state) where federal claims are permitted.
If you're gonna larp as a miner you might as well do it for real otherwise you're just busting your ass for nothing. Get a claim on gold bearing ground and actually try to sink a shaft into something that looks like an old river beds or alluvial terraces. Read a few books.
Best way to find arrowheads is wait till the next time you plow up firebreaks, and then a hard rain comes afterwards, and walk the firebreaks.

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468

How the hell am I supposed to fit a sleeping bag in here? I got a 50L bag which seems too small now
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Cheap sleeping bags tend to be huge because the insulation material is poor quality. You can get a compression bag, they aren't likely to damage a cheap bag.
It's time to buy a better sleeping bag and make a point of getting one that compresses well. Down is retard expensive and isn't nice in the wet. Snythetic will not compress as well but you should be able to keep your budget under the hard 200usd. Just make sure you read dimensions on packed bags. Remember to stuff the bag in, not roll it. Rolling cuts insulation to hell and store your bag unrolled and not in the bag if you can. It will help it last. Get a 0. bag if you can and remember that 50 wont hold the biggest bags reguardless. It should be like a pair of small melons in general size+ compression.
I have a 35 - 45 that I strap another 20l+ worth of stuff to the outside of. Although it's got really good straps and loops designed to do this, yours appears to have meme impractical straps that don't like the straps will last long.
>meme impractical straps that don't like the straps will last long
i hate this board so much it's filled with
indoorsfags constantly spewing shit they don't
know a thing about
Post it

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How do you protect your gear at a resort?
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Why do you keep making this thread?
Not only do people leave their skis behind in situations where their return or observation of the theft can occur at any second, they're generally leaving behind heavy, unwieldy, personalized objects with highly variable value that can't easily be concealed or stolen. Obviously theft under broad public observation is made easy by just pretending that what you are doing is normal, but there aren't many ways to appear normal while stealing that kind of equipment, while still being lower opportunity cost than stealing a catalytic converter.
A lot of skis are also rentals.
/pol/ tourist obsessed with the usual suspects. OP and first post are the same person.
>the usual suspects
Interesting. Why do you call black people this?
>city cretin filming himself contemplating his city ways (theft)
>"this is about black people"
You can be forgiven for thinking that but no.

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