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Hopes for Maya 2025? It should be dropping in a matter of weeks.
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post your work first
no professionals browses this shithole website
there's nothing here anyone can learn from
Dd they fix the accursed crashing issues and instability from 2023 and 2024 yet?
it only crashes if Your system is unstable. If you dont upgrade your motherboard BIOS and your RAM timings are unsupported you will crash maya. If Your system is stable, it wont or will very very rarely crash.
I feel like even though Maya receives next to zero publicity or tutorials these days on YouTube that doesn't necessarily mean the software is dead

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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I came late to the party and bought RDR2 the other day when it was on sale. Switched to first person and riding a horse was one of the most nauseating things I've experienced. Switched back to third person after about 10 seconds. I know you can probably turn it off, but I don't like Rockstar's stuff in first person. Mainly because they have this really weird control system (not sure if it happens with kb+m) where when you turn you sort of "lock" further around. I don't know how to explain it but I fucking hate it. It's not smooth like every other game I've played in first person. Best way I can describe it is like
>You're facing N
>You want to turn NNE
>You slightly over shoot NNE and it locks you facing NE
It just feels jarring. Someone will know what I mean.

Getting back to that head bob thing, the whole reason people get car sick is because their body is stationary while the scenery is changing rapidly. Same sort of thing is true with the head bob. You're sitting stationary but your vision is all over the fucking place. I don't know why anyone would think this is a good idea.
wtf is this black magic sorcery
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it's not perfect but it's the best 2D imitation i have seen yet. Once you watch it enough times, like >>978226 says, you start noticing the parts that are 3D anyway, like consistent line quality on pose movements or the background, but the camerawork and usage of 3D as more of a, in a way, drawing medium for each frame rather than a complete animation tool still hold up to sell the illusion long enough to make it god-tier.
The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.

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They thought moving smooth feature to modifiers stack was a good thing but they made it even worse
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No it doesn’t, the official website documentation for said code clearly says so: https://help.autodesk.com/cloudhelp/2024/ENU/Maya-Tech-Docs/Commands/undo.html

Video clip showing the settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf5UXU9-ePI&t

In case you’re still going to make up bullshit, Wikipedia also has an entire article telling you how it works: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queue_(abstract_data_type)

It’s over, you are crazy one here.

You’re crazy, save state is save state, you know like saving current event. A different method then undo, redo and replace. You are going crazy over the concept of undoing 7 days work to bring back the cube. This is how the industry works, the boss demanded magic of undoing the problem then it should happen. You are never going to win this debate, you aren’t qualified to do such actions and put shame on the blander community.
>they thought removing the musgrave texture node was a good idea
Because apparently you can emulate it using 15 other nodes.
Getting my credit card to buy the addons right now! Thanks OP!
I mean yeah you can technically emulate it with the way they merged it into the noise node which is cool but like fuck
Only the ones you cannot crack

Don't know if it's because I cracked it or because of Advanced Skeleton or because of some weird shit I did

When I change the value of a control in the channel box, it moves the connected joints correctly. But moving the same control in the viewport doesn't do anything.
Why is that?
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>can't troubleshoot their own project.
Lmao artists literally have no brain whatsoever.
smart ass here cant even read the thread to see OP solved his own problem.
how to download from autodesk?
they make you give them your phone number, fuck that shit!!

Go to tool option
(hammer icon)
reset settings for move tool or disable the "preserve children" option, you might also be in tweak mode.

guessing from AS use, you wanted to move one bone without affecting others. that might be the issue here.
Is 3ds max better than blender?

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Why do we have to go through a pointless process as westerners while nips get a freepass?
they just 3d paint their textures and the uv can be any crazy nonsense as long as it's optimized.
You're most likely looking at a ripped model that some poor soul had to piece together themselves after ripping it.

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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Proud of you anon
I love everything about your work. Don't loose your creative spirit. Don't take the artstation pill. I was like you in 2003
Cheers, never even heard of it.
just enjoy sitting listening to podcasts with a cup of tea, lightly stoned and going down the autism hole of creation for a week until i burn out and take a few days away from it.
Krista is fun. A little-known secret is that it can have the same color management Blender and compositors use, and as a result, you can use it to make HDRIs
Some ban evading rule 1 breaking peado reported me and got me banned for wishing death on the nonce, so dunno if those posts will return once it expires or not.

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Very new to this shit, hoping anons can provide some advice

I built and textured a map in Trenchbroom. I exported it to Blender as a OBJ/MTL from a folder containing the textures. Luckily, the textures kept their coordinates, but when I open the UV mapping menu, I get this fucking messy nightmare. Why? Is it because there's so many individual brushes? Is the scale too large or something? I need to export the UV map as a PNG/BMP, because the engine I'm working with can only reference one texture per object. Any ideas? Thanks anons

>Tfw didn't train my 3d skill for years to update portfolio
Can I buy off anyone's 3D portfolio models/images that you guys don't use anymore?

