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Looking back on it this was actually pretty cool, ignoring the plot and some of the characters it would've been cool to see Trigger continue using this style for more mecha stuff, even if it was gay and dumb the robots looked quite cool.
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He's lanky as shit. So yeah.
It's also stolen from x-men.
The fire force mangaka said it was stolen from him
kek really?
Yeah, he's seriously in over his head: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-06-13/fire-force-creator-atsushi-ohkubo-alludes-to-his-work-being-stolen/.147773

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Post your favorite /m/ screencaps
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Me when I tried sucking my own dick.
Chirico is a man of many beverages
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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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Post her nudes
New Moderoid Patlabor kit
I have to admit, there was a part of me that was hoping that they actually would commit to just making one kit for the Rud-ro.A and making literally all the colored parts stickers. Then either ship a universal kit with four huge-ass sticker sheets; or make four different "kits" where literally the only differences are the box art, manual art and what color the sticker sheet is.
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Belated Birthday Edition

>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)

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At least I still got muh Red Zook.
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Watching the JAL 123 crash cockpit voice recording on youtube and something about it from the map color scheme to the heavily accented English to the alarms just brought MLA sensations flooding back, it's uncanny.

So if we never get a proper sequel who's gonna be the first to post their AI-made fanfic here?

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Why is she on a cardboard Goldwing?
(Heavy Metal)
Aspencade da!

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Not just the character. Miu Suzuki genuinely seems like a fun girl with a positive and energetic attitude
She looks like a typical young Japanese woman here, albeit from the 80s/early 90s. Why does she look like such a hag in-show?
>Why does she look like such a hag in-show?
Japanese hags activate my neurons
It's the makeup they put her in, it's weird.

Is Gundam Crossbone the wildest Gundam manga series? Look at this shit. I kinda wanna read it but I don't know if it's good.
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can you give me name of manga?
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it says right there on the page, anon
I thought it's name of the chapter, still I did tried to google search. didn't find much, then I tried to use name of author - and Hajime Yatate wrote way too much.
mangaka was hard to nail down too. despite names

not everyone reads moon, anon, I just really like that gundam and how it's drawn and wanted to learn it's name

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So we almost always talk about fictional mecha here, occasionally dipping into real mecha whenever there's news on that front, but has it ever been established what the first real-life mecha was? Obviously fictional mecha existed in literature as far back as the mid-1800s and then we have film/manga/animated examples like Metropolis, Tetsujin and Astro Boy, respectively. But at what point did man take fictional mecha and use it as an inspiration to construct an IRL fully functional mecha?

For the purposes of this discussion (though obviously we'll stray from it the longer the thread goes), let's define mecha as having a humanoid shape that can walk (not roll on wheels/treads) and has arms and hands/fingers that can manipulate its environment (no excavator buckets or the like), and can move independently of itself without strictly following the commands of its master (no remote controls). I won't say independent power source yet, but it would be a bonus.
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I would imagine that the discovery of metallurgy made someone how was bored enough to imagine humans made from metal, dating back from 7000 BC.
That shot lighting from rods and could fly?
This question cannot be answered here, because there is no agreement here — on 4chan’s fucking mecha board — what actually qualifies as mecha. (Or, for maximum cringe, “A MECHA”.)
We've also got Hephaestus's automatons including "golden handmaidens" in the Iliad and Talos the Bronze Man.
Yeah Talos. Also in the lore of my Tribal Confederation Unsen created an automaton to fight a monster that was terrorizing the people but he just pulled a Jet Alone and walked off. There is no real moral to the story he just said "fuck all ya'll" and nobody ever brought it up again.

We need more shows where cute girls save the world.
*cute boys
*big tiddy bitches
Is Yuuki Yuna is a Hero /m/?

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>Previous thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?13bb17497ee9288d#4sosfvz6HTqLrdA2A9RGqooWW7AgCsNoZg7tfR28dfQS

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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>Blexar getting his father imprisoned just led to him supporting Zeon even more
>Blexar shooting Glemy in the head after the man just resonated with the world just made people flock to him more
This man does not learn from his past mistakes at all does he.

