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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
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4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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There will only ever be 21,000,000 BTC. Ever.
An estimated 6,000,000+ BTC are already lost.
That leaves 15,000,000 BTC.
This means only 15 million people can ever own at least 1 BTC.

You do own at least 1 BTC, right?
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Whoops, sorry other 360 people who are no coiners lolol
Never forget the six million.
I'm taking loans and doing various shenanigans to become a wholecoiner. 0.2 at the moment. I am a neet so it's hard. But I'm getting there.
i sold everything for alts

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>Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/4cn_woPvjQI?feature=shared


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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is this where we pump into close
If you don't want to take the flag, just write to sell the option one strike above it. You won't secure ALL your profits, but you'll secure almost all of them.
dead board let them know
I let them know they did a good job and to keep it up

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This board had such a great clean after the new security measures. I'm planning to launch a new shitcoin, BASE Chain, with a stealth launch so YOU can get in first.
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We need something appealing to normies. That's it.

I created a private group, get in only if you want to get early.
will you do a free airdrop? I promise I'm not brown

>Brown ID.

Jokes aside, we are discussing that kind of stuff on Telegram to avoid violating 4chan rules and getting banned.
I hope you can do this anon
The game plan is being shared on Telegram. This thread will die soon, and only the real ones will stay.

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>6 reply threads are staying up for an entire week
how do we restore /biz/ to its former glory?
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it's been better like this
Quiet boards are comfier, but it doesn't look like it's had an effect on advertising.
Loving it tbqh, shit posting has decreased considerably
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Unironically we need the joie de vivre that would result from Trump returning to office.
no one replied to my bobo post i made 4 hours ago :(

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It's weird knowing your financial and social future fully depends on what socioeconomic class your parents are at. If you're born into an upper middle class family you'll live in a nice suburbs, go to school with future white collar workers, meet daughters of managers and CEOs, and have higher expectations overall. If you're born in a lower class family, then you're expected to just work blue collar or manual labor or retail, your friends will be of similar jobs, you will only meet women from Walmart or Target or a grocery store, you will think living in a squalor is normal.
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>literally the best country in the world for class mobility

its not the 1950s anymore
And my statement is still true.
It's not. Very few people actually jump socioeconomic classes
Ok, can you name a country that provides better class mobility?
Financially blackpilled burgers are ridiculous. They're playing on tutorial mode.

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Discuss please, disinformation is so rampant I feel like my grip is waning. So many synchronicities happening right now. Are these people delusional, or have I been washed into delusion? I finally bought this time, but the carousel spins faster.
The world seems so scary online right now bros
Someone make a meme of Bobo self-immolating
> The stock chart signature of a Ponzi scheme is a massive increase (while they stack up cash) and then a massive fall (as they funnel out the stolen cash). This chart shape appeared in all the companies listed above.

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At 4:23 morning I sold my 5.8k Link bag. I'm done. What once was a lover affair is done. Chainlink is dead to me.

thats cool and all, but im not selling. also post transaction.

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when will the bullrun begin?
Winning Wednesday,

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Chairman reporting in. How we feeling gold bros?

Pickaxe salesman - 50 DGB
Janitor - 100 DGB
Bank Teller - 250 DGB
Bank Manager - 500 DGB
Vault Keeper - 1,000 DGB
Fed chairmen - 2,000 DGB
Jerome Powell - 5,000 DGB
President - 10,000 DGB
This shit is going to pump like crazy once staking goes live
feeling pretty good as the Manager of a small gold delivering company here thank you ser. am I really gonna make it this time?

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Are we really in a bullrun?
I don't see altcoins/shitcoins doing x1000

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Not even Indians though. Desperate white biztards have become the cargo cult crypto scammers with no morals. No conscience. What have I become my sweetest frens?
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>He bought a fucking spongebob coin and is wondering what went wrong
Its always been that way, let's be real. People join a telegram, buy a bag. If they don't see movement they get bored, and jump around. If they were smart, and not hedonistic they'd be pushing their bags non-stop and actually create something meaningful out of a project
this is why apu is the only good meme play this cycle
The revival team hasn't sold any of their bags anon, nor most of the new whales. Crypto is volatile, everyone knows that. The point is there is a road map being worked on next of which is CoinGecko listing. TG is active, autistic, and fun. Yeah there's been swing traders and bot snipers but it hasn't rugged and the volume is good which was a chief complaint of the previous fudders. The team artist is making fire memes with normie appeal. X and Reddit presence is growing. Biz jannies continue to prune Squid threads. if that isn't bullish I don't know what is. This is going to top SpongeBob token mark my words.

