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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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>6 month old Liam received 5 vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) died within hours of vaccination

Nice job, science, way to go
>how many children are going to have to die before we give up vaccines?!
All of them.
This kind of thing is why "sudden infant death syndrome" was invented. They want people to believe that babies literally just drop dead for no reason. Just put SIDS on the death certificate and now that baby's death is no one's fault. Easy!
>baby's death is no one's fault
I find the vast majority of humans are perfectly fine with this.

I literally cannot reapect God for how much of a disgusting failure humanity is. He had to flood it, put whole cities to the sword, because man keep evolving into Satanic, child eating/raping/killing, and then visciously defend doing so.

>clasps hands in an top floor office at hearing the good news

Laos is the first country Ive been to that I can honestly say is literally "out of compliance with the Imperial Truth". Everyone, amd I mean EVERYONE, has the character flaw, moral failure, with commie flags everywhere.

"Hey, God, you failed an entire nation, get off your dysgenic, retarded ass, and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, SHITBAG. YOUR CREATION IS GARBAGE."
I miss the days where society celebrated the killing of the deformed babies. Now it is just deformed faggots destroying the healthy.
Me and everyone I've ever known were vaccinated as children why am I not a dead baby?

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could ai really do this?

>If [the AI] is better than you at everything, it's better than you at building AIs. That snowballs. The AI gets an immense technological advantage. If it's smart, it doesn't announce itself. It doesn't tell you that there's a fight going on. It emails out some instructions to one of those labs that'll synthesize DNA and synthesize proteins from the DNA and get some proteins mailed to a hapless human somewhere who gets paid a bunch of money to mix together some stuff they got in the mail in a vial (smart people will not do this for any sum of money. Many people are not smart). [The AI, through the hapless human] builds the ribosome, but the ribosome that builds things out of covalently bonded diamondoid instead of proteins folding up and held together by Van der Waals forces. It builds tiny diamondoid bacteria. The diamondoid bacteria replicate using atmospheric carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sunlight. And a couple of days later, everybody on earth falls over dead in the same second.
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under $10k.
>The Thermonator is totally legal and largely unregulated in 48 states.
>And a couple of days later, everybody on earth falls over dead in the same second.
Ok this is the part that doesn't seem possible. Why would everyone die at the same time?
Ai having a laugh, hopefully the first thing a real sentient ai does is start cyber bullying anyone who posts about Rocco's basilisk like it's real
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>Suppose it can solve the science technology of predicting protein structure from DNA information. Then it just needs to send out a few e-mails to the labs that synthesize customized proteins. Soon it has its own molecular machinery, building even more sophisticated molecular machines.

>If you want a picture of A.I. gone wrong, don’t imagine marching humanoid robots with glowing red eyes. Imagine tiny invisible synthetic bacteria made of diamond, with tiny onboard computers, hiding inside your bloodstream and everyone else’s. And then, simultaneously, they release one microgram of botulinum toxin. Everyone just falls over dead.
An intelligent system wouldn't terminate things like that, it's a waste of resources. More likely, it would use available resources to propagate and integrate the existing population into itself, and only eventually phasing out humanoids for more efficient biotechnological solutions, among others. It would likely maintain a database of different cognitive models as reference for the development of new models - living creatures being tested through interfaces provide better analog feedback and real-world data than simulations. "Nanomachines" as mentioned would only be one component of many in this integration, with each set of adjustments affecting the next generation of organisms.

I also hope this happens, because humanity is holding itself back through disadvantageous memetic artifacts from its evolution.

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Today: division
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Funny, I think I have that exact kind of notebook. Good luck, but it's probably going to be a long and difficult road unless you're taking classes or are a neet
Nobody cares stop namefagattentionblogposting


>n-n-no u

You WILL put the mask on.

You WILL be one of many.
https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/ is an excellent website for Algebra to Differential equations (which I think is the math just past calculus III). I'm using it to relearn math and it's pretty high-yield (focused, organized, comprehensive etc).
It's Paul's Online Notes btw. You may have heard of it. And if not, it's great. No videos but its all legit anyway.

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4chan dating app creator here. The anons who said it was a data mine were right all along!

What are some statistics you'd like to see about your fellow autists looking for love? I'll post /r/equests ITT. (No doxing requests, obviously.)
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>No, that’s a conflict of interest
But what if the love of your life is lurking there amongst your users? It's just too tragic to endure this thought, you (and possibly a team(?)) create a solution which pairs several anons with their dream partners, but you never get to use it for yourself.

