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So I am only a day old diving into Blender after 3 years of trying 3DS Max with no progress which is more of a skill issue on my end.

I am specifically wanting to model cars. I have something started but am not too happy with the outcome of the doors. I am starting with blueprints but still getting to grips with pretty much everything else.

What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?
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This thread won't be in any threat of being archived for months anon.
It'll be here for the better half of a year. Even if no one posts past this point.
Please do

pixeldrain com/u/sX7XJvn6

There is multiple versions of each this is from a torrent pack of add-ons for blender from


To save you having to make an account here is the torrent.

Image is of the whole torrent not what I've uploaded.

also sometimes you can find paid addons on


I'd 100% hit em with a virus scan but I've downloaded stuff from these sites.
Chad. Thanks

My first attempt at making 3D porn. What does /3/ think?
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Second attempt. Sorry for the wait. I'll be taking sign deals and comission offers as of now. You may contact me here.
Now model her giving birth
She wants to go to college and become a business woman, you bigot. Give birth yourself.
I gave birth to your post now get to it

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Considering throwing one of these into a shitbox and seeing how well it does for a low profile cleanup station
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You ok?
Yes. What am I doing wrong?
Currently? Existing
Whether I exist or not, GPUs are still garbage which was designed to mine bitcoins, not to do graphics or anything useful.
ok gramps

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Its over

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absolutely. Discord is going to memory hole an entire generation.
4chan not archiving only inconveniences people who shouldn't be here.
The most ironic thing about their whole temper tantrum is that most of the people they claim would "take advantage" of them were arguably some of the best ways to bring obscure game formats into the limelight.

Although, xentax will be probably remembered for a long time to come. Not for the wealth of information it once held, since that's long gone. But because it was a forum that had so many resources archived by what the major users of the forum would call "digital pirates". Most of whom never bothered documenting the original creators of the tools largely because there was no time to do so it seems. And the xentax discord server itself may one day be seen as a poor man's imitation of a digital archive.
>What exactly on a forum needs to be maintained besides paying for hosting and the domain?
The hosting itself is dirt cheap. A legible domain name is max 20$/year if you don't use a meme TLD or one of the scammy "promo" domains. The VPS itself can be very cheap as long as it got decent I/O. €5/month should be plenty as long as the forum software itself isn't garbage.

To keep it secure, just keep off as much bloat off the server as you can, have a crontab entry to keep the TLS cert up to date and it'll be good for pretty much forever without needing to touch it. Best to subscribe to the security mailing list of whatever distro you use just in case you really need to update.

Biggest issue is spam. Especially pizza spam.
Pizza spam is so persistent and obviously unprofitable it's almost certainly something trying to take down smaller websites.
And god forbid if you leave up pizza spam just a little too long.

t. selfhost website, mailserver and occasionally something else. My website used to have a comment system but it only ever got spam, thankfully no pizza spam but I know other admins struggle with it.
>€5/month should be plenty as long as the forum software itself isn't garbage.
I'm generalizing too much here.

If you host a lot of images, let alone videos, then storage costs will go up a lot obviously.

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The best anime sculptor started streaming again.

Any based annons willing to start recording his streams again?

Link to the shared folder made to store previously recorded streams :
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Attention whore
I have to ask this here to, has someone else spend so much time sculpting his waifu that accidentally created a Tulpa?
any more models for download? like this or similar?
I only saw one in this thread.
study anatomy first, choose a program, watch at least any random tutorial on YT, start sculpting in chosen program; slowly sculpt a little bit everyday until you start crying. then keep going
sounds like a (YOU) issue rather than a lesly issue. he is very private and watch you know is only what has been streamed thus that is the public part. You never know what is going on elsewhere with him. It's not like he was an educator on Twitch or a teacher at a school. i imagine he made his money but you also gotta remember he's japanese (assuming) and they don't upon life the same way others do.

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i heard about CGPeers from people, but is it any good? should I buy it? there's this one guy selling it but he couldn't tell me much about the website, he just told me he sells the accounts or invites or whatever..

https://cgpeering.mysellix.io/product/63d3dac6543dd this is the website, is it the right one to get CGPeers?

and If I get it, do i have to maintain my ratio ? thanks a lot guys

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what's the easiest way to get a 3d model of an existing house/apartment if I don't have a floor plan? I can spend up to 3k on equipment.
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polycam and ipad might be the way to go. it's quick to the scans can be exported to skp
this seems more like a 100-150 evro kind of job
A tape measure and the cad program of your choice.
Tape measure and SketchUp.

Apple is a joke.

Overkill and never modifiable. Spend weeks making it look like source. Way too much time involved only for dogshit quality results.