I lost my job and now I wanna move back into 3D modelling. Some small enviroment stuff would be nice while I make my own portfolio on the side.
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Nasim Aghdam my queen

Hello Everyone, I'm new to blender and wanted to find some websites for a turtle sea turnaround creation, and I don't know websites for it, can you help me ? Thanks you :D
Cris, you're not new to Blender.
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You mean like this?

I just google it and usually there's an image that works
thanks you!!

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Arrimus is using it.
Are you? Is it worth learning?
Plasticity is a big meme, but yeah, it's worth it
everything arrimus makes looks "off"
Probably my favorite 3D software ever. Glad I have my perpetual license before they are eventually bought out by some megacorp and enshittified. 90% of what I used to do in blender I do in plasticity now, it’s been an actual hard surface game changer for me, and has made 3D modeling incredibly fun.

Is Blender sculpting good enough if i just want to make huge animu tiddies models?
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> Anonymous 04/04/24(Thu)22:46:09 No.9
I have the course,but I find him so bad at explaining anything,making it hard to learn from him
I checked telegram,but there isn't a download link
yes although sculpting isn't the only way to do it. a lot of people learn sculpting and nothing else and wind up using sculpting as a crutch when other approaches can be easier to create smooth shapes. i've generally never found sculpting useful in modeling the human part of a figure at the lower poly stage
that just means you need to work on your rigging skills. it's a given that you'll have to spend time adjusting weights and creating blendshapes any time you're deforming a figure using an armature
> the worthless shitstain of bending and deforming blender does while still not having bones you can properly mesh attach but a bloody loop of 5+ same shit of grouping, parenting, linking, joining and god knows what else they added that does the same fucking thing but doesnt work with something else randomly
Is there a program that doesn't do that? Just started with Blender and this is probably my biggest fucking issue with it.

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>still no auto-retopology tool for Blender
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>auto-retopology tool
what do you need this for
>sculpt layers
as in floating modification layer?
kinda like Zremesher in Zbrush or auto-retopo in 3DCoat
lol u fukkin retard
you have dunning kruger
Those hands are ridiculously tiny
It's supposed to be a joke?

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i'm trying to make myself a playable character in my game. you think posing for the cam could work for one of these photogrammetry software to do their work? or do you need like rotating cam and to stay still? kek
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AI workflowGODS won.
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crisbros we're eating good!
Look at the smug bastard.
He knows that he's fucking with us.
>github link
no code to be seen.
why are research bros like this?
Associating your work with words like "github" and "open" gives people good tingles which drives clicks.

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what a brave systa 3d xirs
blendlets won
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>I don't think that you are a sophist, I think that you are retarded

I'm a autodidact polymath with an IQ of 142. Socrates said 'To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.'
People who know me would tell you I'd be the first one to admit I'm pretty retarded.

Checkmate anon I countered your argument thru verification, that was some 4D-chess shit and you have to view me as a sophist now.
For how could I have crafted such an argument if I didn't posses the blinding ingenuity of a true shitpost-poet?

You can call me pseud but would a 'pseud' really be able to craft this post? Yeah that's right anon, you don't believe that either
you recognize the fearsome intelligence looming behind the retarded text that just entered your skull straight thru your eyeballs.
They all are nerd hobbies and nerds are the most likely to get brainwashed into becoming troons. Partly due to lack of being socially secure and partly because of autism
I think you won, It will be difficult to argue with that.
But I will try ...
>'To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.'
>People who know me would tell you I'd be the first one to admit I'm pretty retarded.
It's wise of you to admit that your post are retarded, I can't argue with that.
But your argument proves half of my point, and I quote >Don't worry anon I don't think that you are a sophist, I think that you are retarded.
Now I know that you are both.
>Now I know that you are both.

I'm cool with that. Thanks anon, I would tip my fedora if I had one but I've always been a baseball cap kinda guy so I'll tip that one in it's place.
You don't need to tip anything. But it was a pleasure to help you knowing yourself better.
Now when you are older and wiser you can tell that story to your grandchildren.

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Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate
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Idk i felt like I made 10x the progress in 3d than I did in drawing, maybe you just drew since you were a child and can't imagine what it's like to start as an adult
I have tried both, but I've only managed to actually stick to 3D and kinda gave up on 2D rather quickly. Might give 2D a try again eventually to see if any skills transfer over from 3D
the only way you can truly get good in 2d or 3d is with very thorough anatomy studies
I do both
can't do cool 3d animations, 3d pictures and 3d video games by learning how to draw

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