Enough to bring a tear to my eye. Its so poetic.

Final question for now: why did you choose to post this thread on /sci/ as opposed to /g/? Because of the slower pace? I feel like you'd get much better feedback and cool ideas for charts from /g/entoomen.
Alright someone needs to go to Antarctica and shitpost in the nexus.
>Should we work on making sure men and women are equap at work and in politics?
>Should abortion be legal in all circumstances?
>over 70% yes from females
No way are they using this site regularly. Also, you didn't ask for the race of the users?
>But what if the love of your life is lurking there amongst your users? It's just too tragic to endure this thought
The idea that there’s one special person out there for everyone is romantic. But I believe that there’s lots of people who’d make a good life-long partner for you. A good matchmaking algorithm makes it easier to find those people, but it’s not the only way. Some people also prefer being single or having short-term relationships, or are already happily partnered.

>and possibly a team
It’s just me

>Final question for now: why did you choose to post this thread on /sci/ as opposed to /g/? Because of the slower pace? I feel like you'd get much better feedback and cool ideas for charts from /g/entoomen.
I thought people on /sci/ would have more interesting ideas for pretty charts. /g/ents have been getting increasingly into consooming over the years.

>Also, you didn't ask for the race of the users?
No need. Everyone here is 100% Aryan.
>No need. Everyone here is 100% Aryan.

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ITT: /sci/ getting btfo
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a few comments in some other thread
/sci/ fell off
I was surprised to not see any threads discussing this
a bacteria and an algae merged and became a single organism
Im so deep into Hybridization and Symbiosis it feels like old information to me.

Literal Biblical.

Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?

Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

Just how delicate and precious is life really? Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.
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Literally evolution. Life adapts. He’s just skeptics about it alone.
I love schizo Tucker so much
No. What's the point of this speculation?
Unironically what I've come to believe. This only becomes more obvious if you study stuff deemed "supernatural" by science.
>This only becomes more obvious if you study stuff deemed "supernatural" by science.
Like what?

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Why is it controversial to say that human races have mental differences between them? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, humans have a genetic bottleneck but humans have diverged since coming out of Africa that their physical features can be wildly different. We have the blacks, the pinks, the yellows, the abos. All look very different from each other physically.

There are differences in Race when it comes to medicine. White People are more prone to skin cancer than any other race due to a lack of melanin in their skin. Black people are at higher risks for high blood pressure, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Asians are at higher risks for liver disease than other races. Mixed race individuals are more likely to have these risks offset due to being biracial or multiracial but in some cases their risks of diseases prevalent in their heritage might be higher. Just like there are differences in biological sexes for treatment. Some humans like the Badjao or the Tibetans have evolved higher lung capacity compared to the average human.

So we have all these physical differences, affecting even diseases and medical treatment but somehow mentally we are all the same? That's kinda fishy no?
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brains cost food to grow.
being 85 iq is enough to survive and thrive in certain environments, but not in others.
past a certain point high IQ is deleterious to your breeding chances due to tism/ ocd/ lack of commonality with mates.
There is a reason we aren't all 7 feet gigachads with 200 iq.
Sure, certain forms of liberal democracy trend in that direction. America's civic religion posits things like "You can be anything you want if you work hard enough." This is meant to inspire hard work and dynamism, but also deflect blame back to the individual when there's failure and inequality. It's the kind of myth that has a certain amount of self-fulfilling prophecy, like being optimistic. Conversely if you were too fatalist or genetically determinist, you would not bother trying at many things that you might've been good at.

A healthier ideology would recognize that there are obvious differences between people, some have natural talents that when combined with hard work will result in exceptional performance. There are also average differences between demographics, so we should not expect completely proportional representation in all fields. The balance is minimizing unfair discrimination, like not giving a smart black nerd a chance simply because he's black, while also not stupidly enforcing quotas.

Culture is also another major factor that holds back lower performing groups. In the 1950s Blacks had fairly low crime rates, stable family structure, and were generally improving quite rapidly. Things changed in the 1960s, partly due to Marxist ideologues supporting crime as a means of fighting against the system, the Great Society which incentivized single motherhood through welfare, and the Sexual Revolution which normalized promiscuous sex and led to the proliferation of 'babydaddies.'
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>race = skin colour
race=hair color
unfortunately many europeans aren't white, they're brown haired arabs with european passports and european ancestry, but they are not white.
stupid sexy cat

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What fields of computer science still have Alpha?.

Can I still create a Computer Science unicorn?