“Freedom” being used as an excuse is something he really fucking hates to hear being used as a platform. Also I get the feeling Pollar is not Blexars real dad given the description and implications being made by Bruce.
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[U.C 0079, April 15th, Edmonton, Alberta]

Staring at the dented interior of her Type-61, Lilicia's psyche crumbles as she is forced to revisit the horrors of the previous day. Informed of a Zeon force utilizing stolen armor from the Eastern Coast of the United States to launch a surprise attack into Canada, the Albertan defense forces are mobilized to head them off..only to learn they had been begun an engagement with their own forces being deployed from Quebec. Having lost thousands between one another's battalions, the survivors of this horrible misunderstanding retreat for Alberta, finding themselves under constant raids and attacks from the United States border territories.

>Tank driver:...Clear them out of the path! If they need supplies, just tell them we are completely-

Lilicia's head clangs against the inner hull of the tank as an explosive impacts the side of her tank. Concussed, Lilicia crawls her way out from the tanks burning interior, her rifle glued to her hands as she readies herself to engage against Zeon in whatever manner she is capable. Upon seeing the source of the attack however, Lilicia feels her finger slipping away from its trigger. Scores of non-uniformed civillian's armed with military grade weapons fire on the already depleted Federation Force, their tactics messy and fueled only by desperation and self interest.

>Injured soldier: M-my gun is jammed! Miss Isphenople, its not fir-

The already injured Private screams out as a bullet rips through his jaw. Snapping out partially from her daze, Lilicia rolls out from the ruined tank, opening fire on a group of young men sloppily firing at another downed tank's crew. Gunning them down without a moment of hesitation, Lilicia almost immediately afterwards panics at the realization of her actions. Her senses frenzied, Lilicia is left completely open as a man moving more competently than the other attackers slams his elbow into her stomach, knocking her out cold.

>Return to Liberty militiaman: If they refuse to surrender, shoot them! The Federation will see our lands burned to the ground if they-

Dropping Lilicia's unconscious body in front of the Militiaman, a partially undressed Zeon Officer observes the last of the Federations resistance crumbling under the ambush.

>Zeon Officer?: There will no refusal. I care not for their rank, their beliefs...or their resistance. Every one of them holds value to me.
>Return to Liberty militiaman: L-lieutenant Ther! We have managed to force surrenders from part of their forces, but others among them have formed a defense position that will require your forces Mobile Suits-
>Lea Ther: I will have them taken before the arrival of the youngest Zabi's machines. I want them aware it was men who dominated them, not metal husks. Only then will they see as we do...
>Return to Liberty militiaman: B-by your order.

Leaving the militia forces to continue engaging against the Federations surviving forces, Lieutenant Ther looks down to Lilicia, the extendable whip on his wrist dangling over her body.

>Lea Ther: Before the beauty of creation...must come destruction. To be broken, is to be reformed more pure than before. Sleep well, dear sister of the Federation...your siblings in arms and I will reach a true understanding soon enough...
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[U.C 0079, April 17th, Terrace, British Columbia]

>Blexar:...What the hell you trying to pull here?
>Bruce: Doin you a favor, boy. Your not playing in the land of milk and honey any more.
>Blexar: I thought your people were supposed to have some balls. Zeeks are spreading across Canada and your people just go to cut and run-
>Bruce: Want some truth right now? I know you hate Zeeks. I know want to kick those space alien Spigs back into their constantly pissed hives...so why the fuck are you fixated on a balding manlet humping some long dead spaceman's leg?
>Blexar: Had to listen to his garbage for seventeen years. Nobody else was ever able to get him to shut up, so I'll do it-
>Bruce: Using a buncha beat up rifles and swinging around in trees? Boys in Jaburo are going to leave you all high and dry...and that's kinda shitty as far as i'm concerned. Spigs are throwing some new fighting robots at Hawaii, and my gut is telling me you'll get your chance to make a difference there.

Meanwhile, Luse De Guille evacuates the Terrace area with a band of volunteer soldiers, retreating further to the north while those with his makeshift clergy refusing his militant plans against Zeon remain as Zeon forces begin to pour across Terrace's new empty defense line. Echo's Guerilla forces, now aware of their comrades fates as a result of the betrayal of Edmonton and Qubec Cities forces, set out to find those who had survived, while continuing to launch hit and run attacks against Zeons growing defense forces around Canada...

