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>NOT a brainless bimbo doormat
>NOT a self-centered thot who thinks the universe revolves around her
>Feminine but also very spirited and opinionated and brave enough to volunteer as a pilot

Yes, she doesn't perform very well in combat and gets rescued a lot, but it's Zeta, even Kamille gets a surprisingly small kill count for a Gundam protag. Plus the only thing Fa ever got to use is the shitty Methuss.
Piloting aside, in general I love Fa Yuiry because she's just the least annoying Gundam love interest. Although she does pick fights with Kamille a lot, it's KAMILLE, he needed a girl like Fa to keep him honest when he was being a douche, which was most of the time.
Even when she is at her most bitchy, Fa has a down-to-earth humility about her, without being a sickeningly sweet moeblob princess (cough, Lacus, cough) or an exhausting martyrdom complex that never shuts off (looking at you, Relena).
Honestly, I really wish that our first Gundam with a female protag had been with a "ordinary girl pushed into a war and handling it as best she can, and trying to juggle a relationship with her moody boyfriend" like Fa, rather than... what we got in GWitch.
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I was hoping for a ggg (Gundam Girls Generation) figure of Fa Yuiry but it doesnt exist.
Yeah she's one of the all time greats. I wish there were more scenes between her and Kamille but the time they hugged in the hallway was enough for my heart.
>Fa Yuiry is a very underrated Gundam girl
Between the reasons you mention and >>22593746, she's so sweet and her circumstances so understandable that she ends up not drawing as much (negative) attention compared to the wealth of landmines the franchise has to offer. Considering they are more or less motivated by the same thing, she's like an inverted mirror version of Reccoa, for instance.
I bet this thread is all one anon waiting out his refractory period before blowing another load thinking about Fa.
No need to make a thread about it though
What does one call that haircut of hers?

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I'm sad that they haven't design new Spinatia for a long time.
From such adorable lady? Anytime.
>very cheap

Selling for same price as HG kits in my country.
HG kits are cheap
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Would i?


THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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How long is left on the group build vote?
>the mech is the racing car itself
Groupbuild Dude said "three days", and this thread has lasted for three days, so probably at some point when the new thread is made.
New thread

a red and yellow zudah with flames could be a fun project

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I mostly watch old stuff, but SRW convinced me into checking this one out. I enjoyed it. Now I’m wondering if there’s other good post-00s shows I missed. I’m in the mood for something more modern and by that I mean anything made the past 20 years.

How are the other Taniguchi shows? Except for Code Geass, I don’t think I would care for that one. I know it’s the same character design but it just looks ugly. And I don’t want anything that takes itself super seriously.
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I remember watching the first couple episodes of this when it aired and I bounced off it hard. Thought it was boring and generic looking. Sat down and watched the whole thing last summer and its one of my favorite shows now. Its got a really comfy vibe. My only major gripe is that I wish the villains got more screen time to build them out.
>Izuru: Yeah. We did it, guys.
>Other Rabbits: You suck, Izuru.
I think I might have watched this years ago, but I don't remember anything about it.
>And I don’t want anything that takes itself super seriously.
Code Geass
>Except for Code Geass, I don’t think I would care for that one. I know it’s the same character design but it just looks ugly. And I don’t want anything that takes itself super seriously.
Motherfucker that show has an episode where the super genius mastermind terrorist leader has his secret identity mask stolen by a cat and he has to chase it around the school so that nobody figures out his secret identity
Something people can never accuse CG of is lacking heart. I bet most people involved were having fun with it. The biggest upheaval on the entire show is a few repercussions and a bass line away from being a Seinfield segment.

Some excerpts of a 2022 interview with one of SEED's screenwriters and setting development chief. Some excerpts:

>SEED was aimed at children from day one, unlike Turn A,
—I have the impression that SEED was a hit among younger generations and opened up a new era.
MORITA: Yes, that's right. From the very beginning, (Mitsuo) Fukuda-san was very clear that the success of the project would be dependent on the younger generation, or to put it more bluntly, "If it does not appeal to children, it will not succeed”. Even for the name of the unit, "Strike," he had a clear order: "I want it to be in English that junior high school students can understand," and "I want to pick a cool word, even if it's goofy". (…) ∀ Gundam, the previous show, was completely science fiction. On the other hand, SEED was a younger-oriented series.
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>nobody told me about people turning into flesh balloons and exploding in Seed.
It's not our fault you've been living under a rock, Anon.
Hey I went into gundam blind outside of a vague idea of Tomino's reputation. Guess I know better now
Maybe you should go harass him for it since you seem to ask all the damn time

He released these all in the past anyway. They're a non-shitty scan version, that's all
>Maybe you should go harass him for it since you seem to ask all the damn time
What the fuck are you even on about?
>zimmerit mentioned

Looking back on it this was actually pretty cool, ignoring the plot and some of the characters it would've been cool to see Trigger continue using this style for more mecha stuff, even if it was gay and dumb the robots looked quite cool.
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That was a joke retards
I sure hope he was joking....
I’d rather watch something that’s fantastic in some ways and terrible in other than something that’s mediocre across the board. Good doesn’t excuse bad but bad can’t overshadow good either.
I thought the person on the left was a girl
That's a good take, actually - I take that back. Still not watching Dynazenon though.