Yep! SketchUp fastest I've used. Simply type in your measurements drawing it out, dragging walls up, etc.
cuckphone and lidar app.
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what the others said, if you can access the place physically take a tape measure and do some construction surveying. don't forget to bring enough paper, a ruler and a pencil to do an exact first draft while you're there to avoid any confusion later on. Once you have all the dimensions you can directly jump to the 3d model once you get home

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if you were tasked with creating a heavily stylized original 2D character in 3D, how exactly would you go about making sense of how the hair should look?
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Definitely on the right track. I wonder what the best way to make the round head look flat might be?
Very interesting. I tried to tackle the lisa hair issue a while back. But I was too inexperienced to make anything work. It's interesting to see what a working hair might look like.
The coup de gras for this problem is for the deformer geometry to itself have corrective blend shapes which move it through optimal shapes for the most important and problematic angles, and also likely inbetweens for each of them so it doesnt do anything strange. Potentially a lot of fucking work.
At the very least I think a more clever deformer shape would make it look a lot better with little effort.
Nani nani, tell me more?
About hair tendrils? Or collaborating?
Im making a game as a 1 man show. I have managed to do a lot on my own but there's still a lot to go before its presentable. I want to connect other developers maybe we can share solutions.

I'm trying to rip fortnite models I can put it into blender because I want to make some funny shit. There's this dude that runs a discord where he has a fortnite ripper program but I don't know if I trust that shit.

Sorry for the dumb question, it's just everything I tried looking up just sends me to this guy's discord to download his shit. Does anyone happen to know if it's safe?
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So I used Virustotal and also scanned it with my own anti-virus and it was detected as malicious by one anti-virus, SecureAge. I don't know if that means it's unsafe or not because everything else didn't detect it as malicious.
>Download file named "Virus..."
>It's a virus
No, Virustotal is a website that checks and sees if something is malicious by running it through multiple anti-virus. The file I checked was FortnitePorter
Sorry, speedread the thread. Pretty sure Deviant Art has Fortnite models if you can get the XPS importer.
>I want to make some funny shit
You're not foolijg anyone, you mean porn

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OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says Sora was trained on publicly available and licensed data

If she gets raped, your defense will be that she was publicly available at the time of the incident.
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these are the gamma boys who are taking your jobs
snivelling little bolshevik shits
look at how nervous the poop eating do not redeem bloody fucker bitch bloody is


guillotine is the only answer to the problem that is AI tech bros
Yeah, but can it be racist/sexist?
if not then there is still a job for me to do :D
Will never happen
it's getting more over by the month now and there are midwits still coping

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why isnt there more 3d solo/indie/short team/no budget animated series? do they not make money?
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Hey OP
RT's finally going to fuck off, it's your chance
I'm making one :)
Share progress? What's it about?
Still in preproduction. 14 months in so far. It's a noir.

same here bro, we're gonna make it for sure :(

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Hi anons,

So Im getting into using Solidworks partially for fun and partially for a potential future in automotive mechanical design. Ive run through lots of tutorials and exercises and I feel pretty comfortable with the basic principles.

In order to challenge myself ive been taking home old parts from work (I work at a high end auto shop) and trying to recreate them perfectly in SW. This is great but I want to challenge myself more. What resources, classes, or exercises can I do to fill out my solidworks skillset?

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Where do you sell your work now that turbosquid and artstation are compromised?
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what are the chances of merchandising from a 3rd world shithole that only allows mastercard?
any store you list on is going to take your work and use it to train their AI which is (gotcha!) competing against you
AI is a gimmick
AI is gonna catch up one way or another anyway
one drop of piss in an ocean barely matters
AI is really really bad at producing things that go against the current narrative but have actually occurred

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Just found out this 3d artist I've been following for years and buying thousands of dollars worth of assets from has wildly incorrect anatomy after studying anatomy myself. I can't believe I didn't study anatomy sooner.
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I’m a novice myself but it feels great when you watch a tutorial by someone you admire and find yourself thinking, I’ve made better ears than that or I’ve sculpted a prettier face than that.
To be fair I’m sure doing these things on camera makes it more difficult.

Congrats, you’ve hit the dreaded plateau. It will take 10x harder to break the barrier and you won’t find any other artists of a higher level than what you see on social media because all the real pros are too busy slaving away at game studios. Fuck, they probably aren’t that good than what you see in artstation, they are just good at making their employer money. That’s it.
>you’ve hit the dreaded plateau
>I’m a novice myself
congratulations, BLENDER has rotted your brain.
cope & seethe!
uh ok weirdo

A very fun hobbie! This is the "Lettuce Temple" from the Aeon Flux episode "The Purge".
Is there anywhere online where people get together to make stuff like this?
And here's a question for you guys, with environments, how do you organize your 'objects' in Blender? In this project, for example, the 'body' of the temple is one object, the pillars are separate objects, the pools below are another.., Should they all be one big object? Or should I break it down further? Does it matter?
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>Not recreating the EarthWalker Walled City
finally a cool thread
Agree. Give me a place from a movie.
Oh shit sorry my choice I'm making something from dragon ball

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Forgot about this one too.
Started up a little project about a year before the Bleach stuff to recreate the Spirit World office in Yu-Yu-Hakusho, but kinda lost steam early on. I think it was mainly because I had to shift my focus to another gig, and by the time I finished I couldn't be bothered to continue.
Kind of a running theme with both projects. Both are centered around the whole "spirit world" from both animes, and both were left unfinished because something else took priority.

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