>Flying Mighty Tiger pilot: Your just letting this nobody on?
>Bruce: Never gone wrong trusting my instincts. Kid wants to be on a real frontline that bad? Sink or swim baby...sink or swim.

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I mostly watch old stuff, but SRW convinced me into checking this one out. I enjoyed it. Now I’m wondering if there’s other good post-00s shows I missed. I’m in the mood for something more modern and by that I mean anything made the past 20 years.

How are the other Taniguchi shows? Except for Code Geass, I don’t think I would care for that one. I know it’s the same character design but it just looks ugly. And I don’t want anything that takes itself super seriously.
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Just because he's taken a liking to Webdiver doesn't mean any anon who likes Webdiver is Duel. I certainly disagree with his "Webdiver is GaoGaiGar done right" idiocy -- GaoGaiGar outpaces Webdiver in almost every department, but that doesn't mean Webdiver is bad.
sorry, he wasn't posting like Duel until his latest reply to me
This was a fun series IMO
They’re pretty annoying in SRW 30. Always tried to skip their stages. Mecha are butffuck ugly as well.

Does more mass provide greater protection in space?
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quit falseflagging cunt
It took him years to cultivate, show some respect.
>putting hayato in there
I was in a similar boat. I'd gained some weight due to a shitty job and diet. Last year though, I made it my goal to do something about it. I started running again and started lifting. Went from 214 lbs to 156 lbs. Feels good being lean again.

I wouldn't say I feel like I have no energy. Far from it. I run 10k most days and it's been ages since I've felt so alert and motivated. Moving back to the countryside helped too.

But, I want every /m/an to feel this good. I want us all to make it. It just takes like an hour of good exercise a day and straightening out your diet. It's not hard.

You can even watch fun stuff while you run if you do it on a treadmill. Been able to watch and rewatch so much shit during an hour a day on the treadmill.
>156 lbs.
>But, I want every /m/an to feel this good.
At the risk of body-shaming, I personally wouldn't feel like a /m/an at that weight. Any circumstance that forces me back to the size I was as a high school sophomore is something that would probably lead to my death. No thanks. I'll keep lifting weights, sprint-cycling, walking on errands, and stuffing my face.
And if your goal is to provide people with a realistic way to lose weight healthily, running 10k daily and living in the country (where you have to drive for necessities) is not the way. Better to live some place where you're a ~30 minute walk/bike to your job and pass a grocery store on the way. Productively active routines are always better for sustainable weight management than overwrought fitness regimes. If you don't care about health and just want to lose weight, fast a lot and don't move so much that you get hungry.

Anyway, I need y'all to at least try to be on-topic.

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His mechanical designs were underrated
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Here's the page it came from
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Some more references
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Not a reference, but neat
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Mainly because of this

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A containment thread about the non-dictatorial world of synchtubes. Dorkly's mog-rog streams of Fridays (along with other specific channels he host). My PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film subplanting Dorkly's Tuesday schedule, and Agguguy's MGRnR200X on weekends occasionally.
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*7:18 Eastern
Preshow begins now!
Galient next!
GuP next!
Indian Top Gun next!

I've been watching ATOM and the artstyle and mechanical designs are fucking mesmerizing. All the spinning pistons, exposed cables... How have i never heard of this adaptation before? Does the plot shit the bed or something?

Also, Tezuka Thread i guess
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Art doesn't age.
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>I've been watching ATOM
What in the fuck are the odds, I'm on episode 9 rn. Pretty great so far
Really? Haven't read it but have heard the opposite.
I don't think Rideback even got an official English translation. It's a real shame that for any more obscure manga to be translated, it has to either be shounen or coomercrap -- Najica got a scanlation despite being licensed by ADV.
that's fucked
i think once i get my CS degree and start making money from programming shit i'll pay someone to give it a look-over
The opposite is true. The anime's pacing is pretty awful and it rearranges a number of scenes. The series as a whole is great, but the manga is definitely the definitive way to experience it.

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