Watching Turn A episode 33. What the fuck is this bullshit.
Hell, that's not even a spear or a ballista bolt, that's an arrow that's been drawn 5 times bigger than it should be.
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I see. You're an idiot.
Normalfags don't actually watch Turn-A, they just pretend that it's their favorite.
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>watching gundam and expecting something not completely shit and retarded
Even though I am not, I would still rather be a spic than a gundam fag
You're right, everything between the nuke going off to them going to space is kind of ass.

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He did get fucked up over it though. He didn't have any moral quandaries over it, just hated all the pressure and having to be one who does it
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>Soon, we human will gain the abilities to read mind, can sense danger and shit via evolving into a new type of humanity because space. Trust me bro...
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the X-Men?
That's supposedly the name for Zeon Deikun's "Federation bad, living in space good" ideology, but I've only ever seen it in wikis and other English speaking fan sources, so for all I know some autistic guy made up a bullshit name and it stuck.
X-Men is convoluted anti-racism that ends up yelling "it's dey culcha!!" at you if you imply they are actually dangerous.
So newtypes half the time

What are some /m/ designs that both east and west seem to share love for?
I think the Metal Gears are a good example. It scratches the itch of the Biped walking A-10 warthog that Westerners gravitate towards but also seem to have finese and sleekness of Easterners tend to favor making them liked by both.
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The story is mostly about terrorism, paramilitaries, world governments, and modern warfare, kinda like MGS. And there are indeed high school romcom hijinks to filter the normalfags.
Truly a perfect anime.
normalfags watch only for that, so if anything its only to rope them in
That's Fumoffu, the comedy series that takes place between the first 2 seasons and focuses entirely on the high school hijinks.
Fumoffu is genuinely a really good show though, I recommend it.
gotta give the saban guys credit. Daijujin was the sexyest robot sentai had ever made up to that point. perfect place to kick off marketing-wise.
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who said mofumofu

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Like A Ninja Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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don't forget the subject this time, you goofballs
All the generals I visit forget to put the subject, it's unreal
Happy hunting.
Poor sod just had to come across the deadliest pilot on the entire planet.
But nice paint scheme.

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Was this a weaker version of the moonlight butterfly? Or was it just easier to control?
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I'd say it's worthwhile. Its worldbuilding is some of Gundam's best, and if you're familiar with Tomino's more fast-paced shows like King Gainer or Brain Powerd, it shouldn't be too bad. The characters are its weak spot -- they're insufferably arrogant.
I really liked it but I went into it expecting nothing. It is much more of a Brain Powered/King Gainer/Turn A style series than an early UC war story.
It's really good, but really hard to understand.
I'd say it's good albeit notably flawed in its pacing and character development, and with a big fat asterisk noting that you probably want to be already familiar with the style of writing used in Tomino's later shows. If you are into stuff like King Gainer, it's pretty fun.
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>they're insufferably arrogant.
That's because they are mostly pretending or lying and putting on a brave face

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How do you guys watch Heisei 1 Kamen Rider shows? They are so fucking boring!

The transformations don't have all the bombastic talking and singing and cool effects going on. The CGI sucks.

The stories are convoluted as hell and what I can only describe as schizophrenic in tone. One moment it is the most brutal depressing shit imaginable, next episode its a fucking slapstick comedy!

There is so much homoeroticism, emo angst, and melodrama bullshit you can cut yourself on. I swear they feel and are filmed like gay porn at times. After watching Kuuga, Ryuki, Blade, and Kabuto I finally understand why people call KR gay.

The Rider suits also so boring and forgettable, they all look the same, where are the colorful imaginative popping designs of Heisei Phase 2?! Only Decade looks interesting.

I tried, I really did and after watching all of Heisei Phase 2 (except W,overrated) and loving them to tears I wanted to see what the fuss about the so called best Riders was about and they are simply unwatchable and terrible train wrecks, all of them. They are also not mature at all, just tryhard. OOO, Fourze, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build are more mature than anything in Phase 1 Rider. I feel lied to and tricked! I beg anyone hyping them duo to nostalgia to go back and re-watch these shows and see for themselves how bad they are. Wake up!
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I liked a lot of it but the story was all over the place. There's a lot to appreciate about Black Sun and I wish we got more things like it, though.
nice. im watching with my friends as well. i think its great. solid characters, great designs, its also the only rider v rider show ive seen so far where the inter fighting doesnt feel forced. also Ryuki has the sexiest kick o4g4sof any rider ive seen so far.
You took a random filler episode of Blade as an example when majority of the show is full tragedies. This is the equavilent of using Alain's side story to claim Ghost is a dark and tragic show.
>random filler episode
Secondary detected.
You cannot fool me, anon. I know all the jokes and meme about that Taiyaki Master episode but it was a short one-off story arc. Blade was consistently serious and majority of memes created from that show was either Amano Kousei's Wiseau tier acting or badly spoken "Gotta be strong" lyrics in that "Rebirth" insert song. Even Kuuga had more humor in it than Blade.

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Previous Thread: >>22588450

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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You're right, everyone stop posting until Kamen Rider has finished airing every single season. It's not fair to discuss it otherwise!!!!!!
>32 voicelines of Keiwa
>30 battle effect sounds
chinks are eating good

New bread
I was watching that video on Hiro Mizushima's Youtube channel where he cooks for Yuki Sato and they catch up. I noticed that they talked about being on Kabuto together and how the dish they were eating was one of Tendou's specialties, but they were both very careful to avoid using any names, just saying "that show" and "that character." Is this just a thing in Japanese entertainment? I know Western actors namedrop stuff they've been in and characters they've played all the time.
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Weird racism in that post.

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