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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
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4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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I'm just going to drop this gem here before ban.

BEPSI at 30k marketcap. Everything about this is jeet-free. You're very welcome.
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> A shitcoin with 1/2 marketcap to liquidity ratio and it's locked

Am I dreaming?
Absolute jeetcoin but i might buy a suicide stack just in case
I feel like it could pull a BANANAS or something similar. Everything about this shitcoin looks a bit too good; low mcap, high LP, decent wallet dist. I'll watch it from the sidelines for now.
Don't watch it too long or you'll get priced out fren.
Finally a coin on biz that has actual potential. Send it to a milly

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Two smart women and a guy talking about the Bitcoin halving and its importance
Do you think we will go up immediately after or just crab?
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females on pic

therefore disregard any shit on this thread
I would report that video for being offensive.
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normies talking shit about our crypto?

Its over
dont use youtube.... its monitored and censored.
Investanswers is unironically a very good channel. Anybody who followed his advice made a shitton of money

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>40k mc
>25k locked liq
>Meme's funny as fuck
>Healthy distribution

And I'm shilling it to you at the fucking bottom.

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Yes, they're starting a war just to dump your shitcoin. Don't buy trash the next time
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All “attacks” done by “Iran” are mossad false flags. Nearly all heavily circulated social media posts of “Iran” calling for death of Israel are Mossad JIDF agents. Everything is fake and gay theatre so that Israel gets enough support and optics to wage war against Iran, destroy them and install a central bank into their country
My shitcoin has been down -90% since before this started and it actually went up 15%+ today when Bitcoin crashed

Maybe my shitcoin is finally gona start making moves to go back to ATH and make a new ATH haha
The cope is insane

Just in time for mein fuhrer birthday
The funny part is that israel has no hope against iran and the surrounding sea of muslims, even with durrdurrburgerland sending meme weapons

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How do I prevent my bitcoin from being halved tomorrow?
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Have you considered jelqing it?
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go back in time to create a coin to replace btc, although I doubt that things like pinkview would have been around back then
newfags and poors btfo
the halving affects your current bitcoin? how so?

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the best /biz/ can do is a tranny "gf"
I miss YHWH Loves You, we had something going on. She knew me as the Danish Chad.
It's over
you miss a tripfag. you were never a Chad to begin with.
I don't think I'd be interested in any woman who frequents 4chan desu
you are fucked if you dont marry a trad luddite gf from rural Iran or Morocco...
any woman with internet access will fuck you up

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It's dumping again...
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i just bought in an hour ago gg
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I did nothing but do that in these last 3 weeks, seeing the amount of memecoins there are now I think if I even do something small in pinksales I would have more profit than waiting for some non-existent pump
Hope this doesn't foreshadow something
This sarcasm didn't age well lol.

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From what ive been working and seeing as a man with 3 years experience.

Why the fuck do the accounting teams get paid less then the finance teams? The finance teams have an easier job and more pay. Specifically the FP&A teams in middle to large companies.

Am I a fuck up for not choosing finance? or should i just do the route everyone else loves talking about. 2 years accounting and then swap to FP&A?

I'm out here closing the books and make journal entries until everything is okayed while the FP&A team goes to meetings and says" yeah your shit high or low u should do this to fix it ty" and then budget for 2 hours and jack off for the 6....

Does taking the full accounting route really make me more successful then these FP&A people who are scaling harder then me? Also i feel like 70% of woman in FP&A dont do shit besides complain that they dont know how to use excel or power bi
If you have good connections, or are willing to go external, you can transition from accounting to FP&A if thats what you want. I personally work in FP&A and came from commercial finance background. I much prefer it. If the FP&A function is set up correctly, its very little work to do outside of peak periods.
Also, i wish that I did financial accounting earlier in my career. FP&A is quite easy to learn and your performance depends more on communication, creativity (how you slice numbers & present them), and relationships in the business. If you can make the jump to FP&A, you will have a better grounding to become a CFO later than someone like me.

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This board is dead
There is no money to be made
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All this only to try keep dogbat censored.

Not even joke.
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Bro forgot about MAGA TRUMP
Dead pumped and dumped shitcoin. I was literally there when Floors Morrison dumped. There is no conspiracy, you are just a dobaggie.
>Bought Oct 2021
>Sold Nov 2021
Jannies delete any thread that ca help us make money. I am not even talking about coins being shilled and getting banned for advertising, I am talking about actual discussions that can help us make money. I tried making Rune threads multiple times and always would get banned for “advertising”. Runes is the new token standard that is coming out for btc that will enable defi. it’s too late now for biz though, 1,000x multiples have already been made and now people are selling their pre rune brc20 tokens hard
Its like 30 retards here. Biz was better in 2017

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> gf of 2 years
> break up with her a very bad break up
> she took my laptop along with her stuff
>mfw my metamask is only on that laptop
>mfw secret phrase is saved there somewhere

im not worried she would steal the money BUT HOW THE FUCK DO I SOLVE THIS??!?
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Holy based this post just single handledly solved my inceldom
Tricky one.
Very tricky.

