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Previous: >>3818922
241 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
invite expired
7 inch dick kaworu confirmed.
New Thread?
By all means


I think he is a silly willy wholesome boi
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I want to kiss his cute face!!
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Anon... did you just imply you considered sex with w*men for a split second!?!?
Guys... burn him at the stake!!!

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new Hetalia thread, last one reached image limit

previous: >>3783594
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hi :D js wanted to share this cute art!!!! sorru if i did this wrong, i don’t use 4chan this is my first time also.. the captcha is so hard >:|
Terminally online assumption that everyday Poles would know or care what a Hetalia even is.
Also, culture war newfag, don't show your colors -- canon Poland is no NB-coded nothin, he's a girly boy, you better get your weab on before you even think about comin here.
Do you even like Hetalia?
Why is your "real" Poland such a 5/10 normie looking motherfucker?
There's already a fan design over on this very thread over at >>3797395 that's not a dumb joke token feminine boy and actually looks like a Hetalia character, fuck outta here w this shit
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Byler, Harringrove or Steddie

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Cute old men edition
Previous thread: >>3854384
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What the fuck
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they're so cute...
Luke/Jamie is the best thing to happen to Street Fighter, I hope they get gayer with each game.

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These stupid shapes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

A thread for original cute male characters that aren't necessarily in any "real" media. The oc can be yours or someone else's.

Picrel is an oc by snuffcorp
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This is (one of) my many oc's. His name is rascal, he's based on the black parade :3

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Previous >>3866885
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New >>3879509

Previous Thread
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I love this artist so goddamn much. They're Mao x Shinobu arts are really cute.
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I will, however wear the sailor swimsuit (セーラー水)
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New wallpaper aquired
Why are you engaging with a mentally ill shitposter? She doesn't want actual conversation she's just trolling and doesn't know what 陰間/オカマ is. Let her samefag and just post Arashi if you want since it's a male board and he belongs here.
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>>acktually gay women call themselves women all the time
As an ethnic Japanese who was raised in Japan: yes they do. Transgenders in Japan have better rights than homosexual male do, similar to Islamic countries, so a lot of gay men will turn to it. It is required so that homosexual couples can get married and receive marriage benefits. Forced sterilization of transgenders is overturned last year, something most states in Amerika still force. So, Japanese gay men can now pretend to be women and have more rights! But, they are still gay men.
It's ok just a troll, but this was to clear up. Men calling themselves women is to escape judgement. Men are not women.

One Wheat Mark is a webcomic by truckstoptiger05
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find more @ >>3878111 >>3878111 >>3878111
I thought it looked like Byler fanart.

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two wheat mark
last thread @ >>3857720
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Version without the story text on the image.
Russian is useful. You get to connect with Russians and basically all the Slavs minus the Poles, as well as those people who were under the yoke of the Soviets like the Kazakh.
And yes, no language is impossible to learn with enough resources.
At least you're not learning Estonian or Korean or something monstrous in an alien way. Russian is at least related to the other 2 you've mentioned, and if it's is complex, it's complex in a similar way
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another one i guess?? >>3879394
Handsome Michael!
>an ironic thing that developed into something he actually puts effort into
Story of my life.
It's funny, though, how much good content on the internet was born of shits and giggles.

Previous thread >>3873337
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>alhaitham uses ore
>kaveh uses boku
It's like poetry, they rhyme
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Look at these two doofuses playing Stardew valley multiplayer.
GIWTWM, new thread >>3879138
Xingqiu, Chongyun, Fremi, Mika and possibly Lyney are probably not adults

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Tummy edition
Previous: >>3861739
300 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
My cock
Sauce plz?
Made me cum
Bro seriously has the best tummy in anime

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Post Pika Edition
Previous thread: >>3854706
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This is literally a woman.
whats a woman?
No he isn't, and you need to fucking kill yourself.
kurapika fags are delusional. it's definitely a chick.

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Holy Boys Edition

Old: >>3874209

Trap shota: >>3855211
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
Shota literature: >>3821122
Shota figs and dolls: >>3853606
243 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
>file limit reached
NOOOO I still had more images ;_;
I blame Digimon for giving me this fetish
Make a new thread then :)
Small shota x slightly bigger shota is hotter.
NEW >>3878742

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