"Crypto ETFs other than Bitcoin and Ethereum funds will '100%' be approved"

We all know what Grayscale's largest crypto trust besides it's Bitcoin and Eth trusts are right?
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Monero etf WHEN??!?
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normie shit, XMRchads will have even better
I need more information on that somalian exchange
wow it went up less than bitcoin wowowowow
will be a waste of time outside of btc and eth

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But you'll know about it in 3-6 months when it become a permanent top 2-3 coin. Not a financial advice.

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>fair launched in January and shilled on 4chan since day 1
>hasn't rugged and on the contrary has been continually locking liquidity
>quietly been building a wild plan
>has a gameplan and execution strategy to rip everyone in crypto's face's off
>you saw this at $29k mcap, 1.6m cap, and now at $400k mcap, and in a few months or less things will never be the same again.

token distribution is the most ridiculous you can imagine. They kept 80% of the supply ("pre-mined" of course) for them and for their close "investors", and sold 10% of the supply to the public.

move on guys...these threads are nothing but shilling so the whales and vcs can get their exit liquidity, you have been warned.
Is there anything at all on exhanges that can give an easy 10x anymore? Like can I just buy FET and be fucking done with this shit?
>and it has a supply cap of 1B
Damn it's even worse than i thought then...what will they do when they reach 720M circulating supply? how will they pay validators? How will they secure the blockchain then?

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Millions of people losing their funds
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>Crypto dumps still bleeding, links are on the chain
>I'm going off the rails, money down the drain

I've listened to ethers
I've listened to fools
I've watched all the hashgraphs
Who make their own rules
Vitalik's conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you live the role

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Anyone here who works or worked a crypto job?

Kraken, Binance, Certik etc have some jobs that look pretty easy and will pay you a 80-120k salary working from home.

Is it comfy? Any interesting stories?
I have a crypto job, pays me pretty well and is fun imo
It's pretty funny when you see things shilled here and you actually can technically understand how dogshit they are
i have 5 years of devops experiencee and applied for these jobs at exchanges and they didn't even write me back. theres 10s of thousands that you compete with world wide for these jobs. only if you are in the top 0.1 percent of best nerds will you even get an interview.
Broadly speaking what do you do and how much are you paid? No need for details, just curious
Not encouraging, I wonder if more esoteric positions like onchain investigation for crimes like drainers, exploits etc also get many applications. Those also seem like the most fun

what do you think of chainlink's new motto
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the thing with complementary goods and services, if the the goods and services they complement go belly up, they are done for
My name is Stacy I'm a 22 yr old intern @ Chainlink Labs and I make 127k per year. What's up guys.
It could have been a great and useful project, but the team can't deliver and neither can sergey, it's a shame really

Eigen Layer will take it's spot, actually it already has 3x the market cap by now...
Are you hoping the average biz user can’t tell the difference between oracles and restaking
You could do a simple Google Search, try "Building the Next Chainlink", you really need to do some research my dude, there is a good reason why Chainlink is struggling lately...

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>meme stocks
>crypto crap
I've ditched all the garbage and I'm buying hard assets. Specifically, I bought shares in a race horse.

His name is Visceral, he's 3 years old, and he's preparing to race at Santa Anita this summer.

His dad is Violence and his mom is Blues Corner. Say hi to Visceral, everybody!

Do you have any alternative investments?
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Damn, I guess not.

Here's a video of him running if anyone was curious.
>he owns part of a race horse
Did you buy the penis, you fucking fag?

But seriously what sort of gains are you expecting and how bad will the sell-off be before/when it dies?

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Is it setup in a way to make it give the illusion that it pumps hard because of how the uniswap liquidity pool is setup?

It pumps like crazy with just a few buys, but it also dumps like crazy with just a few sells...

I have other memecoins which have a much smaller market cap than Apu does, but ive noticed one thing, a similar amount of ETH swapped for APU pumps it like 10%, an amount that would only pump my other MUCH SMALLER market cap memecoin like 2%...... that doesn't make any sense, unless Apus liquidity pool is setup in a way to make it so a few buys pumps like price like crazy

Obviously this goes both ways in that it doesn't take much sells to make it dump like crazy.

But to me this seems like its setup in a way to hope that BUYS will cascade and cause a massive never ending pump, so they cant get listed on Binance or something, so then they can exit on Binance.

Of course like I said this isn't "perfect" in that, unless everyone in Apu agrees to just hold and don't sell on uniswap, it could just keep having large dumps on a few sells and never get anywhere due to low liquidity

That said, this "method" could pay off for APU, the question is, will it?
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Cope? My 500 dollars is now worth 60000 dollars. And that's having already taken 15k profit out.
>Yeah but you cant use SHIB as an example because I said so
What about exploring liquid restaking protocols like YieldNest to maximize your rewards, whether it's a bullrun or a bear market?
I did send a similar suggestion to the admins.

I do see them introducing staking though. It's important to keep the whales happy and to hodl
So Apu is an even more volatile shitcoin. Got it.

Gonna buy more.

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