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Previous: >>3790720
177 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.
Holy fucking based taste
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he is so cute
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>boarding school
>all of the (good) characters are male
it's the way it should have been

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Previous >>3879148
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Alright make a new thread and ignore this schizo >>3880772 when they inevitably post
Alright, no more talking in the next thread.
new >>3880779
>Someone with no grammar or literary acumen claiming a scholarly post is the work of a "schizo"
Read a book, and take your meds.
what the fuck happened?
talking is half the point of these threads
why do you people get so tribalistic over fictional characters to the point you actually get angry and start insulting each other? shit's cringe. just take bantz and agree to disagree. no other boards have this problem as bad as /cm/ and /y/ for fuck's sake

post pics or show off your own collection of shota figures, nendorids, ball jointed dolls, etc. shounen characters are fine too. previous thread >>3731038
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It's currently in-stock on Crunchyroll's online store.

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Previous >>3877708
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New bread where?
You know anyone can make the next thread, right?
Anyway, here it is >>3880514

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Female characters that would look good as men
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Beloved Tomgirlish Boy
these two would have alucard as a kid
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Why are genderswapped characters so much hotter than their original counterparts?

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happy halloween!
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now kiss
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Big horny genies now in your area. Would you like to know more?

Previous Thread: >>3863590
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post the cute guys from the Scott Pilgrim series. Can be ship art or solo.
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Previous: >>3818922
241 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
invite expired
7 inch dick kaworu confirmed.
New Thread?
By all means


I think he is a silly willy wholesome boi
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I want to kiss his cute face!!
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Anon... did you just imply you considered sex with w*men for a split second!?!?
Guys... burn him at the stake!!!

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new Hetalia thread, last one reached image limit

previous: >>3783594
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hi :D js wanted to share this cute art!!!! sorru if i did this wrong, i don’t use 4chan this is my first time also.. the captcha is so hard >:|
Terminally online assumption that everyday Poles would know or care what a Hetalia even is.
Also, culture war newfag, don't show your colors -- canon Poland is no NB-coded nothin, he's a girly boy, you better get your weab on before you even think about comin here.
Do you even like Hetalia?
Why is your "real" Poland such a 5/10 normie looking motherfucker?
There's already a fan design over on this very thread over at >>3797395 that's not a dumb joke token feminine boy and actually looks like a Hetalia character, fuck outta here w this shit
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Byler, Harringrove or Steddie

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Cute old men edition
Previous thread: >>3854384
88 replies and 87 images omitted. Click here to view.
What the fuck
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they're so cute...
Luke/Jamie is the best thing to happen to Street Fighter, I hope they get gayer with each game.

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I can't believe this series isn't more popular on this board; it has so many cute boys
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Can’t agree about the art getting worse, the final arc had some good panels like that morgiana wedding dress and some sinbad panels. If you wanna see actual art deterioration, look no further than Owari no Seraph.
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I haven't watched this show but this character is really fucking hot
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I despise Sinbad (he keeps getting hotter) but I really want his dick in me. Is this weird?
gross nobody wants to imagine you getting your vag filled
He's a whore who pleasures men for money

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These stupid shapes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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