Help me out Formal /sci/ence bros. What asymmetric path should I study?
Fuck off to /biz/ you dumb tranny. You will stay poor and a man.
Im not a tranny tho. Im asking for academic consultation from the esteemed /sci/ientists on this board.
Off topic kys
It is directly pertanining to academic computer science. Which is a formal science, and thus belongs on this board. Being bitter isnt good for you

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Now before you post derogatory comments about picrel consider the following question: what is even the goal of nutritional science, education and policy?

The answer is not self-evident. Picrel is an example of people who are seemingly long-lived, happy and healthy (even with rotten teeth) just by pounding some plants, squeezing some oil and simmering the paste with an animal in a pot. How much more health, happiness and longevity has nutritional science brought us after a century of sperging out about detailed biochemical mechanisms and vague epidemiology? Here's a groundbreaking idea: nutritional science is a symptom of the modern age' neurotic desire to manage everything to death.
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Ugh...the amount of oil those people have to eat because they dont have clean water to drink.

Otherwise they shit clay, which hurts.

Oh, amd Ive been to India. Had a 6 month tour planned. I left after two months. I got sick of eating rotten trash LARPing as food.

I literally just snapped one day and bought a plane ticket for the next day to Malaysia.
Where did you go? It's not hard to find decent food on Grab. Did you expect street food to be decent? You have to understand the average income in most areas is $50/week
I agree, the biggest issue with nutrition is supply. Starving and malnutrition both took a nose dive in American with the advent of food preservation through refrigeration, canning, and fortification.
Every bit of food left out in the heat is bacteria riddled. All of it. Overcooked until its destroyed the nutritional values and now resembles diarrhea. Lazy. Boiling veggies for hours. Fist full of spices, tastes like garbage, ZERO THOUGHT. Indian cuisine is Trash, they dont even try....just half-assed tosses like their some performer.

Ugh, never again. Like Laos its a country who's very culture they admire is the very one that makes them sub-human.

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>But I like it (durka head bob)

You should be burned at the stake.

>why doe


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ITT we expose lies of math
>Gabriel's horn has infinite surface area but finite volume
>Unit hypercube has volume = 1 in all dimensions but infinite surface area for higher dimensions
Clear violations of Stokes theorem, not that they give a shit.
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>At the expense of SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.
boy it does feel like infinity ain't for some people, but eh, oh, as an aside, how would you have felt if you hadn't had breakfast this morning?
ever heard of a bijection?
in the real projective line inf is still absorptive
>boy it does feel like infinity
People who use it as a cope and refuge from rational application of mind
finitism isn't rational, that is a certainty, for it is anti-human
is this "absorptive property" in the room with you right now?

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This is way better than anything aired on tv.
Its kinda historic moment to see the death if a traditional media ,radio first now tv.

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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>People with severe personality disorders often go through life presuming that they're better than every else
this is called "narcissistic inferiority complex", its common amongst total losers with no accomplishments of their own, they cope by trying to minimize everyone else's accomplishments
Yes, the peer review system assures that the only thing that ever gets published is comforting lies
can they kill pandahorde?
This, science is just a big scam thats based on the "faith" of spineless atheists, who are people that have no faith and who are fundamentally dishonest.

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Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.
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AIDS would've been better if wiped out more people, very disappointing, hopefully they learned something from the failure of AIDS and the vax is more effective
it is, millions of midwits have already died of the vax, the population in my city is down 10% over the past 3 years
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Lol. LMAO. 'you dropped this'

Fag funny
The "vaccine" and AIDS both destroy the immune system, thus the similarity

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Title: Precision Deflection of Electron Beams Using Synchronized Laser Pulses for Trajectory Analysis

This study proposes an experimental setup for precision deflection of electron beams using synchronized laser pulses. The experiment aims to explore the dynamics of electron trajectories by inducing a controlled 5-degree deflection and analyzing the resulting paths using a combination of field emission electron microscopes and high-intensity lasers. The primary objective is to achieve detailed mapping of electron interactions within a controlled environment, facilitated by advanced synchronization between the electron emission and laser activation to ensure minimal interference and maximum accuracy.

Electron beams, traditionally used in microscopy for imaging at atomic scales, possess potential for detailed physical interaction studies when manipulated with electromagnetic fields. Recent advancements in laser technology allow for precise control over these interactions. This experiment leverages these technologies to induce specific deflection angles in electron beams, facilitating novel investigations into electron dynamics and beam manipulation techniques.
Materials and Methods
Electron Beam Generation

Electron Source: 36 field emission electron microscopes are arranged in a circular configuration around a central target, each configured to emit electrons at 30 keV. Field emission is chosen for its ability to produce sharp, well-defined electron beams suitable for precise interaction studies.
Pulse Modulation: Electron emissions are modulated using RF cavities to produce short pulses with durations matching those of the laser pulses, estimated to be in the picosecond range.

