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February 12 2021. I am forgotten
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2021. I am not forgotten
Don't worry they'll be nxt japan soon enough.
>bend the knee to WWE
>collapse into insolvency
Wait until the 18th...
I still miss it.

Write his return promo

he's not coming back, anon. corona's going on a monster heel run that lasts for the the rest of humanity.

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I am one in three
In the land of free
What I sexually like
Is male equal of dyke
Heres what I dont get.
Riddle me this instead
You take jim carrey the riddlers head
And deep fake it with Joe Pantoliano instead?

Who’s better?
you tell 'em, Bret
AJ Styles.

Eddie is the lowest drawing champion ever and his run on top was short. AJ Styles has been on top in WWE longer.
nah Diesel is lower drawing

what happened to dave to cause this vast mid-life crisis?
a deadly combination of hollywood, reaching middle age, and trump derangement syndrome
um, being halfway to dead with the remaining years rapidly dropping off in quality???
discovery of bussy
too much estrogen
Trauma from having to fuck Cornette's slampig in the OVW casting hottub

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>marko stunt
>is a mark who just does stunts
Marko Stunt does high spots?
everybody lifts him up and helps him do spots in the most blatant, cooperating way possible
that's what jungle boy and lucharsarous call putting him in his high chair for dinner
goddamn wrestling is a fucking goldmine for meme images
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>Marko Stunt
>is a mark with stunted growth who does stunts

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>Hey, uh, just was wondering, was employing Christian for 15 years and giving him multiple world title reigns, uh, an elaborate long-term out-of-season April Fool's joke?

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>Pop I want-uh to sign-uh The Young Bucks-uh
>We've got The Young Bucks at home, pal!
>The Young Bucks at home:

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kek based imagine for one moment Muto was gonna lay down for some no dime shitter.
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>just watch Noah they said
> it's on the come up they said
The true redpill is that their 2020 wasn't that good, they were on the come up before that. Still better than recent New Japan though.
He's gonna spread prowreslove over every bodies bitches face
Bruh NJPW put the belt on EVIL.
Say what you will but he's more than 20 years younger
NJPW literally did nothing wrong

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How severely is the in ring performance of female wrestlers affected when it's 'that time of the month'?
They get even slower
you tell me
I bet Mandy’s monthly discharge has a rich texture and a pleasant taste
she is stunning omg
Based off what I see every month - they get a lot more pissed off and probably eat all the chocolate backstage.

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how about you shut up and choke on deez nuts namefag
what did he mean by this?

4 Smackdowns out of 5 are Roman and Heyman taking about 5 minutes to walk to the ring and talk for between 10 and 15 minutes while sayin nothing interesting. Its so tedious.
>HHH but worse

A more ignominious fate for a wrestler I can't imagine
Based tribal chief working the seething smark

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Putting indie shitters in major promotions was a mistake.
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Oh sorry itll be 2+ million tomorrow my bad.

For you AEW people, 2+ million would be like 700k but if you tripled that! Gosh youd need like 30 KENTAS or something missing his finisher in his debut to get those kind of numbers!
it still has WWE logos on its shows
i can't believe pete dunn was once considered a hard hitter.
No lies detected here

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Thank you Based Go for carrying Mutoh to his first 5 star classic since 1996. You died for our sins even though you didnt win, but that is what mortal beings do. You have ascended into demigod status navigating this Ark through treacherous waters.
Go should go to NJPW
He unironically got a 4 stars match out of a corpse.

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