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Schedule: https://774-schedule.ai/

Official website: https://www.774.ai/

Previous thread:????

Link to download the old Minecraft Server: https://www.774.ai/special-micra-2020-2022


【Inaba Haneru / 因幡はねる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Owc36U9lOyi9Gx9Ic-4qg
【Hinokuma Ran / 日ノ隈らん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvpMpzAXBRKJQuk-8-Sdvg
【Kazami Kuku / 風見くく】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXp7sNC0F_qkjickvlYkg-Q
【Yunohara Izumi / 柚原いづみ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8WKciBixmaqaGqrlTITRQ
【Seshima Rui / 瀬島るい】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WOBIopwUih0rytRnr_1Ag

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I'd rather be autistic than a liar like anon. "Watching HNST since debut" and "September 14th" are not the same thing.
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It's baffling to me how this game is popular when it's really just a worse version of Dream Club, with only 3 girls that all have the same body type. Sad state of affairs.
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I figured they had a couple of sponsored streams with big name streamers and everyone immediately jumped on board assuming its going to be the new big meta and wanting to be early on board
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man she is not pleased with herself for oversleeping for OW2

It's fish time!
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Mooooooooooods anon's posting dolphin porn.
Genuinely might be my favorite 2hu vid
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This fish must have huge upper body strength

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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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Combining the fact that the posts in question were not having an actual conversation but just circlejerking the exact same points on a complete tangent from the original post, with the fact that barely a handful of people on this back alley 2hu containment board actually care enough to post about ironic weeaboos and "anti-Japanese" sentiment instead of just ignoring them like the vast majority, the likelihood that there is more than one person involved in this miserable fellatiouroboros is so vanishingly small as to be irrelevant.
you sound upset nobody is circlejerking alongside your original bait post and are projecting big time
I will never understand the "Anime is trash and so am I" mentality, it looks so ass backwards to me.
You just sound called out and are now throwing random buzzwords at the wall to drown out it out.
I don't care to make the thread any worse either, so this is my last response.
Can someone rip Ori of the Dragon Chain LN4 / 龍鎖のオリIV-心の中の“こころ”-【特典SS付】【シーモア限定特典付き】EPUB ?

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Up there, up there is the house of the Anon
Up there, up there is the Anon who gave us hats
Up there, up there is the Anon who gave us his treasure
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such a good girl

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Previous thread:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
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Got 'im. Thing put up a hell of a fight, but at long last my zombie cat has been avenged.
How many werewolves are in this town??? ...Although, I guess a second werewolf would explain why a second detective showed up back then... Dangit. Guess I've still got work to do...
>Putit casts Incognito
Is the blue putit of death still around?
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>The pre-beta development is progressing well, and I'm planning to start significant changes to the home and tax systems from next month, aiming to begin the beta in early June. There may be a pre-beta build release for alpha players around the end of next month for testing purposes.

Post your /jp/ related artwork, music, and other media here!
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Post cirno boobs.
i dont know nothing about poems but arent they supposed to rhyme
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Moriya Shrine's day off
>stayed at home
Too hot for the world.

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I love Yuuka Kazami the Flower Master of the Four Seasons
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She's not serious all the time you know
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that just makes her even more dangerous, you think she'll let you escape if you catch her with her usual facade off?
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... escape?
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Eat the chiky!
She's cooling

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She’s so goddamn cute! I wanna hug her and build Gunpla with her all day.
Nice self promotion.
That one was definitely a morbid curiosity read.
The author is a woman and has a kid btw.

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Sitting Sanae is getting advertised?
>nobody has made an edit with conkers bad fur day ending
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Who the hell are you quoting?

Enough about good 2hu music, what is ZUN's worst track? Is there any stage or boss theme that you don't like enough so you'd rather play in silence? Or maybe an insta-skip on one of Akyu's Untouched Scores/Hifuu albums?
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Not the og anon, but both "Memento of the Avaricious Beast" and "Memento of All Organisms" are my top 2 tracks from 16 onwards, and proof he's still got it when he actually tries.
Rumias theme sucks and Im tired of pretending it doesnt.

>But, after SoEW, the music does trend towards being dreamy rather than dark and melancholic
Thats something that I liked about the first 2 games, and thats why I love Eternal Shrine Maiden so much, its so sad and melancholic yet fits Reimu so well, I really hate that its so underused.
Of older ZUN his worst track is Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land. It's not close either, that track fucking SUCKS.
>Rumias theme sucks and Im tired of pretending it doesnt.
Is the most nostalgic song for me, together with her stage theme

Insipid medium, you should've made a thread for Shinku too.
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anoare edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous Thread >>45654119

Happy Easter!
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>driven hearts
i will never be able to get the DOKI DOKI WAKU WAKU out of my head, its permanently engraved on my brain
back in college the TLMC was only 1TB, but now it's 4TB
so what do you guys do, run a seedbox?
Is there any Sabbath sounding stoner metal covers out there?
there's black church gospel

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Super Touhou LIVE Stage 2024
2 days of live Touhou doujin music with ZUN.

3:45 AM EDT - 7:50 AM EDT
April 23: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2ExzPfxea0
April 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YolRx1DLDM
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>that suika trumpet player
Who is the English singer with Yuuhei Satellite?
Seems like Shinma is the English speaking vocalist?
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ZUN's poses get more and more dynamic.

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She awakens.
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Stop posting christmas Haruka, we are in the middle of Spring

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