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Does more mass provide greater protection in space?
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It took him years to cultivate, show some respect.
>putting hayato in there
I was in a similar boat. I'd gained some weight due to a shitty job and diet. Last year though, I made it my goal to do something about it. I started running again and started lifting. Went from 214 lbs to 156 lbs. Feels good being lean again.

I wouldn't say I feel like I have no energy. Far from it. I run 10k most days and it's been ages since I've felt so alert and motivated. Moving back to the countryside helped too.

But, I want every /m/an to feel this good. I want us all to make it. It just takes like an hour of good exercise a day and straightening out your diet. It's not hard.

You can even watch fun stuff while you run if you do it on a treadmill. Been able to watch and rewatch so much shit during an hour a day on the treadmill.
>156 lbs.
>But, I want every /m/an to feel this good.
At the risk of body-shaming, I personally wouldn't feel like a /m/an at that weight. Any circumstance that forces me back to the size I was as a high school sophomore is something that would probably lead to my death. No thanks. I'll keep lifting weights, sprint-cycling, walking on errands, and stuffing my face.
And if your goal is to provide people with a realistic way to lose weight healthily, running 10k daily and living in the country (where you have to drive for necessities) is not the way. Better to live some place where you're a ~30 minute walk/bike to your job and pass a grocery store on the way. Productively active routines are always better for sustainable weight management than overwrought fitness regimes. If you don't care about health and just want to lose weight, fast a lot and don't move so much that you get hungry.

Anyway, I need y'all to at least try to be on-topic.
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I used to be way into chubby guys, but every single one I've met IRL have been the rudest and most arrogant cunts I've ever seen. I can no longer get off to 2D chubs because of that mental association. Bummer.

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>This is still the greatest scene in Gundam history
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>consistent or sensible policies
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Those were some things that deserved to be passed down
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1- https://everythingmoe.com
2- pick a site
3- watch the show you want
And Youtube isn't streaming?
some anime websites offer download links anyway

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His mechanical designs were underrated
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Some more references
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Not a reference, but neat
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Mainly because of this

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Have you ever read or written fanfiction for /m/ shows? I'm not just talking about the more traditional kinds of fanfiction about characters doing something, but also original stories that are technically set in certain universes created by others.
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For the barrel is so fucking garbage
I've read some Armored Core crossovers with Vandread, Gundam SEED, and Cross Ange. Only the Vandread ones have finished. Though, the Cross Ange one is more recent, so at least it's not dead.
Isn't that what G Gen does? Also, what about Thunderbolt, AGE, IBO, G-Bitch, and other newer AUs and entries?
I thought only the WonderSwan, GBA, and DS games did that. Wile the rest are straight adaptations.
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Previous Thread: >>22580849

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I wonder if Rainbow Rares will make it into the show. As in, Rainbow Gotchard's gimmick is Platina's on steroids, using upgraded Chemy Cards.
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You'll get a second Geats V-Cinema and you'll like it.

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(Heavy Metal)
Aspencade da!
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DABa dabbing on modern mecha protagonists

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I just finished Victory Gundam and I really liked it, but I can't help think that it was much more dense than the previous Tomino shows in terms of ideals, symbolism and the overall message it was trying to convey, are there any in depth analysis of the show that explain or at least explore what the show had going for it? I'm a brainlet so I'd like to hear other people's opinions on the show to maybe understand it a bit better. Something like a blog rather than a shitty 40 minute video, or maybe just share what you guys think about it here.
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Uso mentions his dad showed him how to use the MS simulator thing they had in the basement.
I choose to believe hes chars grandkid
Char is a virgin.
Most retarded page 10 bump in history
The level of lazy revisionism. Fuckers need try harder or get more creative with their bait.

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Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.
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Only show where the drone mechs upstage the generics piloted by humans in looking good.
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How do they explain tallgeese being able to turn its head?
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it's Wing, don't gotta explain shit
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Was he a bad guy?
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>okay when he does it?
They are free to go so yeah, sure. Kinda better than slavery run by the government.
>putting a corrupt politician back into office
He was elected.
>but it ultimately makes the world a worse place
Mars became much better judging from everything we've been shown.
Is Ein the only character that has truly become gundam?
Ericht from G-Witch and Rita from Narrative too
I actually wonder if Orga could even have ruled Mars after all. Like, is there any indication they could have done all the administrative work? Nobilis would be fucking with them, and the rest of the solar system would've descended into a series of bloody wars under McGillis.
It's like, there's no indication that the Tekkadan boys are really good at legitimate business. It was the mercenary stuff that paid the bills.
>Kinda better than slavery run by the government.
When did the government use slavery? Also what is "the government" in this situation.

>Mars became much better judging from everything we've been shown.
Kudelia shaking hands with Rustal?

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and buck broke /m/
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I think so too
How come it doesn't surprise me that Zetarager is Sharty excrement?
Asuka was far more dysfunctional than Quess though
Why did Quess sacrifice herself to save Hathaway?
Both have parental issues. No need to be leftish about it.

Is this bitch the most evil character in Gundam? Absolutely no ideology and her entire motivation for scheming and trying to rape the world is "I got bored".
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Name a single thing he did wrong
She can't be fixed
It's a pretty generic "Chinese girl" design. It's not really anything extraordinary.
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>All of this is justifiable in certain circumstances.
Do tell. I wanna hear.

I don't understand how you can direct this and then just have your career go nowhere
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>Her name is a play on "I'm cumming!" in Japanese
With how everything got covered with his filigrees with no rhyme or reason in Yamato 2205, good.

Or the Marines' powered armor with the wasp-thin waist that would probably break from a slight jolt

What do you expect from an NFTard who flip-flops about it when his work doesn't sell.

Not to mention a gallery exhibit. Too bad he just keeps reposting the same old material on his account.
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What kind of a pussy that needs four shields?
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>watching any Gundam
FTFY even 0079 is dogshit and the fact that it got un-cancelled is proof of gooks having shit taste.
>shouldnt be considered canon
Well too bad the anime is lol
gritty, grounded and realistic is what gundam supposed to be about. its what 79 and zeta are about.
I really like the Thunderbolt designs. Sub arms are cool and strapping weapons to every surface is neat

should robot have pantsu?

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