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Previously on >>5408082
222 replies and 129 images omitted. Click here to view.
it seems this song was on the 'Kill Bill' soundtrack, which is probably where >>5508235 heard it

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>It did that twirly thing crocodiles do.
And this is the niggerest thing posted in this thread.
>massive jowls on the shark
why did they do this?
discovery channel is fake and gay

just finished binge watching this entire channel of chink traffic fuckery, have some highlights

257 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
>jumpscares are truly the lowest form of horror
>muh construction codes
>bridges topple like jenga blocks when tapped by a boat
>Maybe the visor is tinted
That is a fucking terrible excuse.
>China has record amount of cameras like Russia has, so that is why there is so many videos available

Most of these videos are dashcams. Europe and North America have the biggest dashcam markets.

>zillion ton shipping boat slams into a critical support column
>it rained

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178 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
damn nice OC anon, did you write the lyrics?
kek, saved just for the image

231 replies and 77 images omitted. Click here to view.
this one is 720p
>less light
it's basic optics, diffraction or something
shit like this was "known" in Antiquity
Penalty for using ClickHouse
The mechanism is irrelevant. His point is that incentives can hinder problem-solving, and he's right.
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Previous >>5481247
157 replies and 106 images omitted. Click here to view.
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funky february edition

prev >>5321345
246 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nah dude. We may give alot of shit to boomers but when 9/11 happened and they said the world just ended, they were right about that
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I think it's his second album. Honestly his most recent one, 4D, is fucking amazing if you like hardvapour. Contra, Minesweeper, Scud - fucking awesome songs from that album

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Fake news, extremist views
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>Why is there a right-wing /pol/ thread outside of /pol/?

Because this site is extremely right wing and racist. /pol/ is just where we all go to talk exclusively about politics.
>Nazis aren't right-wing

Cuckservatives get the rope. So incredibly fucking stupid and ineffective.
>This is judeo-christian maga country.

Fuck off zio-christcuck loser. This country was NEVER jewish you fucking rat.
Actually it was, see "free white men of good character" included Jews
Nazis are economic centrists, because they believe in taxes. Libertarians are more right than Nazis on the economic axis of the political compass

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37 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
he should try a career in comedy
The joke went right over your head.
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>Some Japanese child with no interest in music will play the hardest riff in the world just like it's guitar hero - literally the same thing just memorize motions and repeat it very fast.
That's the truth for every sound made with any instrument ever.

Share videos that are similarly informative.
178 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
the horse denture truly is a hispanic marvel
In the middle of winter it is rarely so. You can see it's very dry by the snow blowing of the roof. I know precisely that weather and it's no warmer than -10C and it is probably at least -20C
the relative humidity being high doesn't mean it's very humid anon, at -10c there can only be like 10% of the water in the air as there is at 30c, both at the same relative humidity
you hold the pressure not push or pull just hold its a learned skill like everything else she is doing in the clip

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Idk how to not make this look like shit but im posting it anyway
nice. sauce on second song?
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post stupid shit
268 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
>says "blondie girl"
>types "blobby girl"
What am I missing here?
The song existed before the animation.
Having the original song pitch changed and sped up can kind-of hide that. It can sound like "blobby girl" in this version.
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Here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9YzWb2pp-8
Man, those really were unfunny, thanks anon.

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post all things Trump related
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251 replies and 90 images omitted. Click here to view.
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more fed nigger shit
me wondering if that trap i masturbated to was actually trans or not
stfu faggot
>remember when the feds tried their hand at this
Song at the end?

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