Maybe ask for it back?
U wot meight?
message her and say that youre sorry and that you want to at least be friends and meet up for a coffee or whatever and when you go around to the place she is just take the laptop back and never talk to her again
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cuz at least they are funny, people like us just spend their time at home holding coins or creating them with pinksale, we are just leaving something to eat for the idiots

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>The bitcoin halving
stop i'm not fat

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Name a single bullish narrative on the horizon. You literally cant
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My question to you is, what's your bearish narrative?
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are people really delusional enough to think they'll let Trump win again? They learned their lesson the first time. It's worth sacrificing the American democracy, to make sure Trump doesn't get in again. They'll probably only have to sprinkle in a little bit of fraud Salt Bae style, this time the majority of people think Trump is a criminal and he's literally going to be in court every day up to and including election day.
I forgot
>presidential election
the old retards both want to ban crypto. BTC loses either way
>but muh RFK
can't win, but even if he does he will just be assassinated kek

ask ChatGPT what a 'bear market rally' is.
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>on the horizon.
There's a war in the middle east about to happen.
I think when crisis pass out, markets will actually bump everything as they always do.
Last global crisis pushed nfts, so i think web3 could actually fit in this time.
$super has already some time around, currently building a game humb, maybe this time will break the 5$ again.
>Name a single bullish narrative on the horizon
muh dik

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What's the happiest profession to switch once making it in shitcoins?

Massage therapist???

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Your mother manipulated by ball sack. And then she bought some BTC.
Im just staking $super waiting for a rainy day.
I just wish the chart would make up its goddamn mind.
It already made us miss $100K on the 1000 day of snailposting. I don't know how many more indignities we're supposed to take.
True that was a deliberate slap to the face, but it's going to continue to be a rewarding year overall.
My brother in Christ we will all post snails on the day Bitcoin achieves $100k. Fear not, it will certainly come.

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So JRE accidentally just leaked that he's releasing a Tucker interview, and $TUCKER is at an all time low.

Seems like no one has caught on yet. Are we running this back? I still have $100 in tuck.

In case anons missed it, it 10x'ed last time there was a big interview with Tucker and Putin.
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im in bros, 10x my $50 please
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it's going to coincide with the BTC halving too, I'm feeling so fucking early bros
Sol Hidler before any official announcement on Tuck on 4/20
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too bad burgers are asleep as they're prime buyers for this.

I suspect it'll be a good day for crypto

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>Work an unconventional schedule where I'm off on weekdays instead of weekends
>Can't do anything or meet anyone because most people are working

How do even with unconventional work schedules even have a life when there's nothing you can do on weekdays?
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just change your friends
meet unemployed weirdos like (You)
there's like 99999 ways to meet people on your area any day any time
just use telegram's people nearby option and you can have a blast with it
that sweet sweet dump, got me +10k in profits. so good to slurp
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Use your PTO or vacation days to travel internationally and fuck foreign women. You can even take some nice pictures to post on your dating app profile when you come back home.
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that happened to me all the time in college with the pandemic, I didn't get to talk to anyone
it was just saying yes for 2 hours straight and then leaving, although it did give me time to learn about cryptos and that led to me creating something with pinksale, but I wish there were more places to meet more people
I just don't have that social energy I used to have

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So basically is it possible to find any gems from /biz/ now after the latest email verification shenanigans?
I've found many over the years but often times those threads got deleted fast. Now this board looks like the slowest one out there
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Didn't know this has been launched. Nice
Basedjak on base is looking good to slurp
Meant basedjak
Fuck i forgot. s-o-yjak
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Create tokens on Base instantly for $2. YES - I AM shilling a site that I helped build. But only because this is THE most BULLISH news for Base of the year. Unruggable, instantly tradeable tokens that anyone can deploy with 0 code. Once the marketcap hits 75k it burns LP and sends it to Uniswap.

> every token automatically locks and burns LP
> devs don't have to seed liquidity, $3,000 in virtual liquidity is given to every token to start them out
> contract is renounced when it deploys to Uniswap
> this isn't public knowledge yet but all early devs and traders on the site will get the largest airdrops when the token releases in a month or two. more info about that coming out in a week or two

this is the catalyst that lets Base chain compete with Solana when it comes to memecoins and pumpability

Get the fuck in here t me/LaunchOnBaseToday. LaunchOnBase.Today is the url

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We survived WW3
feeling good. it's that new timeline smell.
haha big happenings happening in the next few days just wait haha

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