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>Oh, hey Anthony.
22 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
>burned by Murray for the winner
>'cooking' joker
>still gets 27/20/10
the fuck was he cooking? hot pockets and top ramen?
one of the dumbest posts in /sp/ history
>Please don't cripple me, my bones are made of paper mâché.
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>Anthony Davis: "Jamal Murray made a shot."
>Drops the mic
>leaves while seething

I think he will be the CY young winner
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In my country,nobody knows who he is

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Imagine mocking a 2nd division team that came back from a 3-0 loss and almost kicked you out through pens
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Check the catalog before posting, retard
Their players did the same shit during the comeback. Regardless, how could an argensimian honestly argue against this kind of shithousery? Pathetic.
The anglo flags quickly jump to the defense of the millionaire club with the devil in its logo
you just know the op is seething so much because anthony is brazilian and thats why he's desperate to make people here trash talk him
if he was argensimian he would be sucking his balls non stop and calling that an alpha male behavior
yea man everyone already how trash anthony is no need to make another thread about that
>you just know the op is seething so much because anthony is brazilian
came here to post this
such cancerous behavior

Miss me yet?
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lol no. I will still laugh at the fact they chose him, Harris, Hordford, and Brown over Butler however.
He won
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>Ben Simmons
>currently working as a door dasher
>dog shit but currently playing in the NBA playoffs
I'm thinking Philly won.

>Lebron the GOAT misses a wide open clutch basket
>non All Star leaf goes the other way and hits a game winner in the face of Anthony Generational Defender Davis

How is Lebron the GOAT in this sport?
>How is Lebron the GOAT in this sport?
He's not and never has been. Only retarded Zoomers push that narrative.
lebrick is the gayest of all time

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Could Serie A ever go back their glory days?
What are you talking about schizo nigger

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39 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
>the talent pool is getting smaller
Not at all. A lot of soccer, rugby, baseball and other sports players end up in the NFL. The NFL is trying to expand their market to Europe and South America, and make it an international sport like soccer, but instead of UEFA, it's NFL running things. MLB wants the same thing, but they can't seem to get their shit together. NHL wants the same thing, and they'll probably be able to do it as well.
you don't open an academy in Africa because you want the African market, you do it to get players.
Anon, it's a business, they're cheap. Why do you think so many south americans play in Euro footy?
there is a long history of players from all over the world playing in Europe. To a lesser extent it's the same for basketball and baseball. The NFL didn't give a shit about academies in Africa until the brainrot crisis.
very zesty fit

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Lebron James
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He needs to quit stat padding and just retire already. Don't know why this bag less cancer is still in the league.
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>Lebron James

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Cavaliers up 1-0
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The Cavs are essentially the same team they were last year. They got picked apart by non-retarded coaching and a game plan. No, Cavs. You haven't broken the memechuck meta by having a bunch of bigs and going for 2s. You're playing inferior basketball. You can get away with it during the regular season when teams are going to prioritize good basketball that works against 90% of teams instead of expending practice time to face a team they'll see a couple of times during the regular season. But when it comes down to a 1 vs 1 situation in a bo7 situation, you're going to lose.
they had literally no wings last year and they went and got Niang and Strus specifically to fix that. In addition, Okoro improved at 3's and shoots 39% now so he's not useless on O anymore. They will limit the time Allen and Mobley play together and be more of a traditional team and less a giants+midgets
stopped reading like one fourth through your post cause it was already too retarded

do better next time
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Will my team go back to back this year?
They almost lost to the Lakers so I doubt it. If Nuggets are playing this bad against the 7th or whatever seed, going up against Celtics/Clippers/OKC will be fucking impossible.

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Football used to be a cool game back in the day when they played with the heads of their enemies.
Is this dude still in hiding for the acid attack?
BTW... Happy manmade non existing new year. From a 12 month calendar even though there are actually 13 months and if you go even deeper time doesn't even exist.
do you even have proof of that or is it just a religious belief?
blud has manmade hair

Sam Presti was 16 when he wrote this.

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Because Kobe would despise these bum Lakers now. And Kobe would like Mirray..
are you a cancuck
post some derogatory things about every part of great britain and its colonies
people hate /pol/ and rightfully so, but /int/faggots like you are just as cancerous. flags outside of major events was a mistake for /sp/
alright you're lyin and grandstandin, better luck next roll on the samsara wheel

Oh no no no no Lakers bros
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LeChoke, LeBrick, LeAlwaysWillBe#2. Lefraud. LeEmbiid. LeShit, LeDiddy
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>hard to beat a team 10x in a row

is it?

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So why the fuck didn’t the Lakers throw the play-in game again

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I so hate any woman without a monobrow who feels the need to do eyebrow maintenance. What are those caterpillars?
Can't answer the question?

It hurts but it's the truth. Digits don't lie. Luckily Soilers are worst. Now look at this comeback.
Gambling scandal
Of course Dallas are the only team to lose game 1
If Otter looks like this the series is over

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Yeah, you're not gonna win shit with the Sixers my dude. Shame since you're actually the only player worth a crock of shit on that team. Demand a trade this offseason why don't you?
It is so obvious that the NBA is scripted. He purposefully gave them two opportunities to come up with the ball.
>sweep incoming

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