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File: Moto 1700749494525.webm (1.45 MB, 1280x720)
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2 wheels
133 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
holy shit
literal GTA character dialog
the hand color never lies
>dude with a knife was so angry that he stabs a truck.
>Let me get out of my uninvolved suv and run at knife wielder.
What was the plan? Was she hoping that stabbing a pickup truck might've dulled the knife enough so the it wouldn't be quite as deadly?
Ruts are bad enough on a 19-21" wheel, can't imagine what it would be on a scooter like that.

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Post any clips you have of these legends
16 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
These guys fell off hard. Wheres the flart to save this shitty thread?
They built a boxing gym in their house with their dad's landscaping money
Post it yourself dipshit.
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Ask and ye shall receive
Kill yourself >>5521275

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fight thread part 2... the fightening
14 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Darkwood Grain Ring.webm (2.46 MB, 640x846)
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>nobody steals his shoes or whatever is in his pockets
That's the difference between the races right there.
audio version plz?
Rad lads
Got moar?

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There's no subject to this thread, just reply to other posts and post webms relevant to your reply or the post you're replying to. Like that game where each person tells a part of the story (except i expect multiple concurrent strings of replies).
53 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
> satanic megacheck
Nah, he's definitely looking stupider.
The very definition of based
holy kek out loud, this is epic

11 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Too retarded to turn that into a webm?
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Here's another anti woman agenda op.
Religion is lost on women
Litteral retard

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4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
imagine being the pajeet who spams these all day every day having to come to terms with the fact he hasn’t influenced board culture even slightly
we don't like fags, you retard
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And jannies are protecting pajeets by deleting parody threads mocking their culture
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They went a bit too far with the last link, need to keep it sfw

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gimme some good /x/tier stuff
70 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
what am i looking at?
swamp gas

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187 replies and 104 images omitted. Click here to view.
Man I'm so glad I never got into this trash
What is Touhou?
the shmup never truly evolved, everything you may have heard of is not canon and purely fanfiction, memes consists of several decades old insider jokes, doujin music scene is on life support since 2018 and barely hanging on with occasional jazz/piano/eurobeat releases, Comiket popularity on a decline with the younger audience more into gacha and vtubers, touhou threads on 4chan constantly shuffling the same memes in a two-threads rotations to avoid suspicion, /jp/ threads diverging into subtopics of touhou (lewds, shipping, fumos) but not directly discussion the series

here, I summarized all the points.
Is this the best bait chatgpt could come up with for you?
faggot grifttuber

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Show those non-White women who just love White men. Sound is preferred. Cute and wholesome is preferred over degrading and mean to non-White men.
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Can anybody tell me who that is? Some people were shocked that "this girl" in particular would do some rice mixing video project.
huh, these guys are white but look nothing like me... weird...
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Oh my God, they truly are crazy over white men! Though they make up for a good couple to be honest!
Cringiest thread of all time.

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104 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
Impressive as the animation is, I really think that Vincent Price's performance elevates the character to being the most entertaining aspect of the film.
Paired with William's animation, Zigzag becomes one of the greatest animated villains ever in my opinion.
Did the naked warrior not see the bow man take aim? He had a shield. What a dumbass
It's up to you, it's your life on this rock.
All I can tell you is anyone trying to sell you a certain way of life is trying to control/decieve you. Sense reality around you and think truly for yourself.
Are we ever going to get a version of the full movie of this? How much was completed when he died? Even an unfinished compilation or something like the Recobbled Edition would be amazing.
got ourselves a skydiving expert over here

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Song name?
Negative XP - Murder on My Mind
>I've been humming and singing "sippin' alien lean the Agarthan dream" for the past 3 days.
lmao, I'm not alone.

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bunny gifs
83 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
begone pest
So did the hare fight back and survive?
I always find it funny how much of their body is just fluff.
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26 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
which one?
what the hell happened? gas/alcohol vapor in the caR?
nerve gas
Chick on the left is higher in the pecking order
Who else see

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150 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
how do you know
>how do you know
i follow her on teether
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Post anything folk-ish. Neo-folk, historical reconstructions, etc.
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I guess this could count as neofolk
so bump
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Säkkijärven Polkka

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