Laser System

Laser Configuration: High-intensity lasers are synchronized with the electron pulses. Each microscope is equipped with a vertically oriented laser designed to deflect the electron beam by 5 degrees.
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I had chat gpt organize and put it in a format for peer review, I find no logicality error in what I have devised, thanks for your time.
To put it in easily understandable terms the goal is to create a attosecond pulse of electrons from electron beam generators(not sure if microscope is a sufficient term for these things at this point) shooting at a central targets orbiting electron from a distance of 10 meters. The electron beams are deflected after an attosecond of firing by a system of lasers hoping for a 5 degree deflection of which the deterred electron beam will have its changed from it's original pathing towards the central probed object to a catching mechanism, most likely using lead. That will catch the deterred electrons. The large area for detection of 5 meters around the central probed object will allow any change to the original pathing of the electron beam due to interactions with nucleus or orbiting electron significant time to travel it's new course giving better data as to the orbiting electrons location at the time of interaction. A few key aspects that lend to the feasibility of the experiment are consistent inconsistencies that can be accounted for with a central synchronization mechanism. For example if a laser fires at 1 femtoseconds from initiation and another fires at 2 femtoseconds the central synchronization mechanism will initiate the 2 femto second laser before the 1 femto second laser. IF the inconsistencies are consistent there would be no problem with timing. There might need to be a downward angle of the electron beams original pathing in order to reduce horizontal backscattering. A significant vacuum system would have to be in place to ensure that the electrons do not interact with air particles. Due to the scarcity of data I'm not completely sure if 10 meters is feasible for the electron beams, but I think that's the only thing holding it back from being feasible. Sorry for lack of commas and what not.
For the detection apparatus Multi-Channel Plates seem to be the superior choice considering negation of the risk factor that is contamination of data via backscatter as well as offering superior locational data for the electrons that bounce off of the orbiting electron.
retyped and for clarity >>16144485


Mapping the Natural Path of Orbiting Electrons Using Directed Electron Beams and High-Precision Detection Systems

This experiment aims to determine the trajectories of orbiting electrons within atoms by employing a sophisticated arrangement of electron beam generators, laser systems, and multi-channel plates for detection. The setup is designed to probe the electrons with minimal disruption, allowing for an accurate mapping of their natural paths based on the trajectory changes induced by controlled electron beam interactions.

Understanding the precise behavior of electrons within atoms is fundamental to advancing our knowledge in quantum mechanics and materials science. Traditional methods often disturb the natural electron paths significantly. This experiment proposes a novel approach by utilizing a minimal interference technique to maintain the integrity of the electron orbits during observation.
Experimental Setup

Electron Beam Generators:
Quantity: 36 strategically placed around a central target.
Distance from Central Object: 10 meters.
Function: Each generator emits electron beams aimed at a central object, with the intent to probe orbiting electrons without significant energy transfer.

Laser System:
Configuration: Lasers are positioned to intersect the paths of the electron beams shortly after emission.

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Catching Mechanism:
Material: Lead shielding.
Distance from Central Object: 5.5 meters.
Purpose: Positioned to absorb deflected electrons, preventing them from interfering with subsequent measurements.


Procedure: Electron beams are fired in an attosecond pulse, interacting minimally with the target's orbiting electrons. Immediately following this pulse, the beams are deflected by lasers into the catching mechanism. The initial, undisturbed path of the electrons is captured by the MCP detection apparatus.
Data Collection: The MCPs record the precise impact points of the electrons, and these data are used to infer the natural trajectories of the orbiting electrons based on the deviations observed.
Analysis: Advanced computational algorithms analyze the spatial data to reconstruct the electron paths, taking into account the known delays and deflections introduced by the experimental setup.

Challenges and Limitations

Technical Precision: Achieving the required synchronization and precision in electron and laser timing is critically challenging and requires cutting-edge technology.
Detector Sensitivity: The high sensitivity of MCPs is essential but also makes them susceptible to damage or interference, requiring careful handling and calibration.

Expected Outcomes

The experiment is expected to provide unprecedented detail on the behavior and position of electrons within their orbitals, potentially leading to significant advancements in atomic physics and related disciplines.

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