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Previous: >>3723021
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Still going

Tsuritama thread

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/4d_bY550wIs?si=7BVQP60bzikJSzrn

Previous thread: >>3712633
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Rider, Sentai, Garo, Kaiju, it's all good here
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Asakura....you can beat me to a bloody pulp any day.....

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Only the most adorable images are allowed.
Previous thread: >>3853230
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what was Nintendo thinking when they made Tulin

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Last thread: >>3863460
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Previous >>3882715
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'mouche on the 'log

Previous thread: >>3829193
215 replies and 140 images omitted. Click here to view.
I wish all AI art was like this, this is hot
Why is he so sad? I want to spoon him :(
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anal sex to all these pics

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The last thread reached its limit, let's continue here!
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/v/ edition
Previous thread >>3869834

Some free resources:





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>in 2001, metal gear solid 2 releases, everybody makes fun of raiden for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
>in 2024, raiden gets added to the fortnite store, everybody makes fun of him for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
Time really is a flat circle.
MGR Raiden is fine but I'd prefer you'd poast MGS2 Raiden :^)
46 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
what is a woman?
You will never be part of the club
is it gay if im a guy and i like raiden
Wow that's fucking awful. I know it's a game for children but do we really need to act like males don't gave bulges. What's next, flat cheated woman characters? heaven forbid we allude to the existence of breasts
Even has a clamshell design to prevent slippage

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Posting the most underappreciated man-thing in Naruto.
>long, black hair
>Chad jawline but also androgynous
>basically just Chris Keller (manipulative sociopath)
Why is Orochimaru so slept on in /cm/?
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"Hnnng" indeed, Anon; Orochimaru is pure sex.
>"Get in the robot, Sasuke."
[angry gay noises]
Would you?

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ar.t,. of the boy,.
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is it gay if im a guy and i like pinocchio
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of course not anon
it's straight to want to kiss guys
yes. you are gay.

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last thread: >>3779052

76 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
>attribute that shit solely or even mainly
You're right, I can't, so I won't.
Good points, but I still think Hazbin Hotel is the most analogous to Eddsworld.
While other machinima animations proved that it could be done on the regular, Eddsworld was among the first to get enough mainstream attention to almost get a show made of it. As for Hazbin, it's on Amazon Prime.
Plus, and this is also a highly subjective point, I think that though Eddsworld had a similar appeal and audience as machinima in its early days, as the 2nd series wore on, it began to amass a fanbase that's arguably less like Pogonyuto's or School 13's, and more like Hazbin's (cute boys).
I thought of some other shows/projects (Mondo Studios stuff, Homestar Runner) but I forgot them(?)

But let's just say that non-American countries also had their fair share (Lalala Demacia)

Also, dude, anything is a gay harem if you try hard enough. Just look at LP groups.

I don't see how Hazbin Hotel is the most similar to Eddsworld in general. Eddsworld kind of moved away from the typical Newgrounds fair by being more traditionally silly and cartoony. Hazbin Hotel feels more like the traditional Newgrounds causticity filtered through a (STRONG RUBY RED) Tumblr lens.
>non-American countries
Right, like the one Eddsworld comes from
And right, Homestar Runner, good mention.
I meant in terms of mainstream penetration and recognizability, Hazbin and Eddsworld are analogous, not necessarily similar.
Though in terms of fandom, I think they are outright similar, as both have a large, even majority contingent, of that kind of heavily Tumblr-leaning quasifujo tenderqueer following that you see for a lot of webcomics.
It's strange given its origins as a very straight person's type of elementary shitposting, though it does make sense given that it lost much of its Newgroundsness under TomSka. No more peeping on girls boning for you, Eddie. You're a cinnamon roll, now. And speaking of,
I think the really ironic thing is that TomSka seemed to conceive of Tord, the guy who he IRL never really liked, as being directly in opposition to his character thematically, as iirc, Tord was outright made to represent Edd's cancer. However, all that portrayal seemed to do was solidify Tomtord. It's also funny given how their interactions are so surface in that episode. Tord seems to think of Tom as an inconvenience at best, and Tom expresses zero fondness for him. The character both of them are fixated on is Edd
>Right, like the one Eddsworld comes from
Durrrrrrrr. ;P
Why are you acting like necroyaoi is weird

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AI Cat boys, stinky boy edition.
164 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
>a screenshot from a PlayStation 2 horror game, young man wearing a school uniform, abandoned Japanese village, heavy rain

I've used "Xbox 360" as well, the results are relatively the same.
It has so much soul compared to regular bingslop
New thread?
New thread >>3883822

Sunflower Edition?
Previous: >>3868787
184 replies and 135 images omitted. Click here to view.
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i may or may not have accidentally did this once
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D) But also when xey are 30 and all used up make many cuts till they bleed to death, stuff the body in a barrel, fill it with concrete and drump it in the middle of a large lake.
i don't usually think of hero as a twink but holy fuck i want him
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